Leek, Mushroom and Ham Crepes

Last week I got the craving for savory crepes, I always order this type of dish at creperies I had something similar a few years ago in Fort Lauderdale at a French restaurant. I had fun making them and as I made the crepes my little daughter sat on the counter top and nibbled on the warm crepes :-). The beauty of making extra crepes is that you can have the leftovers for breakfast with fruit and nutella!


  • about 10 mushrooms sliced
  • 4 cloves of garlic sliced
  • 3 leeks thinly sliced
  • about 4 thick slices of a good cheddar, I used an Irish one 
  • 1 cup of milk 
  • one tablespoon of flour
  • 1/2 a tablespoon of butter
  • 6-8 oz of flour 
  • 2 eggs
  • milk as needed to make a thin batter
  • 3 slices of cooked ham sliced

  1. saute leeks, garlic and mushrooms in olive oil for 5-7 minutes 
  2. meanwhile in another pan, melt a knob of butter and add one tablespoon of flour to make a roux, slowly mix in the milk, stirring all the while, after a few minutes on a low heat add the cheese and allow it to melt into the sauce, add the rest of the milk about a cup and stir until it thickens
  3. add the cheese sauce to the cooked leeks and mushrooms and mix in the ham keep to one side
  4. now make the crepes - mix the flour with 2 eggs and milk to make a thin batter 
  5. heat a griddle pan to a high heat with a little oil each time, add the batter spread thinly cook on one side then turn 
  6. make all the crepes 
  7. then add the leek and mushroom sauce to the crepes and enjoy

the little taste tester :-)

Has anyone else made savory crepes?

and the lovely Angela from This is What I do gave me the Stylish Blogger award I haven't known her long but adore her blog, her upbeat personality and recipes check her out 

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  1. Your little taste tester is quite adorable. We used to have a creperie here in town but they just closed down and I miss it terribly. I love the leeks paired with the mushrooms in this. Lovely.

  2. your little taster is getting bigger day by day :),

  3. Mmm....delicious love pancakes/crepes, too. We must be thinking in the same wavelength. I had just posted pancakes, too, but mine is spinach pancakes.

  4. Hii ,howdya do?
    These Crepes sounds totally wonderful!
    Now i also have a craving for those crepes i say:-)

  5. Your daughter is so cute, nothing like that counter seat. I love dosas at a place near my apartment, made with brown rice and lentils you can change the fillings around too.

  6. Good day, Rebecca! I am loving Jasmine and her curly long hair. She's so adorable. And of course, I am loving your crepes as well. Such a terrific idea. Thanks so much for sharing it. Bet 3 of you finished them in no time. haha... Have a great day, dear.
    Blessings, Kristy

  7. A classic dish. Poor leeks - they are so underappreciated.

  8. Oh Rebecca, that sounds awesome. The perfect comfort food!

  9. I love crêpes and these look fabulous and I know these are good!

  10. I love your combination of leeks, mushrooms and ham Rebecca. We haven't made crepes in a while but we make a savory crepe gateau with mushrooms bonne femme that is delicious.

  11. its been such a long time since I made crepes... we tend to make pancakes on Shrove Tuesday here in the UK but it's usually sweet ones, not savoury, which I love... thanks for inspiring me AGAIN!

  12. I prefer savory crepes over the sweet but we do make them both ways. I adore ham and cheese crepes and like that you have the mushrooms and leeks for added flavors and textures. Now, I am in the mood... for crepes.

  13. I adore savory crepes, love your filling with leeks, mushrooms, and ham!

  14. Yes, yes and yes! I love the savory crepe and you're so right as far as eating the leftovers the next morning w/fruit, cream, etc - they're so versatile that way!

    Yours look fabulous!

  15. This takes me back to Paris I just LOVE crepes. :o)

  16. I love savory and sweet crepes! I've made them before, and one of the best things about crepes in my opinion is that they freeze really well too, so you can make a ton and then freeze them, and defrost for an easy meal at another time!

