Gnocchi with Sauteed Shrimp and Spinach

I made this simple yet delicious meal the other day, thats what chow and chatter is all about, it can be put together in no time at all, with a bag of gnocchi on hand, some frozen shrimp and a couple of other ingredients. We all enjoyed it and Jasmine even ate the spinach :-)


  • one pack of gnocchi
  • about a cup of frozen shrimp, I get wild caught 
  • one small bag of spinach or a bunch of fresh
  • 4 cloves of chopped garlic
  • 1/2 a red onion chopped
  • 15 chopped cherry tomatoes
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • one teaspoon of Italian herbs
  • olive oil 
  • a pinch of crushed red chili pepper

  1. saute the onions and garlic in olive oil for 5 minutes add the tomatoes and and let it reduce down 
  2. then add the herbs, chili pepper and shrimp with the spinach simmer for 15 minutes
  3. meanwhile boil the gnocchi in water until it floats 4-5 minutes drain and mix
  4. serve 

This is Jasmine's bowl as she also wanted me to take a picture of hers  :-)

What's your favorite gnocchi recipe?

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  1. Jasmine gets cuter every day :D I'm telling you, one day she'll be a great food blogger like you. Social media expert ;)

  2. Jasmine is so cute , liked her dress too:)

    I love gnocchi and this looks a refreshing meal.

  3. I'm secretly glad that you called for a package of gnocchi because the homemade version and I don't get along! Ha! Great post!

  4. Oooo Jasmine if sooo cute! I love shrimp,though never thought of combining it with gnocchi.I love gnocchi with red bell pepper sauce.

  5. Jasmine is so cute! She's just trying to be like mommy taking food pictures. :-) I actually never cooked gnocchi and definitely I need to start cooking!

  6. lovely cute..
    my sweety has d same bowl, same color too..:)
    yummy recipe..sounds very inviting..

    Tasty Appetite

  7. Jasmine is so adorable! What a gorgeous smile Love the simplicity of this very delicious dish!

  8. Simple recipe. Jasmine looks all grown up! How are you doing? When is your big day?

  9. You know the Jasmine steels the show. I love think kind of meal in the summer; no fuss but still great.

  10. I thought, when I saw the title, you were making Gnocchi. I feel so much less pressure that you weren't. How adorable is Jasmine?

  11. Hi Rebecca, your daughter is lovely. She seems really happy about the meal in the picture :)
    I wish I could say I have a favorite gnocchi recipe but I have never made one or ate one. Guess I need to live a little and try this sometime soon :)

  12. Say Hi to your new follower!!!

    Jasmine is sooooo cutee!!

  13. Jasmine is such doll, she me so very happy! gnocchi haven't tried much ur recipe is something for me to try!

  14. Jasmine looks cute. Gonocchi with shrimp and spinach looks delicious. How long you have been when is your due date.

  15. That's what it's all about, making quick and healthy meals. Love your site Rebecca, thanks for sharing. Happy Cooking!
    -Karriann Graf

  16. That sounds delicious, Rebecca! My favorite dish is gnocchi with a side of Jasmine ;)

  17. Belinda she sure is
    Yuri oh thats funny will wait and see what she becomes
    Sangeeta your so cool don't know many folks in India who have eaten it
    yummychunklet he he I haven't had guts yet
    Tanvi oh that sounds good
    Nami you would love it
    Jay oh thats so cool
    Maris thanks
    Shirley doing OK a little under weather today he is due late August
    Lauren :-) he he easy is good for me
    Rita he he she does
    Ilke oh you will like it
    Saji welcome will come over and visit you
    ananda enjoy
    swathi 2 months to go
    Kariann thanks

  18. I have never been a big fan of gnocchi unless they're oh so light, but your combination sounds delicious. I think the best gnocchi I ever had were in a truffle oil!

  19. What a sweetie! She is beautiful, Rebecca! And my three favorite ingredients in one! :)

  20. Your daughter is too cute! This gnocchi sounds so delicious too =)

  21. gnocchi is one of my favorite meals ever - this looks great!

  22. Dennis oh that sounds awesome
    Kay thanks
    Peggy aw thanks
    simply life :-)

  23. I saw a homemade gnocchi recipe, you just inspire me to make this soon. Jasmine is so cute.

  24. Your little girl is adorable!
    And the gnocchi looks delicious. I like mine with tomatoes, porcini, and a touch of basil. Simple, but good. Unfortunately, the boy is severely allergic to shrimp, so I can't cook with it...

  25. Jasmine just gets cuter by the second! I love how easy this gnocchi is! Whoever said healthy food has to be complicated?

  26. Nice-love the gnocchi!Looks like Jasmine enjoyed as well!

  27. Your gnocchi looks delish! Cookin' Canuck and I would love if you linked up this recipe & any 2 other side dishes in this weeks Get Grillin' event posted on both of our blogs.

  28. Sonia oh looking forward to seeing yours he he
    Indie.tea oh your version sounds wonderful
    Joanne oh she does hugs
    Doc thanks
    Marla your welcome to hook it up :-_)

  29. Love these gnocchi look amazing Rbecca, gloria

  30. Oh wow.. Jas has grown since we last saw her down under! What a cutie :)

  31. Your daughter is adorable. Love this easy to make meal.

  32. I love quick and simple meals too. This sounds so delish and tasty. Cute picture of Jasmine. Have a great weekend!

  33. yummy looking gnocchi Rebecca
    regards Akheela

  34. Jasmine is getting so big and what a cutie! This looks really delicious and may end up my dinner tonight :)

  35. Jasmine is beautiful, just like the jasmine flower!!

    These days, I am concentrating on gnocchi and your dish offered me a great help! Shrimps would really do well with gnocchi! Great post, dear!


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