Vanilla and Blueberry Sponge Cake

So this Sunday I decided to make muffins with my little helper, the process was fun but the muffins were a fail, hubby threw his in the bin :-(, but me being me went straight back into the kitchen to make myself feel better and made a simple blueberry cake to get the horrid hard muffin taste out of our mouths! Pleased to say the cake was a big success soft, moist and was eaten in no time. I want to encourage those like me who struggle with baking not to give up, say after me I will be a good baker :-)


  • 4 oz self raising flour
  • 4 oz butter
  •  2 eggs
  • 4 oz sugar 
  • 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries
  • one teaspoon of vanilla essence
  • powdered sugar for dusting

  1. cream the butter and the sugar 
  2. add the eggs, flour and vanilla 
  3. then stir in the blueberries 
  4. add to a cake tin and bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes until a knife comes out clean
  5. enjoy warm with a cup of tea!!

What advice do the awesome bakers have for me?

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  1. Rebecca, the cake looks good, you are good at both cooking and baking!

  2. This looks like a really nice cake. I'm working at getting better at baking. I really enjoy it. I'd like to try this I love blueberry cake.

  3. I love anything with blueberry. It looks moist and delicious!

  4. That cake looks delicious! I LOVE anything with berries!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Great photo, too!

    Have a great day!


  5. Rebecca, a simple and nice sponge cake.Cheers!

  6. perfect lighting here...I can see the cake clearly and it's making me crave for cake!

  7. It really looks moist.
    A great success ā™„

  8. That sounds easy and fluffy. Your cakes tell me you are a good baker. We all have our days.



  9. well approaching baking by weight and not by volume is sure to help and it seems you are doing baking problem is the recipes - I hate to follow them...LOL

  10. I am not an awesome baker but it sounds from the way you describe the "hard taste" that maybe you accidentally used to much baking soda and/or baking powder? More is definitely not better! I agree with the poster who says to weigh, rather than measure, your dry ingredients. It is much more accurate. But even the pros have baking fails!

  11. Don't give it Rebecca. Practise makes perfect. Glad to hear the blueberry cake turned out well :)

  12. Rebecca, if you can turn something bad into something great and flavorful (and eye-appealling) than you are truly a great cook! Kudos for your success story!

  13. LOL! I'm with you..."I will be a good baker" "I will be a good baker..." Glad the cake worked out! Beautiful!

  14. Sorry the muffins didn't turn out! The cake looks wonderful, though. I struggle more with the savory aspect of cooking, so I envy your ability to pull off fantastic dishes!

  15. Too bad the muffins didn't turn out. I'm not a baker either. Your cake looks so moist.

  16. Oh this looks so good! I am new to your blog. So glad that I found it!Have been having fun reading over your posts and look so forward to reading more.

  17. Looks delicious! Something I'll have to try soon!

  18. Que bueno tiene que estar esto, madre mĆ­a.


  19. wow...awesome cake Rebacca..hope u having a nice time..
    Tasty appetite

  20. Awesome cake, nice recipe. love anything with blueberries.

  21. Your cake looks great. I'm glad you didn't give up!

  22. Looks like a success. That and a cup of tea. yum.

  23. That is the perfect cake that I love. I do have blueberries in my freezer. Thank you for this great sounding recipe.

  24. I think you're a fabulous baker and a wonderful cook. We all have set backs and failures in the kitchen here and there. In fact, last night I burnt the breading on my breaded pork chops. They were so burnt they were black! No worries.

    Your vanilla and blueberry sponge cake looks perfect served with tea.

  25. oh yum! perfect for a midday snack!

  26. I'm sorry to hear the muffins were not a success but I love your 'can do' attitude and determination to make something delicious. This does look delicious!

  27. Never a good thing to watch the hubby throw the food in the bin, but so glad to hear you made something delicious in return. I love a good blueberry cake with a cup of tea or coffee. Looks heavenly, my friend.

  28. Rule #1: Frosting can fix anything. Rule #2: don't attempt low-fat baking! It's usually disappointing! The lemon-blueberry cake looks like and lovely- perfect for tea!

  29. Jess oh thanks not really but I will take it
    Ann thanks
    Victor thanks so much
    Betty oh my pleasure :-)
    Sonia thanks so much
    peachkins thanks trying
    Ana aw thanks
    Mely great advice your right
    doggybloggy thanks for the great advice
    Trix, thanks I will keep that in mind
    Biren thanks me too
    bella aw thanks sweet of u
    design wine and dine love the mantra
    Emily oh your be great
    Sam thanks but boy can u cook :-)
    Alicia welcome thanks for stopping by
    what happens after five thanks so much and thanks for visiting
    Jose thanks
    jay thanks
    swathi me too
    Beth :-0
    Michael tea and cake heaven
    Rita enjoy
    Kim good to know we all have our moments hugs
    teresa thanks
    Susan aw thanks
    Bridgett thanks for being u
    food hound oh cool tips

  30. This looks great! I'm basically a fan of anything blueberry...yum!

  31. Though the muffin wasn't a success, you certainly came back triumphantly with this lovely sponge cake! Baking is not my forte but I enjoy trying, even if it doesn't always turn out. 8-)

  32. Lovely cake, sounds just wonderful with vanilla flavor & blueberries!

  33. that's a gorgeous cake! ooh.. i wish i had a slice for breakfast this morning.

  34. the cup and saucer looks gorgeous so is the cake yum :)

  35. Gorgeous gorgeous cup and saucer set!! The blueberry cake looks yummy too!
    As for baking tips, with things like muffins try to mix very lightly, almost folding the dry ingredients in, and only 10 strokes or so.

  36. nutmeg nanny thanks and it makes it healthier he he
    tangled noodle oh your right the process is fun esp with a little one
    5 star foodie thanks so much
    tspegar heres u a slice
    ananda :-)
    honeybeecooksjackfruit thanks for the tip :-)

  37. Its so refreshing that to find other food addicts who can't stop cooking. baking. eating. Have a blessed weekend dearie, knowing that I agree with your verdict on the cake - it looks delish

  38. I just cannot believe how busy you are with all this great food and crafty stuff! Love the twitter mug- and the memory you share in the other video is wonderful!

    I hope to get my mojo blog back soon...


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