Hubbys Beetroot Poriyal

My hubby made this delicious vegetable side dish last week, and after he had made it asked if it could go  on the blog well of course and out came the camera!, our little one enjoyed daddy's hands turning red in the process of grating the beet root but was not amused as he tried to touch her!


  • 2 medium sized beet roots grated
  • 2 cloves of garlic chopped
  • about one tablespoon of grated coconut
  • a handful of curry leaves
  • a pinch of cumin seeds
  • salt to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon coriander powder
  • a pinch of mustard seeds
  • 1/2 an onion chopped
  • 2 chilli's 
  • a pinch of asafoedida ( my mum in law adds to nearly everything saying it prevents gas :-))

  1. heat a little canola oil and pop the mustard seeds, add the cumin seeds, chillies, curry leaves and onion saute for 4-5 minutes, 
  2. then add the grated beet root, cumin and coriander powders and stir fry on low for 20-25 minutes until cooked, if pre boiled would be quicker
  3. add salt to taste and grated coconut near the end
  4. serve with rice and Dal :-)

We are headed to VA tomorrow for a couple of days to visit good friends and see their new baby, we got a certificate for a book store as in my humble opinion the gift of reading to little ones is priceless. The family is from hubby's hometown in Chennai South India and their parents are visiting so I know he will enjoy chatting in Tamil and eating good food :-)

hugs to you all and what's your hubby's signature dish?

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  1. Never hear about asafoedida before. This is new to me and good to know that this prevent gas :D

  2. The beetroot poriyal from your hubby looks great! Don't know about asafoedida either.

  3. my first time here... love beetroot in all forma incl. poriyal! exploring your blog.

  4. Que receta más interesante y llena de sabor con esas especies.


  5. healthy and delicious stir fry..yumm!

  6. Signiature dish? Hmn does a martini count? My hubby doesn't cook or ask to be on the blog. hmn. I love beets and cheat with the French pre-cooked ones vacuum packed. new to be too. Is it wrong to make a joke about something that starts with "as" and prevents gas? Sorry couldn't help it.

  7. Oh, it's so pretty! And sounds delicious, too =)

  8. Anything with curry leaves and mustard seeds is good for me. And beets too! I love beets. Good job hubby!

  9. Those beet stains are annoying, for sure, Rebecca. But well worth it. An unusual dish, it's new to me so I was pleased to read about it.

    Have a fun mini-trip!!

  10. I've never eaten beetroot, but it looks so pretty.

    My husband's signature dish is Meakin's famous spaghetti, but he makes a mean creme brulee too. What would we do without them.

    Enjoy your visit.

  11. What a beautiful deep red! Thanks to your DH for sharing such an authentic dish! Funny story too about him going after Jasmine after she laughed at him! Cute :)

    My husband is a great cook but I guess you could say his dish is Baby Back Ribs on the grill! SO GOOD!

  12. Yummy!...what a coincidence my hubby loves this too but I do prepare in a differnt way will try ur recipe next time I do it.

  13. One of my fav way to eat beetroots..loved your hubby's version!

    US Masala

  14. I love beets anyway anytime, but I've never heard ot this one.Your man is productive. So is mine; he loves to cook and he is my cookie. His signature dish is Steak Diane and it is fabulous.

  15. Looks fantastic. I love all the spices in it, so I'm sure it's delicious and flavourful.
    Have fun at the book store.

  16. you know i'm obsessed with beetroot... this is a good way to go with it.. I love it! well done to hubby!

  17. I love stir fry this poriyal is one of my favorite.

  18. Well now isn't this impressive. Never eaten or even thought of eating beet root.

  19. It's so nice when the husband cooks for us. My hubby cooks as well.

    You all have a great day!

  20. My husband's signature dish is takeout. lol But seriously, he can make a pretty mean fried egg sandwich. Once in a while he'll whip a couple up for us for breakfast or lunch. Mmmm. enjoy your time in Virginia!

  21. Love that your husband has a signature dish - which is all new to me but love the spices. My husband has decided to master ribs. We are having ribs a lot! Hope all is going well with the travel plans.

  22. What a unique side dish with beets, I would certainly love to try this!

  23. This looks and sounds very interesting and the color is gorgeous. I can just imagine that it is quite healthy as well.

  24. Wow...what a beautiful looking beet dish. Aren't beets the BEST??? I've never heard of fun to learn about new ingredients. Have a great day!!!

  25. Haha beet hands. Good stuff.

    This looks so delicious and would definitely get me to eat beets even though I don't LOVE them!

  26. Looks amazing and vibrantly delish. What's in that besides beet root?

  27. Love all the spices and that someone else cooked. :)

    My husband loves cooking but doesn't have the time. But I love the coffee and toast with butter he brings to bed every Saturday and Sunday morning. Can't complaint on that.


    PS. I am having a giveaway, i hope you stop by.

  28. Beautiful dish. It must taste wonderful. I love when men cook. My hubby can barely boil

  29. Nice that your hubby cooked. JF loves beetroot, but its one veg that I haven't really taken to.... yet.

    Have a great time on your trip to Australia!!

  30. I'm a huge fan of beetroot - look forward to trying this.

    Must look into asafoedida would come in handy sometimes!!!!

    As for my hubbies speciality ..... he's good at making a cup of tea (but I don't drink the stuff!) that's about it!!

  31. never heard of asafoedida. I never try beetroot dishes b4 except steam type.

  32. I was hoping you would post the recipe...very nice job :)
    Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend...

  33. That looks really healthy and delicious.

  34. Have fun in VA and thanks for sharing your hubby's recipe :) I hope to find a hubby someday who will occasionally cook for me too, hehe.

  35. Wow..this looks delicious. I actually just tried beets in a salad recently (I know) and I loved them.

  36. Very beautiful dish from south india.Have eaten it quite a few times on visits to Chennai and Banglore.You hubby sure is a great cook.What a color.

  37. this looks and sounds so delicious, i love that gorgeous red color too!

  38. And it looks very wonderful indeed. I love the flavours and the way new perspectives on ingredients allow them to shine differently. Say a big well done to him and hope you've fully recovered from the flu

  39. thanks everyone will pass on the comments to hubby :-)
    he will be thrilled on my way to visit all of your wonderful blogs

    hugs Rebecca

  40. Very interesting recipe! Learnt something new!

  41. I have never had beetroot, I would love to try your husbands dish, it looks so flavorful!
    Thank your husband for sharing this with us

  42. My husband tries to stay out of the kitchen. Which is fine by me, besides we don't have the room (tiny kitchen). He can boil water though :D He also loves beet root, he grew up eating them. Not me I did try them oven latest way to get to like things...oven roast it! I might have to try your hubby's dish! It sounds good!

  43. Ha! My hubby does not cook, but he would love it if I made something like this! Love this!

  44. pig pigs corner the best thing about blogging right
    chef E hes smart married a chef he he
    Lynsdey oh roasted sounds so good
    chef Dennis hope you try it

  45. I can imagine how wonderful the spices smelled toasting away for this colorful dish. What a nice treat! My husband has 2 signature dishes: blueberry pancakes and beef jerky...aside from that, he is grill master and cocktail shaker (which he does very well).

  46. table talk sounds like a good hubby to me thanks so much for stopping by he can't believe all the comments :-)

  47. Hi Rebecca,

    Just wanted you to know that I linked this post in my "What We Ate" on the blog this week. You can find it at:


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