Simple Iced Cupcakes

I love cupcakes, fun to make and now our toddler is getting into baking its so much fun. I just got her a little apron and she happily sits on the counter top and turns on the mixer :-) and little cakes that need decorating are great. My Mum has also made a couple of cakes here with her, much to her delight. I will miss my parents so much when they leave tomorrow. 

As we enter the new year and reflect often making resolutions as a dietitian here is my two cents be kind to yourself and realistic. If you don't normally go to the gym maybe once a day may be tough find activities you enjoy. The same applies with food while its wonderful to strive to eat better in the new year a little cupcake here and there doesn't hurt :-) its all about balance


  • 4 oz of self raising flour 
  • 4 oz of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 oz sugar
  • about 2 -3 tablespoon of powdered confectioners sugar for icing
  • a few m and m's or sprinkles to decorate
  • a dash of vanilla

  1. cream butter and sugar together
  2. then add eggs and flour
  3. add to baking cups and bake at 350 for 10 minutes until firm spread onto cupcakes and add sprinkles
  4. for the icing mix icing sugar with water to form a thick 
I saw this lovely question today on Melinda's blog and wanted to ask ......

What are you most looking forward to in 2011?

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  1. Rebecca, those cupcakes looks cute and simple. Jasmine must have so much fun :)
    My resolution this year is to eat more healthy food! (I'm trying...)

  2. Jasmine just might end up being a chef one day.

  3. Ahh, very cute. I can remember when my little one took his first interest in cooking - he threw half a dozen eggs onto the kitchen floor in excitement once. That was great to clear up!
    Now at 5, he knows the ingredients and method for cooking a lot of sweet stuff better than most adults (but chooses not to cook, as it interrupts his enduring love of Lego)

    My resolutions are to be braver about cooking things that make me nervous in the kitchen - and to eat less carby food. Happy new year.

  4. Happy New Year to you & your family, Rebecca! I'm sure you're going to miss your parents. Btw, did Jasmine decorate the cakes? Or she just helping you to on & off the machine? haha... And her fingers can't stopped digging into the frosting, right! Wishing you all the best in year 2011. God bless you all!
    Cheers, Kristy

  5. Rebecca,
    Delicious cute cup cakes love it!
    Wishing you and your family a fabulous 2011 with full of great achievements and experiences.
    Your friend

  6. Hey,

    Gorgeous simple iced cupcakes...:)


  7. Aha...a little chef in the making! :D I'm sure Jasmine has loads of fun!

  8. How adorable! I'm sure she's a whiz in the kitchen already!

  9. You are giving Jasmine the gift of cooking - she will always have balance. Yay to your advice about balance.

  10. So sweet! It's great to introduce kids to making food young I think. For some reason as adults we distance ourselves from remembering food is our fuel and being knowledgeable about how to make it, what's in it, etc seems to not be part of the picture. I find having kids involved really naturally stimulates their personal ownership of their diet and the quality of what they eat. Everyone should certainly know how to make cupcakes! Mandatory life skill in my book! Like the new banner on your blog too!

  11. Rebecca, cupcakes looks awesome and delicious.My little one is not yet ready for helping.

  12. Very cute! I'm sure Jasmine is very proud of herself already ;)

    I'm looking forward to many fun times with family and friends in 2011 with some wonderful shared meals!

  13. the cupcakes look wonderful, so colorful!

    wonderful resolutions. i'm working towards being happier in my everyday life and of course being healthier.

    happy new year!

  14. Couldnt agree more! All about balance. Loving those little cupcakes and bet Jasmine did too!! Glad you had a fantastic time with your parents and hope you come over to visit this year! x

  15. I don't make cupcakes often, if I did, I would also pick a simple and delicious recipe like this one.

  16. Yum, sometimes simple is best. I can't wait to have a toddler to bake with. :) (of course I need a baby first, haha!)

  17. I'm so glad you liked my question. I think you already know my answer. I guess there is a lot I am looking forward to in 2011, and I realized today, one of those things is graduation, which is coming up soon! Only 1 more class to go...but it's stats :( again!

  18. Happy 2011!

    Nothing beat simple and good!

