Fisherman's Pie

I have been craving British comfort food lately a fun pregnancy craving. I made this cod fish pie recently easy to make and very satisfying, hubby wasn't so sure but will forgive him he has a spicy palate :-) 
I love this dish as you can make a big pot and have leftovers great when your busy and just want to heat up a tasty meal.

 In fact my sweet sister in law is also married to a Brit and they live in the UK I was touched the other night when skyping them she had made a chicken pie pastry and all and on pancake day her hubby made pancakes for all to try. Its so much fun when two cultures get together. That's why we love travel so much exploring new countries the traditions and food. But you don't need to get on a plane to do that try new restaurants in your town and make friends with folks from different countries then pick their brains for recipes!


  • 2 medium cod steaks again wild Alaskan as sustainable unfortunately in Europe this fish has been over fished
  • about a cup of frozen peas and sweet corn or any desired vegetables 
  • 5 medium potatoes to make mashed potatoes
  • about  1 1/2 cups of milk to make a cheese sauce
  • 3 spring onions chopped
  • about 4 thick slices of a good quality sharp cheddar I got an English Seaside one 
  • about a tablespoon of plain flour to make the roux
  • a teaspoon of butter for sauce 
  • butter and milk as desired to make mashed potatoes
  • fresh or dried parsley (about a teaspoon) 

  1. poach the cod with the spring onions with a lid for about 10 minutes until almost cooked, add the frozen vegetables near the end
  2. meanwhile boil the potatoes and then mash them
  3. in another pan heat a little butter and mix with flour to make a roux then slowly stir in milk on a low heat, add the cheese and keep stirring until it thickens and add the parsley
  4. now mix the cod with the cheese sauce add to the bottom of an oven proof dish and top with mashed potato and bake for 10-15 minutes 
  5. enjoy :-)

Here's a fun shot of me in a saree for her wedding:-) last september

Has anyone else made a fisherman's pie ? and what dishes have you learned from your spouse or their family?

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  1. That pie screams comfort food! And you look lovely in that sari, Rebecca. Just lovely!

  2. Couldn't agree with you more. Being from New England, this is definitely comfort food!

  3. Looks delicious..I love cod fish, one of my favorites. I know this would be delish. Congrats on the mention in the magazine. Blessings, Catherine xo

  4. Sounds awesome for sure!

  5. Love fisherman pie that I've tried when my friend made this. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    You look very lovely in that sari Rebecca :)

  6. i've never made fisherman pie before, but i'm really interested in what else qualifies as British comfort sounds amazing!

  7. umm, looks yummy!
    have a sweet monday,

  8. Everybody needs a little comfort food, right? I do love poaching fish, such an easy way to prepare. My mother in law is Swedish so it's meatballs, gravlox and glog (sp?).

  9. Fish pie is definitely a comfort food for me. Yours looks delish. I like using cod as well.

  10. Such a delicious classic dish.
    Thanks for sharing your photo. you look so lovely.
    Wishing you all the best ♥

  11. Un platito delicioso y sencillo.


  12. I had never made a fish pie but had learned a lot from my husband family cooking background. His family has great cooks and when I married him a whole new world of cuisine enter my life.

  13. That pie sounds very comforting Rebecca. You look lovely in the sari for the wedding. It's so interesting to read about your mixing your two cultures.

  14. This sounds like a wonderfully satisfying dish, Rebecca! I just made some breaded cod last week and my husband thought they were too bland. I still have some of the cod fillets in the freezer and think I'll try this recipe to finish them. The cheese sauce will appeal to you, I'm sure :)

  15. I want to make a Fisherman Pie now! I love meals like this - so comforting!

    I love the pict of you at her wedding! Great!

  16. I have never had fisherman's pie before but that looks delicious...And thanks for sharing your look beautiful in that sari.

  17. I don't think I've congratulated you for your upcoming addition to the family--so happy for you! Looking forward to your updates are pregnancy progresses. Wishing you a happy, easy next several months. :-)

  18. You look gorgeous Rebecca...what a beautiful saree.I have never heard of fisherman's pie..but sounds so so good..comforting!

  19. You look lovely in sari. This is one of creamy delicious pie.

  20. this is some mighty comforting comfort food - I would want some on toast please...

  21. wow....this is JUST like a dish my Mom used to make when I was a kid. (my parents are English) BTW, congrats on the magazine shout out. VERY VERY exciting.

