British Scones with Tea

I made scones recently and they actually turned out to be pretty good, not my Grandma's but there is hope that I may master it yet!, scones and tea are a match made in heaven especially when they are warm with Jam and a cup of tea. So why not treat yourself this weekend to a British afternoon tea, pull up a chair for a natter with me! 

  • 8 oz- 225g self raising flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 oz- 50g butter
  • 1/4 pint -150 ml milk
  • extra milk for brushing

  1. sift flour and salt into a bowl
  2. rub butter into flour until it looks like breadcrumbs
  3. add milk using a knife mix, it will be a soft and not sticky dough
  4. turn into a floured surface and knead to 1cm, 1/2 inch thick
  5. cut into 7-8 6.5 cm, 2 1/2 inch rounds, I used the top of a mug really need a biscuit cutter !
  6. put onto a greased baking tray brush with milk 
  7. bake at 450 for 7-8 minutes until risen and golden
  8. enjoy warm with butter and jam and a cup of tea - Heaven!

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  1. I would love to join you with a cup of tea and one of your delicious scones. Do you like yours with clotted cream? That stuff is heaven as well and and I love a drop of milk in the tea too....oh I could go on and on!

  2. Such simple recipe of scones.
    have you ever tried whole wheat scones Rebecca ?

    And any recipe of yeasted scones , i wanted some authentic recipes , can you help?

  3. i wish to have some for my afternoon tea now, looks good.I just made a banana cake, for my afternoon tea, ^^

  4. I posted English Muffins recently on my blog, Rebecca. And yours look very crisp and lovely.

  5. You're so right Rebecca, warm scones and jam are heavenly! Add a little pat of butter too and now we are in business.

  6. I love scones but have not made them for a long time. I would like to try your recipe one day, looks so good for tea break :)

  7. Your scones look wonderful--especially with the jam and a cup of good tea. ;-)

  8. i just love scones! i was thinking of making them this weekend :)
    many hugs,

  9. This is very British. I like my scones with clotted cream and golden syrup. Delish. Be there in a sec... hehe. Have a nice day.

  10. Definitely, simple scones, clotted cream, strawberry jam and a cup of tea... so good. I will be baking scones this weekend. Thank you for reminding me.

  11. I tried making scones once, but having never had one had no idea how they were supposed to be, (LOL), so they ended up really hard and dry.

  12. I am so not a baker but those scones remind me of a great UK trip we took with our boys the summer before last. What's better than a scone?

  13. Scones and jam make me smile :) Every time :) Only way to make them better? Include clotted cream!!

  14. This would be a lovely way to spend the afternoon!

  15. Almost too pretty to eat. :) They look delicious!

  16. They really are beautiful and when matched w/tea such a delicious and simple treat! I would love to join you :) XO

  17. I adore scones ~ Wish I had a couple with my morning tea. Have a great day!

  18. Makes me homesick!!

    There's a place here in NY called Alice's tea cup that has lovely tea and scones.
    Check it out next time you're over here, Jasmine would love it! :)

  19. Oh Rebecca - this is so inviting. It is so civilized and such a stress-buster top take time for a homemade scone with tea.

  20. May I come over? It looks so pleasing to the eye. I love the tea cup..such an intricate handle.

  21. mmm...just can imagine dipping these in a hot cup of darjeeling or earl grey!

  22. These look perfect! I would love one of these along with some tea right about now...

  23. wow, they have come out sooooooooooo well..can I have some :)

    US Masala

  24. that looks like such a wonderful way to spend the afternooon, delicious!

  25. They looks so nice , perfectly baked:)

  26. What fun we both did scones, Rebecca! And I'd love to sit down and have tea and scones with you some day....

    Scones were something I learned to love while visiting GB and Scotland many times when my daughter was living in Paris. Often I think it a shame Americans aren't much into the British habit of "tea" but then again, I realize it's one more meal I just don't need. :)

    Really did enjoy your video on the previous post. You are honest, forthright and a good supportive friend!
    Big hug to you, Rebecca!

