Sydney: The Rocks and a Stroll

This is a clip of strolling in Sydney on the first night, we were in awe very pretty city with amazing harbor views and a fusion of the US, some parts look like Manhattan, Australia and the UK. Beautiful old buildings are mixed with the new. Today we visited The Rocks the original settlement in the late 1700's early 1800's looks very much like London. They have a fun market on the weekend, and its very much the cool place to be. 

However 3 days is enough here its super overpriced we payed $4.50 for a coffee and $9.50 for a simple ham sandwich today. A trip to a grocery store later I think he he. While I highly recommend a visit to Sydney its stunning its almost impossible to live in the city center. Most folks commute 1-2 hours into the city on public transport. For a moment we were wowed and hubby even said lets look for work and live here for a couple of years then today we got back to reality and decided best to live in our medium sized town in the US with a normal cost of living! and just visit!

Great place for coffee -

Barcycle Vittoria Coffee 
Dawes Point, Walsh wharf the old wool loading docks, beautiful area looking at the boats and million dollar plus apartments, lovely owner from Italy and a cyclist and coffee is only $2.50 a bargain here!

Tomorrow I am going to meet the lovely Sheh from Cook Republic a Food blogger here, can't wait!

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  1. That expensive, we need to make more money to visit there.

  2. Angie you would enjoy it :-) been a fun couple of weeks here
    Belinda thanks we need to meet sometime on my return come over
    Swathi yep but still worth it

  3. I would love to see Sydney. It looks really nice. Wow, I cannot believe how expensive the sandwich was...yikes! I find that is the case lately everywhere I travel. Thanks for sharing your trip with us:)

  4. Rebecca- Thanks so much for sharing the market with us. What a beautiful little neighborhood. Have lots of fun!

  5. You know how I love markets! sounds like fun, but so nice to return to the real lfe; got back home anfew day ago and thrilled; enjoy and keep us posted.

  6. What a GREAT trip!! I'm enjoying following along via Facebook with all the great pics you're posting. Thanks for sharing!!

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  7. Wow, I'd really love to go to Sydney, but I'm sorry it's so expensive. I guess I figured. But you're on vacation, so make the best of it :)

  8. I have been to Sydney before with my parents long back was absolutely amazing...loved it!

  9. thanks all love you all great to have you travel with me hugs


  10. I've never been to Sydney, but have heard wonderful things about it AND the food!
    Loved your walking tour, Rebecca!

  11. My boss went to Sydney and showed us all her pictures. I was so jealous!
    I want to visit so badly!!

  12. I would love to go there. My husband would like to move there as well- it is just so far from home. Hard to leave family and friends.

  13. Hi Rebecca, thanks SO much for sharing these wonderful videos and photos of your adventure down under. So interesting, and definitely makes me want to get myself down there at some point. Keep safe down there

  14. It's great to see that you are enjoying your trip!

  15. Your trip looks like so much fun! Sydney is my absolute fav in Australia!

  16. Wow Rebecca, it sure seems that you had a great time :-)

  17. I am currently in Costa Rica reading about a British woman who lives in America but is visiting Australia! Don't you love blogs.? GREG

  18. seems as though you are having a great trip, how long are you away?

  19. Glad you are enjoying the trip, but it sucks that things are so pricey. Have a safe trip home.

  20. It looks amazing! I love the clash of new and old...:)

  21. Someone's having a really nice time.Thanks for this virtual tour Rebecca.Tk care and come back safe.

  22. thanks again all for joining me now in New Zealand home at the weekend hugs


  23. Wow..Looks like you having a great trip..

  24. I have never been. Thanks for bringing it to me!

  25. I would love to visit markets in different places, wonderful...

  26. thanks again all for joining me loved to have you with me hugs Rebecca

  27. Glad you enjoyed the visit, I love the rocks. You hit the nail on the head, the cost of living is pretty high, especially in the city. But we love it though, couldn't imagine living anywhere else (but we're biased cos we live in a beach side suburb).


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