  17. Nice work! I have had savory crepes before mostly cheese ones, like mushroom and swiss.

  18. delicious! i love the way you stuffed them!

  19. If little taste tester is approved the dish, then it is super delicious.

  20. Haven't had savoury crpeps for a long while....delicious combination of veggies and ham.

  21. Rebecca, so cute your little taster :-) Love the filling of your savory crepes...yummie!

  22. I love crepes!!! I didn't make them at home, but I love to eat them !!!!

  23. Bridgett thanks wish we had a creperie shame it closed for u
    Nammi she sure is bet your little guy is growing too
    Mary oh on my way to check out yours
    sugar plum fair aw thanks I am well thanks
    Lauren love dosa i have made it from scratch :-)
    Kristy oh thanks she is a big girl now he he her words
    belinda us Brits love em
    a spicy perspective so true
    Rita thanks so much
    Sam wow never heard of that
    Dom oh love shrove tuesday I am from the UK
    Claudia he he maybe we will see them on your blog soon
    5 star foodie thanks
    jose thanks
    design wine and dine sounds like u do the same lol
    Kris oh love Paris
    Victoria oh thats a great tip
    melinda :-)
    Teresa thanks
    Angie maybe u will soon
    Juliana aw thanks
    Danny thanks
    Erica he he i can't get them nr here so have to meet em

  24. Just found a great crepe recipe, so as soon as I'm done experimenting with sweet flavors, I'm moving onto savory ones like this! Looks great!

  25. Ann from Apples and Twinkies sent me a blog award, which I was to pass on to 15 of my favorite bloggers. You are on the list, of course, since you are super fab.

  26. I haven't made savory crepes before. It sounds like a delicious, light meal!

  27. the food hound looking forward to seeing yours
    Angela thanks so much will add to this post so I don't forget hugs
    Barbara thanks hope you try :-)

  28. You are making me crave for a crepe..Not fair!:)
    Looks awesome!!

    US Masala

  29. It seems to me everone is making crepes these days!
    These sound healthy and tastey Rebecca.

  30. i love crepes, but usually make them sweet..how tempting ..love your little taster..congrast on the new baby!! how exciting!!


  31. mmm...love crepes and loved the sumac video. Way to go, you are totally multi media!

  32. I used to get savory crepes for lunch every day when I worked at Columbia...so good. I'm definitely going to have to try out this filling!

  33. low crepes! It's been so long since I've made them. I really need to pull my crepe pan out and give them another go. Such a cute helper as well! She looks like she really enjoyed them.

  34. I like savory crepes too. Your daughter is adorable!

  35. Actually the only crepes I've ever made were savory. These look delicious Rebecca

  36. I so wish I could have those crepes for breakfast Rebecca.Your taste tester is so adorable.

  37. I love crepes. I've never made them. You've now inspired me.

  38. I have always wanted to make crepes, but haven't had the courage. You've made it look so easy!

  39. Hi Rebecca, I appreciate your good intention for organising to meet at Melb but I prefer not to meet up for personal reasons. So sorry about that.

  40. I'm not a big fan of leeks unfortunately, mushroom and ham is one of my favorite filling for crepes!

  41. Yum, what delicious looking crepes, and such healthy items in them!

  42. Mmm...this looks very delicious and healthy! Can't wait to try it :)

  43. aipi he he :-)
    Catherine thanks hope you try them
    sweetlife thanks so much hugs
    Doc he he your the mulitmedia pro
    Joanne thanks hope you like it
    Julie oh she liked them look forward to seeing yours
    Beth aw thanks
    thanks Lea Ann
    Gulmohar will pass them along
    Tanvi oh great for breakfast he he
    ann go on you can do it
    Lindsey looking forward to seeing yours
    Zoe oh ok
    Victor classic

  44. Your crepes are gorgeous...I love savory crepes :) Your taste tester is quit the doll, she is just getting so big :)

  45. Alisha I know she is growing fast can't believe it :-)


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