Video: Sumac Spiced Chicken

Heres a fun recipe I have previously posted, but since I am into vlogging heres a demo on how to make it !!

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  1. i LOVE sumac. great video-- wow this dish couldn't be easier!

  2. This does look delicious Rebecca. I haven't tried Sumac. I'll have to look for it next time I'm at the market. Great video! ;)

  3. wow, is that your house? It's gorgeous! oh and the meal sounds great too! :)

  4. Rebecca,
    I've never used sumac before. I'll be sure to look for it in our market now.

  5. What a great Dish!Well done you! Excellent Video!

  6. I still haven't tried sumac, Rebecca! I wonder if Whole Foods has it? I'll put it on my list.
    Another adorable video! :)

  7. You convinced me to find sumac. I've been reading a lot about it. And I always need a new chicken recipe. Nicely done.

  8. Sumac is new spice for me, wish to try it some time, it sounds so easy...great video :)

  9. I've managed to source some sumac recently - looking forward to trying your Chicken dish.

  10. fantastic vlogging :) now I need to figure out where to get somesumac spice :) Thnak you for kind words over Chef's Dennis blog :)

  11. Love sumac! Never used it on chicken, but I remember thinking this sounded so great when you first shared the recipe. Love the video :)

  12. Crazy cause I JUST bought some sumac the other day! Perfect timing.

  13. That looks fantastic! I am glad that I am not the only garlic addict out there. I have never tried sumac. I shall look for it at the store.

  14. Karen got to love easy lol
    KIm thanks so much hope you find some
    Stefania thanks so much
    simply life yep our house thanks :-)
    Sam :-) you will really like this spice
    Ruth thanks so much
    Barbara thanks i you find some :-)
    Belinda yep
    Claudia enjoy my friend
    Ananda thanks so much
    brownieville girl oh thats cool enjoy
    ladymorgina my pleasure
    Victoria thanks
    Joanne he he thats great
    Angela :-)

  15. I've never tasted sumac either but I'm going to have to see if I can find some. That looks delicious!

  16. i just bought sumac recently - have been loving it! great video too.

  17. I LOOOVE Sumac Rebecca.Thanks so so much for sharing this quick recipe.I need to make this for my husband.And the good thing is that he also loves sumac.

  18. Susan u will love it :-)
    Nithya oh thanks so much
    Tanvi and its so easy to make love that he he

  19. Great video Rebecca. I admire you for putting the video, it is really difficult task.

  20. Swathi oh not so not laptop has webcam lol

  21. Sumac is such a lovely spice isn't it, perfect for chicken or fish...Sounds delicious :)

  22. oh I agree Alisha got anymore recipes for me?


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