Miso Marinated Salmon

I was reading about miso the other day on NPR and was amazed at how healthy it was and also how many different recipes you could do with it not just miso soup. Here are some cool facts - It is high in manganese, zinc, phosphorus and copper, along with protein and dietary fiber. In fact, one tablespoon of miso carries 2 grams of protein — sort of a "super condiment." - Miso an Ancient Solution to Modern Meals

I saw a great marinate recipe for halibut and also a great salad dressing here is my fish recipe with a few tweaks and with salmon.


  • 2 portions of Wild Alaskan Salmon
  • 2 tablespoon of white miso paste
  • 2 tablespoon of soy sauce 
  • 2 tablespoon of honey
  • a few black sesame seeds
  • a dash of sake 

  1. mix the marinate and soak the salmon in it for 30 minutes to one hour 
  2. then poach in a little olive oil for 10 minutes
  3. serve with Japanese rice and vegetables
  4. enjoy this wonderful and simple meal, with a great depth of flavor

Has anyone got any creative recipes with miso to share?

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  1. Yum! Thanks for sharing those facts Rebecca :) I've had a variation of this, but it was Miso Glazed...delicious!

  2. miso soup is delicious and simple to make too! i hear that if you are soy intolerant, you can still prolly eat miso because it is fermented. love the combo of miso and salmon!

  3. Having a good miso paste in the refrigerator is must-have staple in our house! I really love a nice miso glaze. Lovely post!

  4. I saw a chef on television this morning marinating a piece of fish with miso. I need to try this. Thanks for the recipe.

  5. Thanks for the miso lesson! Someone in the past told me is "basically soy sauce".

  6. What a great sauce recipe. Can't wait to try it!

  7. I have heard a lot about Miso but never really tried it. Now that you say it's healthy .. may be I should buy some and give a try :)

  8. That salmon looks positively delicious and packed with flavor. I'd love to try this one.

  9. I keep meaning to buy a tub of miso paste, and after checking out this lovely recipe, I'm definitely going to have to do it soon! Sounds absolutely delicious =)

  10. I would love to try making this! Looks so delicious :)

  11. This sounds amazing, Rebecca. I actually love miso, but wish I used it more. I'm definitely feeling inspired!

  12. Great photo! I have salmon in the refrigerator for tomorrow;thank you.

  13. Marnely oh my pleasure
    Belinda thanks
    Junia thats cool to know
    Melanie oh give me some more recipes!
    Kitcherian oh thats neat
    Claire my pleasure
    yummy chunklet :-)
    kanana :-)
    Kim oh hope u like it
    peggy u will love it
    Nourhan thanks and thanks for stopping by
    girlichef can't wait to see how u use it
    Rita hugs enjoy

  14. the other day i just cooked miso with chicken, it was really yummy, i will share the recipe soon. Your miso salmon must be very nice too.

  15. Un plato de salmón de 10, me encanta.


  16. I've never done a single thing with miso, Rebecca. I've had miso soup, but that's about it. Nice to read about it and the marinade sounds great. Love that combo of ingredients.
    (And loved the photo on Facebook. You are getting close!)

  17. Miso can be used in things that aren't soup? Who knew!? Very cool recipe, cant wait to give it a try :)

  18. I like that you used miso to make the marinade for the salmon. I bet it would be great for cod too.

  19. I tried to leave a message yesterday, but on my home computer I couldn't sign in to blogger to leave a message.

    I love miso marinated anything, and it just seems to go so well with salmon. That reminds me...I am almost out of mine I need to pick up another tub of miso.

  20. The salmon must be delicious with the miso paste. A simple and yet a nutritious meal!

  21. Love miso on my fish! This looks wonderful!

  22. This looks so delicious.

  23. I love miso and salmon, so this is a perfect dinner idea!

  24. I've never tried miso before! It sounds like a very healthy ingredient.

  25. That sounds like a great idea! I know you just got back from a trip but....

    Stop by because I've got the scoop on a giveaway trip to Holland!

  26. MISO HUNGRY for this marinated salmon. mmm miso + omegas = <3

  27. I adore miso, mostly in miso soup, but I love it in marinade as well. This salmon looks delish.

  28. I love miso and order it in restaurants and never make it. You have inspired me.

  29. Sonia looking forward to your chicken recipe
    jose :-)
    Barbara i know not long now :-)
    Parsley sage you will love it
    Angie oh love cod great idea
    lyndsey i saw a lot of folks had issues with blogger yesterday adore your garden by the way
    cheah thanks
    design wine and dine :-)
    mimi thanks
    sweetlife hope you try it
    at anna's table new to me too
    Kris on my way over
    kelsey he he you make me smile
    micheal aw thanks
    Claudia hugs

  30. :(. Can't remember seeing any white miso paste around here, but that does look good. Never thought of using Miso for anything other than soup before!

  31. greedy rose any type of miso would work :-)

  32. I've never paired miso with salmon, looks delicious :) xoxo

  33. I love miso but generally have only prepared soups...this is a great idea and looks truly delicious :)

  34. chef pandita thanks need to try your recipes as well ;-)
    Magic of spice thanks so much

  35. I like your miso marinated salmon. What a great recipe. Thanks for sharing.



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