Your in my Circle

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  1. Just watched your video; thanks for sharing. I believe that no one is better than anyone else, but rather, we all have different skills. Treat each other with respect and compassion.

    All the best,

  2. I think that your comments are well thought out, kind, and a good reminder. Thank you for making the blogging world a nicer place for us all.

  3. Who knows how it all works? Thanks for sharing your thoughts - you're very sweet and you speak from the heart. =)

  4. I just watched your video and I wanted to tell you how nice it was to hear what you said. I follow you on Facebook and Twitter and I think you're so awesome about promoting other blogs by showcasing posts that you like (even more than your own). I'm happy to be a (new) part of the food blogging community and I think you make it better by being in it, too. :-)

  5. Agreed! thanks for opening the discussion so honestly :) Love that you're part of this community.

  6. You are so wonderful always, I can't imagine how anyone could be offended by you. I do not really know anything about these blogger of the year awards, you know me I have a hard time just catching up with those I enjoy. I think that everyone has something wonderful to share and I agree that it is important to remember that we all started the same place.
    Hope you are having a beautiful week!

  7. Rebecca, thanks for sharing your thoughts, ideas and being so sincere!

  8. Rebecca that was an amazing video , I do agree with u tht all bloggers whether small or big are really special in their own way esp when I surf I get to learn so many differnt cuisines thts where we all started and I do appreciate each ones efforts and time they put into their blog to make it a very special one, and U are amazing and ur blog is equally special in its own beautiful way!

  9. I totally agree with you. I see more and more food blogs seeing it as a popularity contest. They should be reminded that food blogging is a mean to share our love for food and care about others. We are after all a community.

  10. So So real words Rebecca.I cudnt agree more.Its hard to match up with networking pace these days.I always maintain that everybody's effort is precious.Though i m a new kid in blogging but I try to acknowledge each and every comment on my blog as and when time permits.What you said about contests is sadly true.I really like your subtle approach to the topic.Very well put.have nice day.

  11. You bring up a brilliant point. The blogging world is odd there are so many clicks and I think even the biggest food blogger may not realize that there is someone even BIGGER than them. All the more reason to stay focused on being a true communicator and not crawling into a shell the moment you think you've hit the top! Have a lovely day!

  12. What a great video post!! I agree we all should be respectful of each other.Blogging is not a popularity contest.

  13. Anthony thanks i think your brilliant at supporting others :-)
    Angela aw thanks great to know you enjoying your blog
    Belinda thanks
    lemons and anchiovies thanks I try to do that :-) and your great
    Karen i love hearing others views :-)
    tasteofbeirut :-)
    magic of spice and wow your blog is amazing boy can you cook hugs Alisha
    Angie my pleasure I think your blog is first class
    Sushma oh your so kind, great to know you
    Victor well put :-)
    Tanvi thanks great to hear from you
    Kris yep got to stay grounded hugs
    Alicia so agree
    Mimi :-)

  14. Rebecca - AWESOME VIDEO!!!!! Loved it! You probaly said 99% of what everyone is thinking but not saying!

  15. Hi Rebecca,
    Life and blogging means respect and you show the way. Lovely to see your special video.

  16. good post! i definitely remember the days when no one read my blog and my pictures SUCKED! if it wasn't for my great bloggy friends, i doubt i would have progressed. i'm always grateful for that.

  17. How true. How very true. good on you for keeping it real.

  18. love this rebecca! so true and thank you...not only for your words but also for your support all these months! XOXOXOXO

  19. Aw...thank you. It always means a lot to me when you stop by, since I am a huge admirer of your blog. Your posts have almost convinced me to try Twitter, but I am still a bit nervous.

  20. delissh thanks so much I think so too he he
    Rita thanks so much adore your posts
    Teresa and I think you take amazing pictures
    Penny thanks :-)
    design wine and dine my pleasure your a talent
    Angela tweet tweet

  21. Rebecca, you are truly a breath of fresh air in the blogging world. I have noticed the same 'trend' among a certain circle of bloggers that I have personally felt that their blogging attempts were for the purpose of increasing and 'driving traffic'. And yes, these 'top' circle of food bloggers do stop visiting and commenting and one feels betrayed after developing what might have initially felt like a blogging friendship. I agree with every one of your sentiments and have figured out who are my true foodie friends simply be watching trends of who stops responding back to my comments after about 4 or 5 unanswered comments.....I call it blogging kindness and etiquette, simple as that. And yes, I got very tired of the 'biggies' always asking for my vote for some award when they never comment or tweet me either. By the way, I just haven't had time to get on Twitter for the very longest time now, so I hardly know what's going on there! But I go on . . . thank you for your courageous and completely honest thoughts. You're one of my faves, sweetie! Hugs, Roz

  22. You are a doll in every sense my friend! So glad I can call u a friend n be in your inner circle :-)

  23. Great thoughts, Reb and I think it's a wonderful point to remember that we all contribute ourselves and are equally as important. It can get frustrating when you start trying to compete...and I do find that it's the most fun when just forgetting all that and doing what I love. Although, I do hope that others love it, too ;)

  24. I think what you said is true, there does seem to be division among bloggers, which is a shame, we should all be supporting one another regardless of what level of success we have achieved. Thanks for the heartfelt video.

  25. Roz thanks for sharing how you feel good to know I am not the only one this has happened to you and love ya your a great blogger and geniune
    Prena like wise
    Girlichef well said its about having fun
    Sylvie we are all one and the same hugs thanks for visiting Rebecca

  26. This is an awesome video Rebecca. I totally agree with you, there are bloggers that are literally sucking the fun out of it. I usually don't bother with them, and am around 'smaller' bloggers like myself, making healthy relationships/friendships with them!

  27. Rebecca I applaud you for bringing this topic out in the open for discussion. I have been thinking the same thing for a long time now but since I am a small and relatively unknown blogger I didn't feel I had any right to run with the "big dogs". Thank you for making me feel special too! I wish you tons of positive feedback from this post. You deserve it!

  28. I agree with EVERYTHING you said. It was nice that someone finally said it...I know I have been feeling this way for awhile. Thank you for being in my "inner circle" :)

  29. Rebecca: I was just feeling down a bit about my blog lately and coming over to hear your video made me smile and gave a bit more confidence. thanks for sharing!

  30. Avanika thanks for watching and for your comment
    Kudos we all have the right to chat with the big dogs they are just the same as you and I :-)
    Nutmeg nanny thanks your a star enjoy your blog and posts on foodblog listserv a lot
    Amelia believe in yourself hugs


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