The Albatross Boat Restaurant

Today we went to Wells Next The Sea a cute little Norfolk seaside town and ate on a Dutch boat dating back to 1899!, its still sea faring. My sister in law was raving about the pancakes and I must say the food was good, simple, fresh and very tasty. A must visit if your in the area.

Mushroom and garlic omelet

mushroom and pesto pancake

Dutch apple and cinnamon pancake

The upper deck

Jasmine and I

Local fishermen getting their cages together to catch lobster and crayfish, they said they make a good living from it and the brown crabs are in season
fishing boats, adore little towns like this

Fresh crabs for sale cooked and dressed 

adorable little house

snacking on fresh crab and crayfish tails this evening little Jasmine loved it

Whats your favorite seaside town?

for more info on this fascinating ship here's their site, it was Europe's last commercial cargo sail ship and worked for 98 years!

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  1. Looks like you are enjoying the vacation a lot Rebecca.Yummy food and a beautiful setting of the restaurant.Life's good :)

  2. I looks like you guys are having a wonderful time. This sounds like a delightful restaurant =)

  3. that dutch apple pancake looks SOOO good~~~pie in a breakfast form!

  4. Yep, I'm leaning toward the apple pancake too! What a great vacation, have fun!

  5. The mushroom pesto pancake beckons me!

  6. The food looks wonderful, and you must of had a wonderful time.

    One of my favorite seaside towns is Leland, Michigan even though the "sea" is Lake Michigan is has all the charm of a small fishing town. The canal at the harbor is lined with smokehouses ready to sell you wonderful smoked fish and such. And a winery across the way where you can taste some of the best Michigan wines.

  7. The word Albatross always makes me think of Monty Python! :) Looks like your are having a wonderful time.

  8. Hi Rebecca! I haven't been checking your site for a few days and it looks like you already had done lots of activities! I need to catch up on reading your posts. It looks like you guys are having GREAT time! Enjoy your stay!

  9. Junia, I'm with you! That dutch baby looks amazzzing!

  10. Tanvi yep life is good but being honest ready for home and routine
    girlichef oh it was neat hugs
    Junia oh it was so good
    Renee oh that one rocked
    Rosemary will send u some
    Lyndsey oh that place in Michigan sounds fab, love smoked fish
    Roz he he it does i agree
    Nami thanks for traveling with me and thanks having fun
    Marnely :-)

  11. Boast restaurant looks nice, awesome food and nice settings.

  12. That looked really interesting. WHat food was good?

  13. Thanks for taking us along your vacation home-we have enjoyed the journey too.

    Safe journey home to you.


  14. Looks like fun! What a good idea to put the boat in a great use to serve delicious food!
    My favorite seaside towns are around Aegean and Mediterranean sea on Turkey coast! Sea is so blue and foo is very fresh. Would love to retire there!

  15. I love how you include us on your trips! Boat restaurants are my favorite - I love seafood and seaside towns. I hope to do a write up and photos soon of my favorite!!!!! XO

  16. What a great getaway! I love the look of the apple and cinnamon pancake- sublime indeed

  17. That crab looks delicious. How was the mushroom/garlic omelet. Would never think to do garlic in an omelet for some reason. Long trip, no?

  18. Sounds like so much fun to dine in this boat restaurant!

  19. What a beautiful town! It looks like the perfect place to spend a weekend sightseeing and relaxing :) And the Dutch apple pancake looks delicious-like a tarte tatin!

  20. It looks like you guys are having GREAT time! Enjoy! The Boat restaurant rocks :)
    US Masala

  21. your travels are so fun to read about, i'm just dying to follow your trail and check these places out. so fun!

  22. swathi oh it was nice
    peachkins :-)
    doc oh food was great
    Velva thanks for coming a long my friend
    ilke oh love Turkey great country and amazing seafood
    design wine and dine looking forward to your post
    adrian oh that was a good one, thanks for stopping by
    Lauren yep nearly three weeks making most of seeing everyone hugs garlic rocked in the omelet
    5 star foodie u would love it
    Lorraine oh yeah it does look like that
    aipi yep hugs
    teresa praying you can
    rita :-)

  23. What an adorable little seaside those old boats! I am intrigued by that savory pancake, looks like fun :)

  24. magic of spice the savory one was lovely :-) you would love that town

  25. That sounds like so much fun! I love your blog. I saw you on Victor's and decided I just had to stop by.


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