Chicken Curry

I made this wonderful chicken curry last week sometimes I feel sorry for my Indian hubby who isn't getting enough spicy food. The key to this curry is the first stage where you saute the onions and whole spices and grind with coconut to make a paste to add later. I once went to my father in laws village in India and had a chicken curry wow so good, it was more than likely the chicken on the roof I was taking pictures of earlier!, now that's fresh and local!

South Indian Chicken Curry 


  • one pack of chicken legs or thighs with the bone, that's the fun part to eat with your fingers and pull the meat of the bone :-)
  • one red onion chopped, 1/2 for the paste (chopped/diced) and 1/2 for curry sliced
  • 3 small chopped tomatoes
  • 4 small chopped potatoes par boiled
  • 1/2 a cup of coconut shredded unsweetened
  • 2 teaspoons of Garam masala
  • one teaspoon coriander powder
  • one tablespoon masala powder or a chicken curry powder from an Indian store
  • salt to taste
  • one stick of cinnamon
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 1/2 a cup of fresh coriander/cilantro
  • ginger/garlic paste about 2 teaspoons

  1. heat a little canola oil and then add cloves, cinnamon and onions and saute for 4-5 minutes then add a little tomato and the coconut and a dash of masala powder, grind and keep the paste for later
  2. meanwhile boil the potatoes to soften slightly
  3. then heat some more canola oil add sliced onion, ginger/garlic paste and the chicken legs and saute on high for 5 minutes to brown, add about one teaspoon of masala powder to coat chicken more can be added for extra heat as desired for 3 minutes
  4. then add the tomatoes and turn down to a lower heat with the coriander powder and garam masala, salt to taste
  5. after 10 minutes add the onion, spice and coconut paste and simmer for 30 minutes add chopped coriander/cilantro near the end and for garnish
  6. enjoy with rice or chapati 

memories from our last trip to India in September :-)

What are your favorite curry recipes?

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  1. You make the best-looking Indian food!! I wish I lived nearby!

  2. that is fresh, lol
    cute pics I really need to branch out into curries


  3. Lovely photos! I grew up eating my mom's curry chicken, so I am sure that your husband misses the spicy dish.

  4. Incredible curry and even more your picture near the elephant! :)

    All the best,


  5. the food hound aw thanks your kind
    sweetlife you will love curries :-)
    bormography oh thats cool you got food growing up:-)
    Gera aw thanks I love Elephants amazing animals

  6. I won't any chicken, my hubby does, it looks spicy.

  7. A beautiful pot of curry! Love the pic of you and Jasmine by the elephant.

  8. This is a beautiful looking curry Rebecca..I wish to reproduce it for my husband who loves coconut...what a lovely color.That pic with elephant in background is awesome.

  9. I love all types of curries. They are just so good with rice or paratha....mmmm...drooling :) Jasmine must be so attracted to see such a huge elephant. I would have run a thousand miles if such an elephant is so close by without any form of fence...LOL

  10. Your curry looks delicious. :)

  11. I love Indian food, but I'm not very good at making it! I had a friend in grad school from India, and she always made the most delicious meals. :)

  12. This looks delicious. I have never made a curry...I will have to give this a try. Thanks!

  13. mouthwatering n yummy chicken curry,,,,i lov chicken curry!..

  14. WOW! Your chicken curry looks so delicious making me hungry. ;DD

  15. I had to smile at your comment about the chicken on the roof. How sweet of you to makes you husband's favorites and get some spice into his life :) Your chicken curry sounds delicious!

  16. Me encanta el curry y si encima con pollo.


  17. wow darling u r mastering indian food...chciken curry looks really tempting n mouthwatering..u r killin me...lovely memories of ur india trip...nice pics...thanks for sharing...

  18. You're too funny! I bet you're right, it WAS the chicken on the roof, haha. I love Indian food as you know, and this curry looks like perfection :) Thanks for sharing, your husband is lucky to have you cooking for him!

  19. Local and fresh works! :) Good job with the chicken, it sounds great!

  20. Nice pictures of your trip Rebecca....and the Chicken curry looks delicious.

  21. Perfect weather for chicken curry; it has been a while; you are giving me ideas;looks good.

  22. Ok, love you explanation on how to do the curry! Who knew?

    Also the chicken thing is awesome...yes fresh I would say!

    I just posted a curry recipe today. I can't get enough!

  23. Oh how I love curry. This sounds delicious Rebecca! Love the picture with the elephant!

  24. Love your curry! I have a goal of cooking more Indian cuisine this new year and I'll be looking to your blog to help. :) I loved the description about grinding the coconut with the spices. Thus far I've only had Thai curry from the source. Others have been in the States.

  25. Nancy thanks
    swathi :-)
    Kim thanks
    Tanvi oh wow hope he likes it
    Mary he he the trainers keep them in check
    Indie.tea thanks
    Emily if i can do it so can you
    Lisa look forward to seeing your curry
    Subhie thanks
    Anncoo come and get some
    Susan :-)
    Jose thanks
    sanyuka thanks so much
    Kulsum thanks so much
    Victoria aw your too kind
    Pam :-0
    Juliana thanks
    Rita oh you need some he he
    teresa thanks
    design wine and dine on my way over
    Julie thanks
    Lori oh thanks look forward to helping u my friend

  26. Such a delicious and super flavorful curry here, yum!

  27. sommer thanks
    5 star foodie thanks so much

  28. How funny, did I just read you saw the chicken running around before it was invited to dinner LOL

    My mom told us stories about how you could not grow fond of animals or they likely end up on your table.

    You know me, I love love love the curries! I have eaten chicken tikka masala twice this week, and a buffet today!

  29. Nothing like a good curry with all of its spices to keep you warm! Looks delicious.

  30. Lovely pics from India. Sure lil one had lot of fun :-) Chicken curry with coconut paste is too good :-)

  31. What a lovely post - Congratulations on your blog award from Mission: Food.

    Shari from

  32. chicken curry is my usual friday dinner.

  33. I love a curry, especially one made with garam masala. Gorgeous, as always, as is your little helper. :)

  34. That's definitely fresh and local. I read in one of my Indian cook books that there are not too many chicken dishes in India. Is that true?

    Meanwhile your curry looks amazing.

  35. I'm so excited to make this. I love Indian food. Well, I've probably never had extremely authentic Indian food. I mean, I live in Hawaii. It's probably not authentic at all. But I still love it.

  36. Yum. This looks wonderful, Rebecca, and I bet your husband adored it.
    Also...the previous post with shrimp and bok choy is divine. Going to try it soon.

  37. Chef E oh your lucky where you live to get good curies
    Joanne so true
    Gulmohar it was fun but hard at the same time
    Shari thanks will head over there
    Kamana great meal
    Lisa thanks so much
    Lori thanks not sure I think there must be loads of curry recipes
    Mariko cool and cool you live in Hawaii neat
    Barbara thanks so much hugs

  38. oh that looks so yum...i had been craving for chicken today, i need them right now :)

  39. The curry looks sinfully spicy and tempting- you've got me hungry!! Great pictures too

  40. I feel my American husband isn't getting enough spciy food :) This looks great. I make Aloo Gobi (sp?) a friend shared her recipe. We do a lot of thai curry dishes too with green curry. I am always scared by the # of ingredients for weeknight cooking, how long would you say this takes. I know, it's probably well worth it.

  41. Ananda come on over
    malli thanks
    Lauren love Aloo gobi its takes a good hour to make this curry but you have leftovers :-)

  42. Yum! Looks fantastic. I adore chicken curry.


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