Smoked Salmon and Avocado Salad

This wonderfully simple dish was inspired by our visit to New Zealand, when we stayed the night on the sheep farm this was the appetizer our lovely host served us. The salmon paired beautifully with the avocado not sure why I hadn't thought of it before. 
Its perfect for spring loaded with good fats and omega three fatty acids.


for 2 adults
  • one avocado sliced 
  • about 5 strawberries sliced
  • a little balsamic vinegar 
  • a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
  • two handfuls of mixed greens
  • about 6 cherry tomatoes sliced
  • about 3/4 of a pack of smoked salmon cut into sliced
  • salt and pepper to taste

  1. simple arrange chopped salad items on plate
  2. then drizzle with a little oil and vinegar 
  3. and add salt and pepper to taste
Even our toddler ate a little avocado and salmon with cherry tomatoes :-)

This will be going into the Chow and Chatter recipe app update for sure, will start saving for that soon after the trip to the UK in May, I know we travel like crazy but have to before third trimester!

 We are going to the UK to see our new nephew, Mum and Dad's and Grandparents. Then I will be grounded for a while he he 

Have a great start to the Easter week :-)


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  1. And now you have me thinking why I haven't thought about it. This is definitely coming to my table - it has it all doesn't it? Colors, textures, salty, creamy... I could go on...

  2. I bet those flavors are 'POW!' I pretty much think avocado goes great with anything. Well done!

  3. I'm addicted to avocado and I can only imagine that with the smoked salmon it's delicious!

  4. Hi Rebecca, This is looking absolutely delightful. Very nicely made and presented. Its always fun to see ur appetizing recipes. I wud love to give ur version a try on the coming weekend. Have a great day !

  5. We love salmon and this salad looks very appealing with the other omega-3 favorite, avocado.

  6. Claudia oh so true :-)
    Parsley sage oh I agree
    Marnley oh you would love this recipe then
    Mehjabeen thanks
    Sonia thanks for the kind words enjoy
    Savoring time in the kitchen :-)

  7. Salmon and avocado are a wonderful pairing. This looks so bright, fresh and perfect for spring. ;-)

  8. Beautiful, healthy, and delicious; what more could you ask for?:)

    Have a wonderful trip!

  9. Looks so beautiful! And I love that you made your recipe for two adults to share. I always put a salad out on one plate for me and my husband to share.

  10. Bright n refreshing salad- great combo of flavors!

    US Masala

  11. Rebecca, as you might have known that I am a huge fan of all sorts of salads. I love your smoked salmon salad! Great flavours.

  12. total blogger ESP, I've been on a smoked salmon kick lately (loving it after running). This salad looks fantastic. Travel all you can (I'm jealous) been "grounded" for a while.

  13. Hey! Rebecca,

    That is a gorgeous salad colorful and easy. I love how you recipes have that feature: Easy. :)

    Love and hugs girl!


  14. Que interesante plato, me encanta el salmón


  15. What a lovely and perfect spring meal!

  16. yes lots of good fats! im going to try this pair soon...maybe even in a sandwich! yummm! glad you had a good time in NZ and Aust :)

  17. Oh my gosh, I'm not sure why I'VE never thought of this before, either!! Love the texture combo of the salmon and avocado! THe BH is not a smoked salmon fan, but that means more for me :)

  18. This looks delicious and healthy!

  19. I must make this salad! Full of my favorite things! You are one busy girl!!! XO

  20. sheril thanks
    deb thanks so much
    Raina aw thanks your sweet
    othelia :-)
    aipi thanks
    Angie oh you would love this one
    Lauren he he kids will do that I know it will be harder with two
    mely easy recipes are my middle name he he
    jose :-)
    Belinda :-) thanks
    Viviene oh thats a good idea
    the food hound thats the spirit
    chef pandita thanks
    design wine and dine u will love it

  21. How have I not thought to combine smoked salmon with avocado!?!? Two of my favorite things and somehow this escaped me. This salad looks incredible, and I'm going to recreate it asap.

  22. look at those gorgeous colors, i love this salad!

  23. Love the combo of protein and veggie there. Awesome salad.

  24. If only I could remember to eat this way all the time-beautiful. I have to remember the silky texture of avocado pairs nicely with a fish like salmon.


  25. I love how you find the dishes that have such simplicity yet pair delicious flavors. This would be a lovely meal.

  26. Oh Rebecca, I love the simplicity of this the strawberries and avocado, so refreshing and good looking salad. Have a great week :-)

  27. Rebecca, this is a stunning salad. Healthy and beautiful!

  28. Definitely sounds like a great combo. I've never thought about it either, but now I'll definitely have to try it out :)

  29. I love everything there (except strawberries, allergic)...I think avocado goes with everything, but I'm nuts :)
    Wishing you a wonderful Holiday with your safe!

  30. wow , thats a lovely platter. Are you still in australia or back in states? hope you had a nice trip

  31. Wow I'm pretty jealous, I want to visit New Zealand! I agree that this is a very good recipe for spring, thanks for posting it :)

  32. AMAZING! The color bend is very attractive!

  33. a bowl of mush :-)
    Tasha enjoy
    teresa thanks
    swathi :-)
    Velva oh we all need to remember that he he
    Bridgett he he my trademark simple
    Juliana you too
    Ann thanks
    Victoria u will love it
    thanks Alisha your so sweet
    Nammi oh thanks for the trip was amazing back home now
    Xinmei i hope you can visit one day
    Dana thanks

  34. Great combination of ingredients.

  35. We love smoked salmon and eat it quite often. What a great new recipe for us to try. What a tasty combination; everything must just go so well together;keeping this one; thank you Rebecca.

  36. Healthy and delicious! Much flavor going on. I'd love to try it soon!

  37. Tastes good and best of all no cooking and so easy to prepare.

  38. wow I would have never thought, smoked salmon and avocado!! yummy combo!!


  39. I find most people prefer simple salads with great ingredients. I'm sure a salad with smoked salmon and avocado salad would be an instant hit.


  40. Mimi thanks
    Rita my pleasure
    Kris enjoy
    chopinmysaucepan he eh got to love that thanks for stopping by
    sweetlife :-)
    mother rimmy thanks

  41. Love this combination of flavors. Isn't that the best thing about traveling, you come away inspired to extend the experiences on your plate.

  42. I agree, Rebecca . . . I never thought of combining these together before either! So many flavors along with balsamic vinegar. Gotta make this healthy recipe! Thank you!!!!!


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