  19. Hi Rebecca
    what is not to love about cupcakes!! your sweet little treats look exceptionally delicious! I can't wait to see your helper in action in the kitchen!
    I got a treadmill for Christmas,I guess eating the cupcakes on the treadmill really wouldn't count as exercise....sigh

  20. So sweet to have a 'side by side' cooking event...and what is do it with your mom. Happy New Year Rebecca!

  21. Cute and easy... just like toddlers :) Wait, except the easy part!

  22. Fun to cook with your daughter, Rebecca. She'll have a ball and so will you!

    Happy New Year to you, my dear friend!

  23. Beautiful cupcakes! You are so right, all in moderation. Now if you could just remind my sweet tooth of that we'll be good. :)

  24. Such cute and yummy looking cupcakes! Happy new year!

  25. Super cute! So agree with you too - it's all about balance :) Thanks!

  26. I believe in the balance as well! Happy new year!

  27. Anncoo thanks yep she liked the icing he he
    Bo he he who knows
    Greedy Rosie thanks so much for stopping by oh thats a fun story and quite a clean up
    Kristy she added the m and ms he he happy new year my friend
    Sutapa thanks so much and love your blog
    Sameena thanks
    Mary yep she says I am going to make a cake!
    Belinda he he she will be
    Claudia :-) hugs
    boulder locavore well said
    swathi he or she will before u know it !
    susan on sounds good
    Teresa oh love that one
    Ruth I will be over in the spring watch out I am coming to get u
    Angie oh yours will be amazing
    emily u will be a sweet mum
    Melinda oh thats good
    Zoe same to you
    chef dennis congrats on the treadmill :-)
    Trish same to you miss your posts
    the food hound he he your day will come
    Barbara thanks hugs
    Julie he he 5 star foodie thanks
    design wine and dine thanks
    honeybeecooksjackfruit happy new yr

  28. cute cupcakes rebecca.looks yummy...and wish you and your family a very happy & a prosperous new year

  29. It is so good to involve kids with cooking early on. My Mum would take me to the veg. vendor when I was a kid with a small grocery bag and little money, so I could buy a veg. of my choice. That way I was eating what I was buying out of excitement and she never had any issues getting veggies into me! Strange but it worked for her and me :)

  30. Such cute cupcakes...and Jasmine is such a cutie! I think she's a foodie in the making! :))

  31. They are very CUTE! Happy new year darling!

  32. These cupcakes are so neat to be done by a kid..Your grl is really talented! I would love to grab one!

  33. How lovely and cute...
    I hope you have a great 2011!

  34. You are so right, Rebecca. It's all about balance and good sense. And a little treat now and then is good for us.

  35. Love this post! I think the downfall of most resolutions is that people try to do too much too fast. Baby steps.

    These cupcakes looks delicious! Jasmine is super adorable.

  36. Your cupcakes are so cute!
    And you are so's all about balance. :)

  37. Those cupcakes really would melt in your mouth. Love to cook with my grandchildren; the best time ever.

  38.'s all about balance..;-) Jasmine is a darling..Happy New year,Rebecca !!

  39. of course we would have known them as 'fairy cakes' when we were Jasmine's age. They look just as they should do!

  40. Rebecca
    Lovely cupcakes...Glad to know you and Grandma have have started up the tradition of making cupcakes with Jasmine and memories too!!!Hope u enjoy every bit of it..
    Happy Blogging!!

  41. Yum! They look beautiful and I’ll bet it tastes delicious.

  42. How fun that your daughter is getting into baking and must look adorable in her apron :) These cupcakes do look tasty...
    I don't really do resolutions, but I am going to try and work just a little bit less this year and spend a little more time in the "taking time" department :)
    Happy 2011!

  43. Sushma thanks so much happy new year
    Priyanka thats cool your mum took you to the market
    Sara he he lets hope so
    3 hungry tummies thanks :-)
    Tanvi well I of course helped!
    Indie.Tea thanks same to you
    Cathy hear hear
    Joanne love that baby steps
    Emily :-)
    Rita oh i loved your post about baking with your family
    Gulmohar thanks happy new yr
    Malli :-) happy blogging
    Erica aw thanks
    Magic of Spice great goal

  44. oh i can imagine how much Jasmine would have enjoyed doing this cake...they look so adorable Rebecca :)


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