Roasted Eggplant and Tomato Penne

When I saw this recipe on Deb's blog kahakai kitchen, I just knew this one was for me, I have roasted eggplant before and added to pasta but never with cherry tomatoes and pureed it wow the flavor was divine hubby also loved this one, remember he is a curry kind of guy. This one is a keeper its easy to make and super healthy eggplant (brinjal in India, Aubergine in Europe) is good source of Vitamin K, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Potassium and Manganese, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber. This recipe was so good I even got another eggplant in the store today to make it again :-)

  • one medium eggplant cubed
  • 1/2 a box of cherry tomatoes diced
  • 5 cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint
  • for the salad - fresh greens, cherry tomatoes, a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar and crumbled feta
  • about a cup of penne 
  1. place the garlic, eggplant and cherry tomato on grease proof paper and bake for 25-30 minutes until soft 
  2. allow to cool slightly and blend, a added a touch of water to it
  3. meanwhile cook the penne til al dente
  4. finely chop the mint 
  5. then toss the tomato and eggplant puree with the penne and mint
  6. serve with a fresh salad and enjoy :-)

What is your favorite eggplant recipe?

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  1. I really love eggplant. There's this Asian version I like where it's pan fried and then marinated with sriracha, vinegar, mint, cilantro, sugar, garlic-- divine. I especially love it with pasta though, and would love to try this.

  2. Thanks for the shout out. ;-) I'm glad you liked the recipe! Giada did good with this one and I love how healthy it is too.

  3. I am completely in love with eggplant and cherry tomatoes. How nice to see them together:)

  4. This definitely does sound like a keeper. I love eggplant and it sounds wonderful prepared like this. Loving that it is easy too:)

  5. Healthy and colorful! Love the combination.

  6. Oh my goodness, what a delicious dinner idea! This looks so wonderful. I'll have to try it sometime! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I am a traditionalist and eggplant parmesan is a favorite but this sounds like something I would love as well. Very yummy!

  8. Delicious! I love Eggplant especially roasted in pasta dishes!

  9. I used to dislike eggplant but now learn to appreciate, this dish looks nice.

  10. Mmm...lovely meal in a plate. I love eggplants...the only one in my family. So I always enjoy all :D

  11. Like Mary Moh above I am in a family of eggplant-haters (a little harsh but true) which stinks! I still make Baba Ganoush though I too end up eating most of it. I like the mint addition here. I could see making it for girlfriends with GF pasta or even potenta maybe.

  12. I will have to give this a try. I order eggplant dishes when I am in a restaurant but haven't made myself. Mostly because everyone else in the house "thinks" they don't like eggplant. This might win them over. Thanks!

  13. Beautiful! I love eggplant too and must cook with it more! I'm not sure what holds me's so good for you and easy to use! Thanks for sharing Deb's recipe!

  14. Roasted eggplant is one of my favorite things!! What a nice dish with Greek flavors!

  15. Rebecca- This is a beautiful recipe. Don't you love it when you make a recipe and then love it so much that you run out and buy the ingredients to make it again? Sounds like a keeper!

  16. This pureed roasted eggplant and tomatoes sound fantastic! I have combined these roasted vegetables with pasta but have never tried them pureed as a sauce.

  17. Oooo, I love the idea of eggplant and fresh mint!

  18. I'll definitely be adding eggplant x2 to my shopping list this week! Wonderful dish Rebecca!

  19. This does sound delicious! I've been craving pasta lately.

  20. I love this idea!! I too have never thought to puree eggplant in a sauce for pasta, but these are all great flavors and I'm sure this would be an easy and delicious dinner! Yum!

  21. Me encanta esta receta, me la llevo.


  22. I really would love this, but have hard time convincing my husband that eggplant is good. Looks wonderful.

  23. I'm smiling because I just made my MIL's scalloped eggplant for the blog and if any veggie takes a worse photo, I can't imagine which one. And I love it so, too. Often just roast it with olive oil for dinner.
    Your pasta looks great! Will definitely give it a try. (Takes a good photo, too.)

