Twitter Mug Giveaway

Hi all so I decided to design a fun twitter mug that you can get here -  in fact the lovely Girlichef as ordered one already :-)

heres a clip explaining the inspiration for the mug-

So I thought why not do a giveaway, it will be for folks in the US as cafe press only delivers here.....

All you have to do is

1. follow me on twitter (if you want)
2. tweet about the giveaway and tag me @chowandchatter so I know you did it

I will select a winner at random next week :-)


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  1. Yay, fun giveaway Reb! I can't wait to receive mine :)

  2. I can't enter as I'm Canadian, but good luck to everyone else!

  3. What a cute mug! I love mugs, and I love following you on teitter.

    Cheers!...or should I say cheep cheep! :D

  4. Oh I don't twitter so I guess it would be silly to own a twitter mug. But I have a daughter that does. Does that count?

  5. Hi Rebecca-So glad I found your blog through another blogger's.

    What a lovely giveaway...a Twitter Mug, that you designed. Love the video clip, and your sweet British accent!
    Following your blog, and I will look for you on Twitter as well, to follow!

  6. girlichef oh thanks for ordering sweet of u
    Beth oh sorry
    Lyndsey he he cheep cheep all the best
    Angie thanks :-)
    Brenda oh sure your daughter can enter
    Elisabeth great to meet u

  7. What a cute mug Rebecca...I already follow you..And thats a fun giveaway!

  8. What a lovely giveway.
    Best of luck to the lucky winner
    Shame won`t be me :(
    Have a great week ā™„

  9. Nice looking mug, can i eat it? lol.

  10. what a great giveaway. I wish I'm in the US so I could join!

  11. Tanvi got your name down girl
    Ana so sorry
    Luigi he he
    Peachkins you know the tea I posted to you came back to me that time!

  12. I WANT ONE!! Please pick me!! Please :-)
    You know I love you Rebecca! Pick me!

  13. Cute mug Rebbeca! It would work perfectly for my morning cup of Joe. Hope you had a great weekend!

  14. Fun, Rebecca! I'm going to find you on Twitter - I thought I was following you!

  15. Very cute mug--I love how creative you are. ;-)

  16. cute mug Rebecca and great giveaway.

    I'm already following you on twitter @gringarl

  17. By you have been busy! I am off to watch the shoebox video! Heh!

  18. What a fun giveaway! The mug is super cute :)

  19. I always need something new, and cheerful to put my hot tea in:) AND since I am a twitteraholic it would be perfect for me:-)


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