Tips for Twitter Chats

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  1. hehe..I feel this is just for me. I am a newbie of using twitter. :-))
    Have a great weekend!

  2. No Angie, I think she did this for me! He He I have a profile, but have yet to figure it all out! Thanks for the help Rebecca! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. altho i dont use twitter i definitely crawl and creep a lot of peoples profiles/accounts hehe. its quite fun to read!!


  4. Thanks for the tips :) I am relatively new to Twitter and don't use it much.

  5. Great tips as always! I am hoping to launch a twitter chat in a few months...we'll see! I am kind of intimidated by them.


  6. Angie you would love twitter :-)
    Gina my pleasure email anytime with questions
    Kelsey yep be careful what you tweet he he
    Biren you will enjoy the chats hugs
    Kati oh thats cool your'll be great at it

  7. Awesome video rebecca! I always feel like I'm not using twitter to it's maximum potential. Thanks for the tips!

  8. Thanks for the info about twitter! I have it, but I'm not that best at using it for networking, yet, but I'm learning!

  9. Thanks for all the tips Rebecca! I'm pretty bad at twittering - I feel lost when I'm on there.

  10. Joanne my pleasure hope to see you on a chat soon
    Emily oh you will love #RDChat
    Reeni oh you would love it

  11. Thanks for this Rebecca, lovely to see and hear you, although my broadband is so poor you were 'buffering' most of the time!

  12. I have seen these around but my experience with twitter is a bit limited...Thanks for this, I will try it out soon I hope :)

  13. Alisha hope to tweet with you soon :-)

  14. I hope I don't sound like a stalker here Rebecca but I watched two of your videos since yesterday. :) one on twitter mug and now this. Some how I really liked how honest, straight forward you talk and the same can be said about your tweets. Video's are great, they help u know a person much more. I'm glad I know a bit more abt you ;)


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