  24. This roasted eggplant penne looks delicious. My favorite eggplant dish is eggplant stir fry and gravy prepared with fried coconut.

  25. I think eggplants are under appreciated. I love them. The pasta dish looks delicious. :)

  26. Rebecca, nice pasta dish, love the idea of roasted eggplants...great combination with the cherry tomatoes...beautiful dish!

  27. Mariko oh sounds great please share the recipe
    Deb my pleasure
    Angela :-)
    Raina oh love easy
    Belinda thanks
    Georgia thanks for stopping by
    Bridgett wish i could try yours
    Sara :-)
    Jess u will like it
    Mary oh lucky my hubby likes it too
    Lisa they may not even know its in there!
    Design wine and dine my pleasure Deb rocks
    the food hound thanks for Deb
    Kim yep love that hugs
    Biren u will love it
    Sommer :-)
    Jennie thanks and congrats
    Susan oh i crave it all the time
    Emily :-)
    Victoria and so healthy
    Jose thanks
    Rita he may be surprised by it
    Barbara smiles
    swathi wow love the sound of your way
    Michael thanks

  28. gorgeous pasta, i've never had eggplant in pasta before, yummy!

  29. i've never had eggplant on pasta before, YUMM!

  30. oooh I would love to have that plate right now!

  31. I love the mint! This looks so tasty and fresh.

  32. I love eggplant too. In fact, I also made roasted eggplant today with balsamic vinegar :D

  33. Teresa u would love it
    simply life heres a plate
    katie thanks
    honeybee :-0

  34. i really really really need to find a way to love eggplant. its one of those veggies that u look at and think YUM but whenever i try it i cant get the bitterness to go a way. maybe pasta would do the trick tho!!! <3

  35. I love the colors on your pasta. I have a few eggplant and pasta fans in my household and this is a fabulous way of putting them together..thanks for sharing :)

  36. Delightful...roasted veggies are the best, and nice amount of garlic too:)

  37. That does sound delicious...very light and healthy and yet hearty and full of unami'ed goodness!

  38. I love how deliciously healthy this is! Eggplant is a favorite of mine.

  39. hi rebecca, heard new york temperatures are freezing!!! so hope you are keeping warm. Delicious looking pasta dish by the way :)

  40. penne sounds so yummy with roasted eggplant!

  41. Oh I love eggplant any which way. Love that you made it again immediately :-)

  42. i love eggplant and adding fresh mint to it sounds delicious.
    thanks for sharing Rebecca

  43. This sounds delicious and sooo irresistible!

  44. Kelsey oh i think you will like it roasted
    aipi my pleasure enjoy
    magic of spice oh i like my garlic
    indie. tea thanks
    Joanne oh me and easy to make
    Nammi namme I am in North Carolina so no worries but yep poor NE hugs
    5 star foodie oh i think u would like this one
    Michelle he he
    a little bit of everything my pleasure
    Dimah :-)
    the food hunter oh I agree

  45. I'm always looking for new ways to prepare eggplant, and this looks great! Thanks for posting the recipe! :)

  46. Looks good! I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of eggplant, but it might be good all mixed up into a sauce. Your picture sure looks delicious!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. oops, i made a typo above and deleted it to edit my comment! so sorry! just wanted to say that I love all penne and roasted cherry tomato recipes. it really brings out the sweetness and flavor!

  49. I can almost taste this--I love roasted eggplants and I love pasta. Topped with feta cheese, my taste buds would be happy. :-)

  50. This sounds wonderful.....I am making this one for my vegetarian husband. He is going to love it!

  51. Jean thanks so much
    Erica oh thats lovely sure your hubby will like it

  52. Rebecca
    This looks so appetizing and colorful...I bet it is as delicious and healthy as it looks. Love roasted eggplant and feta!!

  53. Im going to make this today!


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