Interview with Kim from The Ungourmet


Continuing my series of  interviewing awesome bloggers with Entrepreneurial ventures, I would love to introduce you to Kim, although I know many of you know her as The Ungourmet . Her blog is one of my favorites and one of the first I started reading after I started Chow and Chatter three years ago. She is humble, a great cook and a wonderful Mum. She always makes the best cupcakes so the idea of The Cupcake Academy was a perfect fit for her, love it.

1. How long have you been blogging and what prompted you to start?

I have been blogging for since February 2009. I was inspired to begin my adventures in blogging after stumbling onto Ree’s blog, The Pioneer Woman. I was immediately intrigued and couldn’t wait to give it a try. I did a bit of research and fumbled my way through it. I’ve learned so much and made so many terrific blogging friends along the way.

2. Tell us a little about yourself....

I am a wife and a mother to two amazing kids. I recently accepted a position as a baker with a local camp/conference center. It’s wonderful to have the opportunity to use recipes from the Ungourmet on the job.
3. Tell us about your love of cupcakes and how you got the idea to start the academy.

I can't think of very many things in this life as cute as a cupcake! They are full and whimsy and fun and they are just the perfect portion. I really can’t remember just how I came up with the idea for Cupcake Academy but I can tell you I came up with it in the wee hours of the morning. I don't know about you but I do some of my best thinking during the times I really should be sleeping!

4. Give us a run down of what a person booking you for a party, learning experience could expect...

Cupcake Academy offers cupcake baking parties for up to ten children. The parties are held in the client’s home and the kids have a chance to become pint sized chefs for a few hours. They decorate their very own chef’s hat, don a darling apron and get busy. They mix, bake, decorate and finally, consume their cupcake masterpiece. The kids have a blast... and I have a blast watching them creating, learning, exploring, laughing and have fun.

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  1. Love this idea (and love your interviews). I did a couple cooking parties for my kids when they were younger. It definitely depends on the ages of the kids. I will definitely check out Kim's blog. It sounds as though she is channeling a hobby/passion into a career. And I don't even like cupcakes and she has be wanting one, what is that?

  2. great to know about Kim and appreciate you to give such a wonderful intro about her.

  3. Great to meet you! Sounds like a wonderful camp - big kids would have fun, too!

  4. That's such a cool idea! Awesome interview, thanks for sharing. I'm heading over to Kim's site right now :)

  5. Love the cupcake party idea, seems like kids could really get into it! I had not yet discovered Kim but am on my way to her blog! :) Thanks Rebecca!

  6. Great interview and love the idea of a Cupcake Academy - is there an age limit to enroll? I bet the kids have a blast and the cupcakes look delicious:)

  7. such a clever idea- A CUPCAKE BAKING PARTY!! i remember making cupcakes with my mom and brothers and it was always an amazing experience, a party would have been even BETTER! :)

  8. This is just great! I always love being introduced to new bloggers with great ideas! I bet the kids LOVE the parties - very hands on and super fun! Nice to meet you Kim!

  9. Thanks Rebecca for sharing inspiring stories with us - storied that encourage and give hope and give a nudge....saying 'your dreams too are possible!'. Great to meet you Kim!

  10. Thanks so much for featuring Cupcake Academy today. I hope you are having a lovely weekend! :)

  11. Love the interview!!!Kim is amazing an has a beautiful blog!

  12. What a great idea for kids!

  13. so pleased you enjoyed the interview let me know if you would like to be featured


  14. I love Kim many times I visit her blogs an love her recipes,great to know more about her! gloria

  15. I have enjoyed Kim's site for years and love seeing her featured. Her talents are many and the interview was lovely.

  16. I think the Ungourmet (Kim) is quite amazing! Of course, it couldn't have anything to do with her being my Daughter! Seriously, I love her Blog and am so blessed by her creativity. The Cupcake Academy is a wonderful way for kids to express their creativity as well.

  17. I love her creative ideas cupcake decoration and sure her blog!

  18. I've been reading Kim's blog for a long time too. Great interview Rebecca.

    Great idea for the camp Kim. It's nice to get to know you better.

  19. Very nice interview Rebecca! Thanks for introducing one of your favorite blogs to us!

  20. thanks again all you will adore KIm

  21. Hi Kim! What a fun interview...loved learning a bit more about the cupcake academy and how you got started blogging :)
    Great interview Rebecca!

  22. What an interesting feature and interview! I love it and have enjoyed Kim's blog for a few months now.


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