  27. I always have time for tea and scones.

  28. I do love scones...usually make a gluten free recipe that's on the back of Bob's Red MIll sorghum flour. They're quite tasty, especially when topped with butter and jam :-) OK-so what's a "natter" ?

  29. Oh these look really good. Looks like you did a great job on them.

  30. Those are perfectly lovely. Your teacup is very sweet - I love the work on the handle.

  31. I would love to sit down and enjoy some scones and tea with you. Pass the jam :)

  32. Bridgett oh its nice but I find it a little too rich for me
    Sangeeta never made wholewheat would be great though I bake on occasion so don't worry he he
    Sonia oh yum I made one this evening after I read this
    Sanjeeta on my way over to learn from you
    slyvie yep your my kind of girl
    Anncoo :-)
    Deb thanks
    Justyna oh thats cool looking forward to seeing yours
    Michael oh wow love the golden syrup idea
    ms Pink Piglet enjoy
    Nammi oh don't give up my first few were just the same
    Lauren oh thats cool you have been to my homeland
    the food hound or fresh cream
    Belinda come on over
    Lisa thanks
    design wine and dine come on over
    Diana oh great for breakie as well
    a bowl of mush oh if we come you will have to take us
    Claudia I always try and have afternoon tea :-0
    cool lassie sure come on over
    amelia love earl grey
    Victoria :-)
    aipi sure
    teresa thanks
    sushma thanks
    Beth :-)
    Barbara great minds think a like he he thanks for watching the clip hugs back and so great you got to visit Europe a lot I miss it
    Mimi :-)
    EA oh thats cool natter is a chat
    alicia thanks
    Angela thaks
    Kim thanks

  33. Scones looks perfect and delicious..nice recipe!

  34. These look so good, I think I am going to make them over the weekend.

  35. Yes please! I'll bring the clotted cream :)

  36. I now freeze my weighed out butter and then grate it into the flour when I make scones - it really helps to make them nice and light.

    I'd love one now!!

  37. OMG those look amazing! Thanks for sharing the recipe - would love join you for a cup of tea. That would be so much fun:) Hope you are having a great weekend XO!

  38. Suman thanks
    Priyanka cool enjoy them
    pig pigs corner he he thanks
    brownieville girl thanks for the butter tip
    Stephanie come to NC for a visit

  39. These scones look really yummy!

  40. I am completely indebted to the British for their lovely contribution of taking tea and nibbling on scones to the culinary world! It's always a treat to stop, slow down a bit in our hurried lives to simply sip tea and enjoy a scone! I'm sure that your recipe is perfect!

  41. I've seen several recipes for scones this week and now I really have a craving for them! It would be wonderful to be close enough to join you :)

  42. Dimah thanks
    Roz he he it is a cool tradition I agree

  43. I can't believe I haven't baked scones yet. One day, I'll give a try. It is still on my to-do list.

  44. These look awesome! I have never had true British scones. The closest I had was the ones they served in first class on a flight from London to New Jersey. They were tasty with clotted cream and jam. However, I bet yours are WAY better :)

  45. I love scones and tea. This looks really good with that red jam.

  46. Mm..these scones look delicious! I've been meaning to make scones for a while now- and I still haven't gotten around to it :(

  47. I love scones! Looking forward to see you homemade scones someday. Happy weekend.
    Blessings, Kristy

  48. victor yours will be great
    Nutmeg Nanny oh can't wait to see yours
    thanks Christine
    Von will be an easy recipe for you
    Kristy thanks

  49. this look sooo inviting right now with a hot cup of tea! i love the teacup very nice.

  50. scones are something I really want to try making - this looks like the perfect morning treat!

  51. Rajani thanks so much
    simply life oh you will love them

  52. Thanks for sharing the link, Rebecca! I can see there is less butter than in a US biscuit. Still, they are very similar. Isn't it funny how words for things change from country to country?! Makes things confusing sometimes!


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