
Here's a fun little clip of me watching fireflies with our little Princess, one of the things I love about North Carolina - we don't have them in the UK and I learnt from the chow and chatter facebook page and twitter that they aren't in California either only certain parts of the US.

Stop once in a while and savor the small things in life :-), they're free :-)


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  1. That sweet little voice in awe of firefies! Made my day!

  2. That reminds me of a trip we took to my husband home town. Lightening bugs are so beautiful, so are the memories you make chasing them. Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. AWWW!!!! SOOOOO sweet. Thanks for sharing such a lovely video. Have a great rest of your weekend Rebecca!!!

  4. Very sweet! Spending time with your family enjoying the wonder of nature is definitely one of life's sweet pleasures:) Thanks for sharing it.

  5. they are emiting pheromones so if you take one and rub it on you then more of them will fly around you - now that is super cooi

  6. Maris oh thats good to hear
    Parsley sage :-)
    the slow roasted Italian my pleasure
    Roz same to you ;-)
    Raina so true
    Christo oh thats neat

  7. That's so awesome, Rebecca! I can hear your little angel's voice. It's been a lifetime since I've seen one. We were still in the Philippines.

    Thank you for sharing.

  8. Hi Rebecca,

    So sorry it's taken me some time to come by and visit with you. Your blog is wonderful! How are you? I hope everything is going well.
    You pizza sounds scrumptious. I just LOVE homemade pizza. The possibilities are endless, and it's an added bonus knowing your hands were involved with everything that went into making it. Great job!!! <3

  9. Terrianne no worries thanks for stopping by and the kind comment on the pizza
    magic of spice thanks


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