  22. Looks so lovely and comforting...

    I love fisherman's pie and often put shrimp in too and I use mustard in the roux sauce to add an extra piquancy...leek in the sauce as well as peas... also a little cheese grated into the potato!

    There you go!

  23. you look adorable!!

    love this dish, it would be a hit in our house.

  24. Your pregnant? I didn't know! Congratulations! I am so happy for you! I bet Jasmine is excited to have a little brother or sister. Your pie does sound comforting and you look so pretty!

  25. Rebecca, you look cute in a saree...and unfortunately I never had a fisherman's pie...and would love to try...I love cod fish :-)

  26. I have never had this dish but I am sure I would LOVE it!

    Thank you for visiting me the other day! I love your blog's name...Chow and Chatter! I will be back for sure. xoxoxo

  27. Yum. Fisherman know good pie! I love the pic of you in the sari - so lovely. I have always wanted to try wearing one.

  28. Ju thanks so much :-)
    Belinda: oh thats cool bet the fish is great there
    Catherine thanks so much your kind
    5 star foodie thanks
    Anncoo oh thats cool your friend made it
    Emily ;-0 fun to share
    Justyna you too
    Lauren love meatballs
    Michael oh I bet yours is lovely
    Ana thanks so much
    Jose gracias
    mely oh me too fun to learn from in laws
    Sam thanks nice to share
    Susan oh hope you like it
    design wine and dine :-)
    Suman thanks
    lemons and anchoivies aw thanks so sweet of you
    Tanvi :-) you will have to try it
    Sushma :-0
    swathi thanks
    sure thing
    Roz oh thats neat you have British parents
    Dom love the leek idea
    Teresa oh hope you try it
    Reeni thanks so much
    Juliana :-)Koralee my pleasure
    Angela :-) it would suit u too

  29. I love saris!! This sounds so comforting and delicious!

  30. I think i like british comfort foods :), that purple saree really suits you :)

  31. I have been to England but have never had this! I would have loved it, love this type of comfort food! Congrats for the mention and have a great week!

  32. Fisherman's pie is such a nice and creamy comfort food. Yum!

    You look great with the sari. Nice!

  33. Oooo wow! This is a great comfort food dish!!!

    Great blog; happy I found you!

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls

  34. Love fisherman's pie, shepherd's pie and cottage pie. Not to mention the tasty Cornish pasty when we were there. Looks delish!

  35. Are you pregnant, Rebecca? How did I miss that??? (Or did I read that first sentence incorrectly?)

    I do love reading about how you have successfully mixed AND clothing-wise. This is absolutely comfort food!

  36. Enjoy your cravings. Pregnancy is the best time for no guilt hogging.

  37. We both cooked cod :-)) yours looks very delicious too.

  38. If there are fish cakes, why not fish pies? This totally works.

  39. fisherman's pie totally screams comfort food, the plate looks super..great shot of you, my hubby ia also hispanic so have grown up eating almost the same flavors, but we do try to feast on as many cultures as we can


  40. the food hound yep fun to wear once in a while he he
    nammi thanks
    tasteof beirut maybe you need to visit again!
    Zoe thanks
    mary thanks
    Doc oh yum love those too
    Barbara yep 16 weeks now :-)
    Shirley he he so true
    Angie :-)
    the duo dishes yep :-)
    the sweetlife love your dishes

  41. I think your fisherman's pie looks good. I have never had it before.

    I am not sure what I have learned from Ryan but I have introduced him to all kinds of Jewish foods. He is from NJ and lots of Italians around so he is big on pasta and making homemade pizza dough for pizza.

  42. Love your sari! That reminds me that I have a sari that was a beautiful gift from a friend, but I have never worn it. Still waiting for a traditional indian wedding to attend. Anyway...Fisherman's Pie sounds like the ultimate comfort food!

  43. This is something I have never tried but it looks fantastic :)

  44. You look so beautiful in the saree! Wonderful deep purple. I've always wanted a saree, even though I'm Vietnamese, haha.

  45. Melinda oh love the Italian food and learning so much about Jewish from reading blogs
    Liren thanks so much you need to wear the saree for fun!
    Magic of spice thanks bet you could so a great veggie version
    Pauline well why not I am not Indian he he

  46. Love, love, love fish pies like this. Perfect comfort food!

  47. Sushma thanks so much
    Tasty Trix oh and bet the seafood where you are is great


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