Strawberry and Banana Smoothie

When I was sick it was difficult to cook and have a proper meals, and a simple smoothie with yogurt, banana and strawberries really helped, its healthy and easy to drink :-). Smoothies are great anytime and a fun way to have fruit in the diet. 


  • about 5 strawberries sliced
  • one banana sliced
  • about 1/2 a cup of natural yogurt 
  • sugar to taste, if your strawberries are sweet not needed

  1. simply blend all the ingredients together and enjoy
We had a good time visiting our friends in Virginia beach and got to visit the Aquarium if your in the area I highly recommend it Jasmine was enthralled :-). There were sharks, turtles,touch pools really impressive. She is still talking about the fish she saw, and of course our friends baby although she was so jealous when Daddy picked him up! he he 

Next time your in a city with an aquarium treat yourself and visit :-)

finally I just have to share this amazing link with you by the talented David Lebovitz on food blogging, the best advice I have read in a long time, well worth the read 

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  1. Simple smoothies are the best! Yum!
    I love that photo of You and Jasmine! You should frame it!

  2. Jasmine is so cute! :)

    Strawberry and banana smoothies are my favorite!

  3. The smoothie looked like just the thing for an off-day. Thank you for the words of encouragement about my Mom. Thanks for stopping by my blog. My weekend has gotten a lot better. Hope to see you again.

  4. Rebecca, I'm so glad you posted the link to David's blog. I read it in its entirety yesterday and you are so right, it's the best advice I've seen in a long time too. I hope everyone takes the time to read it.

    I seem to forget smoothies when I don't feel well. Great idea. Hope you're feeling better now. Precious picture of you and Jasmine.

  5. A great refresher on a basic smoothie. I love that aquarium! Spent a weekend in Virginia Beach when my eldest was a wee one and we too loved our trip there. Agree fully on the David Lebovitz article too. A workshop in a blog post! Glad you are feeling better.

  6. Love aquariums! It's not just for little kids. =)

  7. strawberry and banana is such a classic smoothie flavor! And ugh jasmine is so adorable!

  8. That David Lebovitz link is incredible. I'm still digesting everything he wrote. Thanks for passing it along!

  9. Strawberry and banana smoothie are one of my favourite smoothie combo. Yours looks so yummy.

  10. Your smoothie sounds really healthy to drink when you're not feeling well.

  11. How funny. I just thought of making strawberry smoothie with my frozen strawberries.

  12. Hope you're all better Rebecca!
    Smoothies are a fast and healthy substitute when you just don't have the energy to cook.

  13. Aren't smoothies the best???? Have a great Sunday!

  14. i love smoothies and the whole combo of strawberries and bananas! Thanks for a great idea for this week's lunch box! Love the photo of your precious daughter and you!

  15. When the kids were growing up we made these all the time, Ane needed extra calories to replace the ones she favorite. I have grown to love blueberry and cherry added to a few now and then.

    How much fun you two have...and the new one coming!

  16. mmmm, it looks so cool and refreshing, love it!

  17. Lovely Smoothie...thts a lovely photo of ur daughter and urself , she is v cute:)

  18. What a little cutie :-}}

    Smoothie sounds wonderful.

  19. I love that combination in a smoothie. But I love more the mom and daughter picture.


  20. Lyndsey thanks your right I should :-)
    a bowl of mush thanks
    Shanae thats good I will be back
    Sam I know so nice he took the time to share all that advice
    boulder locavore oh thats cool you were there before
    Belinda oh so true
    Joanne :-)
    Beth my pleasure
    Michael thanks
    Nancy :-)
    Victor enjoy
    Barbara so true
    Roz oh i agree
    Rpz oh great lunch idea
    Chef E oh love the cherry idea
    Teresa :-0
    Sushma thanks
    brownieville girl thanks
    Mely thanks so much

  21. Yummy recipe! I will have to tag that one for my post root canal recovery next week - I am sure I will need something smooth and comforting. So glad you had fun on your vacation!

  22. Cool photo of you & Jasmine, and I love the strawberry banana smoothie!

  23. thanks Angela oh poor thing hope it all goes smoothly
    5 star foodie thanks

  24. Ooh, strawberries and banans are in season in my neck of the woods right now... thanks for this!
    Robyn x

  25. I love both a good aquarium and a good smoothie. I make a smoothie every morning your combination strawberry/banana is one of the best. Also fun to experiment with spices (cinnamon/cardamom), herbs (basil/mint) or adding greens in.

  26. I love simple smoothie! This one is packed with Vc and good for you!

  27. Very true on the smoothies. I try to add a little pom juice or something like that to kick up the vitamin and health benefits. I hope you are feeling better!

  28. Delicious and simple smoothie . Both mom and daughter looks cute.

  29. A classic combo..loved the beautiful color!

    Jasmine is adorable :)

    US Masala

  30. The smoothie looks delicious, they are so refreshing! Adorable picture, your faces say it all!

    Also, I read David's post and I agree, it's a must read!

  31. I hope you are feeling good nw Rebecca.I make this almost everyday for breakfast..isnt this smoothi addictive :) gals look so cute infront of the aquarium.

  32. Robyn oh enjoy summer for you :-)
    Angie thanks so much
    Doc thanks oh and good idea
    Swathi thanks so much
    aipi thanks
    design wine and dine oh aquarium was fun
    Tanvi great breakie

  33. What an adorable picture of you two, she is getting so big. Love the smoothie but allergic to strawberries so I have to improvise. I will check out the link :)


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