Roasted Eggplant with Pesto and Pasta

This is a super simple meal, packed with flavor, its in fact another meal I made right before leaving for our trip, it would also be perfect if you had limited ingredients on hand. I just adore roasted vegetables brings out a whole new flavor.


  • one small eggplant sliced thinly and roasted with a little salt and pepper and olive oil for 20 minutes at 350 
  • any desired pasta 
  • one cup frozen peas
  • one tablespoon of pesto (I cheated and used Basil from the store, but its easy to make grind pine nuts with basil and parmesan)
  • 10 diced cherry tomatoes 

  1. roast the eggplant 
  2. meanwhile boil the pasta till al dente 
  3. saute the peas and tomatoes in olive oil for 5 minutes 
  4. then add the eggplant and pesto and toss with pasta 
  5. voila a meal in a jiffy 
Hope everyones week is going well, we are slowly sleeping back on American time, catching up with friends and enjoying the lovely spring weather here in North Carolina. Don't you just love this time of year with the blossoms and flowers coming into bloom :-)

and the lovely Megan of Kitsch in the Kitchen gave me this award

but she is really the stylish one as an artist and sweet Mummy she makes adorable aprons I have one, be sure to visit her etsy store and her blog shes great 

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  1. I totally agree with you about roasted way to cook most vegetables. Great simple pasta dish. I bet it is hard getting on our time.

  2. Love this simple pasta but too bad I can't try out because kids dont appreciate eggplant..Beautiful flowers..

  3. Un plato de pasta excelente. Saludos

  4. Roasted eggplants with Pasta! Sounds the colorful flowers.

  5. I love the flavor that roasting veggies brings out, too. Love this simple, delicious dish :D Beautiful glad you are back safe and sound.

  6. Simply goodness on a plate..I can finish that plate within minutes..look SO YUM!!

  7. This sounds so good. I have a jar of Pesto and will pick up an eggplant and give it a try. I love eggplant and never cook with it myself. That is going to change!

  8. A nice and quick pasta dish, great with eggplant!

  9. Sounds like a yummy pasta dish, i love egg plant! (aubergine hehe)

    The pictures of the cherry blossom trees are so pretty!

  10. Great looking dish! Just came across your wonderful blog and am a new follower!!!
    - Jessica

  11. Those flowers are beautiful. The eggplant dish looks great. I may need to give that one a try.

  12. So simple, but so delicous looking. Thanks for the great recipe! The flower shots are GORGEOUS!!!!! So glad spring is here. Have a good day.

  13. yum, glad you had a great time, happy spring time.
    I left an award for you on my blog,


  14. I love roasted vegetables too. This looks amazing!

  15. Ooh great combination of pasta and eggplant. This is bookmarked!

  16. Bo its hard but getting there :-)
    Belinda must be pretty there too
    Sonia oh thats a shame
    Jose thanks
    Sanjeeta thanks so much
    girlichef thanks hugs
    Suman he he come on over
    Lisa oh enjoy
    5 star foodie thanks
    a bowl of mush :-)
    cajunilicious welcome on my way over to your place
    Melinda oh you will love it
    Megan thanks so much will add to post so I don't forget
    Beth aw thanks
    Maris thanks so much

  17. I love eggplants in pasta dishes. delicious! I'm definitely up for a meet up if you're coming to the UK next month. Let me know details closer to the time :)
    Have a nice day!

  18. I am on the badwagon with the roasted vegetables - there's a whole new sweet depth of flavor in those healthy morsels. A little pesto... a little pasta.... heaven. I am wishing my flowers out of the ground! Love the springing of your spring.

  19. I love roasted eggplant and I love pasta so, to me, this is the perfect combination!

  20. Eggplant is one of my favorite veggies! This looks soo good and simple...

  21. Michael email me or add on facebook will give you details
    Claudia hope your spring comes soon
    jean :-)
    Marnely thanks

  22. oh yum! i love pesto, this looks SO good!

  23. I love this roasted eggplant with pasta. Roasting vegetables really brings out the flavor. It's delicious!

  24. Roasted eggplant and pesto sounds great. Love simple pasts. Nice clicks. congrats on your award.

  25. roasted veges and pasta.. nice'y

    new to ur blog n happy to follow for more wonderful recipes..

    do visit me when u get time dear..

  26. Beautiful picks. In NYC it seems spring is not quite here yet, even the flowers are confused. I love pesto (make it with peas for an easy dinner) and really put it on anything. The eggplant addition sounds tasty, will try.

  27. Looks amazing and I bet it tastes better!

  28. Yum! This looks delicious! We just joined a CSA and when I get some eggplant I have to make this!

  29. roasted eggplant in pasta fantastic twist i'm sure it tasted heaven! :)

  30. So glad spring has sprung in your area, Rebecca. Such a pleasure to see the flowering trees.
    I adore roasted veggies and eggplant roasts beautifully. I made a pasta dish with eggplant a while was an ugly grey, but it sure tasted great. Will be trying your version soon!

  31. That looks great Rebecca! I love a veggie pasta like this one. healthy and delicious! Beautiful flowers as well. Glad to hear everyone's getting back on schedule.

  32. I am loving roasted veggies too. I found if I don't really like a vegetable all that well...just roast it, then it's great! I just had roasted brussels sprouts, and parsnips last night, although we always liked parsnips.

  33. This looks really simple yet really healthy and perfect for the warmer weather too! Pesto is the best :)

  34. teresa :-)
    ann so true
    swathi thanks
    mehjabeen thanks for stopping by will come over to yours :-)
    lauren hope it warms up soon in NYC
    Doc thanks
    nutmeg nanny love CSAs
    Ananda thanks
    Barbara hope you like it
    Julie :-) me too hugs
    Lyndsey that sounds great
    Xinmei thanks for visiting :-)

  35. i love roasted veggies, they add such great flavor!!

    great dish!!


  36. Totally agree about roasted vegetables and eggplant happens to be one of my favorites - on pasta, pizza, in a sandwich - any which way. Your photos make me miss Spring back east - the flowering trees are so beautiful!

  37. Looks like such a comforting meal! I want to try this out, I am always looking for easy dishes to prepare last minute and I'm often cooking for just two, so this recipe looks like it would be perfect!

  38. sweetlife :-0
    she cookin oh it is pretty with the trees this side of the country
    Audrey so pleased you like it and thanks for stopping by

  39. I agree Rebecca . . . there is nothing quite like the flavor that comes from roasting vegetables! This sounds awesome with the pesto too! This has been the absolutely most beautiful spring that we've had in the Carolina's for several years (lots of rain this year). Our dogwoods have been in bloom for two weeks now. The azaleas are glorious! I just can't stop staring at the beauty everywhere here this spring! Glad you made it back to the States safely!

  40. love pesto and eggplant, so this looks amazing!

  41. Roz your right we live in such a pretty area for flowers
    Emily thanks

  42. Hola Rebecca,

    I think you would like to know more about the Nopales and its healthy benefits.

    This link has a lot of information about them. Personally I prefer them to green beans.



  43. I am a BIG fan of eggplant. This winter has drug on and on, and I have my little eggplant seedling under grow lights waiting for our Kentucky garden to warm up. Do you think growing a dozen eggplants is overkill? Giggles

  44. I adore roasted vegetable as well and love this pasta dish...wish I had had it for dinner :)
    Glad you had a wonderful trip and are all home safe :)

  45. Mely thanks for the link will check it out for sure
    Joyce oh thats wonderful you are growing them and why not as many as you like
    Alisha will send you a plate


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