Kitchen Tips from Facebook and Twitter......

The other day I posted a fun question on the facebook page
"What are your favorite kitchen tips?"......, they were so good I had to share feel free to add yours below...

  • Heather Walters A dull knife is the most dangerous thing in your kitchen.
  • @YouCanCookThis Kate Knowles -Peel butternut squash with a veg peeler. It doesn't look like it would work but it does. Or did everyone know that?
  • @MikeLok Mike Lok  Use it? :-) - Or, buy oils in bulk (5/10 litres) decant into glass pourers to use, 1/4 of the price.
  • @RandomCuisine Victor  Don't coat chicken breasts with cayenne pepper and cook it in a skillet without any oil. hahah
  • @Cornabys Cornabys Keep sharp objects out of the sink and the dishwasher. In the sink they'll ruin you, in the dishwasher you'll ruin them.
  • @bossmomonline Portia Mount  everything tastes better with Panko! I'm obsessed with it.
  • @RellaBellaK Rella Kaplowitz  Use a paper towel to help peel the skin off of roasted beets (can't remember where I learned that but it works!)
  • Lynn Landry Clean as you go. And stop using sponges. use this instead: Skoy!
  • @gettanvi Tanvi Srivastava Soaking the garlic pods in water for 10 minutes makes it a lot easy to peel them
  • Amy Jennifer Stone Byrd I freeze broth and wine in icde cube trays to use later on in soups and sauces. It stores better in zip bags that way and I can use a little or a lot.
  • John Switzer always have someone else taste the cream,if you think it's bad
  • Cool Lassie Always start with a clean sink. I am a happy cook when my kitchen sink is free of dirty dishes!
  • Sarah Reid Clean as you go!! It annoys the heck out of me when my mom cooks since she's the "leave till later" kind.
  • @ Kate Knowles 

    @ re-use attractive jam jars and coffee tins as vases / tea light holders

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  1. I love the tip, clean as you go! This is one I am trying to work on. I hate having a big mess after I have dinner and just want to relax.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Very good tips.
    Thanking you all.
    Have a great weekend ♥

  3. Thanks for the tips!Happy weekend to you and your fam!

  4. I didn't know you could freeze wine to use in recipes. Love that tip!

  5. i love all the tips.. esp the clean as you go... as we use that at home too. My daugher one time called me and she said: Mom I still follow the CAYGO which stands for.. yep you guessed it right... Clean As You GO Her flatmates also use the term CAYGO a lot now too.

  6. Thank you for sharing alll these tips; great information.

  7. Great tips! I always empty my dishwasher before entertaining so my counters don't get cluttered and I clean as I go!

  8. Malou love that one
    brownieville girl :-)
    Rita thanks to all who helped
    Lisa great tip


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