Craft: Bumble Bee's from Loo Rolls!

Here's a fun craft post for you, we made some bee's with old toilet rolls/ loo rolls now when Jasmine see's old one's she says what can we make with this?, recycling at its best :-)
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  1. You guys are so clever! I am very impressed by your recycling efforts.

    Best wishes,

  2. Really fun idea!Loved watching the video!

  3. Gadorable! Great little bees. Jasmine loves to push the horn, huh? She'd fit right in with driving in Cayman! :)

  4. Thank you for finding my blog! I'm now following you! I'm always trying to improve my cooking to make healthier meals and it will be fun to follow you and check out your recipes.

    Love the little bumble bee! Such a cute craft idea for little ones!

    Have a great day!


  5. This is cute! I would love to try it too :D

  6. Natasha oh thanks its fun :-)
    Maris :0) thanks for watching
    Parsley sage he he we must visit one day then
    Mary oh love yours too so pretty where you live Rebecca
    Anncoo he he i like doing it too

  7. This is too cute! Love Jasmine, such a cute kid :) so nice to see this side of your life, Rebecca. xoxo

  8. Such a fun thing to do with these rolls :)

  9. Yuri oh i have loads on you tube if you like them he he
    Magic of spice :-)


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