Grandma's Chocolate Cake

This is my Grandma's chocolate cake recipe its in fact very similar to the coffee cake and made in a jiffy she makes me smile as she makes both at the same time and often freezes one, or eats both :-). But there are always folks calling in for tea and cake at Grandma's. For me I just make one at a time, there's just three of us (soon 4!) and it gets eaten fast.


Tips from my Grandma - weigh eggs and then use the same weight of flour, sugar and butter, this really works.

  • 2 medium eggs
  • 4 oz of self raising cake flour (the same weight of the eggs)
  • 4 oz of butter, softened
  • 4 oz sugar 
  • 1/4 of a cup of cocoa


  1. mix about 3 teaspoon of cocoa with 1/4 cup hot water and allow it to cool
  2. mix the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy 
  3. add the eggs, flour and the cocoa
  4. line a round baking tin with grease proof paper and bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes until a knife comes out clean
  5. melt chocolate and cover the cake and let your toddler pour sprinkles over it !

Love simple recipes for cakes and so admire all you amazing bakers in the blogging world for your talent


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  1. your daughter is ADORABLE!!! awwwwww she is savoring that chocolate cake~~~

  2. I love how your daughter has fun with you in the kitchen! Future food blogger maybe? Lovely cake and love the fun sprinkles on top. xoxo

  3. a simple recipe is something i love & grandma's touch is perfect !

  4. She is adorable and I,m sure she must be thrilled that you let her be part of your baking. Great recipe and bravo for Grandma.

  5. When is the baby coming? I can't believe you're still baking. Love the look of Grandma's cake. I don't bake so I have no recipes to share.

  6. Your daughter is absolutely adorable! I love the simplicity of this and knowing that your daughter will be passing this recipe down for generations to come. Have a great weekend!

  7. She looks like she's having fun! Yay to 4!

  8. Rebecca, Jasmine has grown so much. Isn't she a darling! Thanks for sharing your grandma's recipe. It looks awesome. Hope you're enjoying your day.
    Blessings, Kristy

  9. soooo delicious!
    looks to die for. :))

    happy weekend!


  10. What an adorable photo of Jasmine! I'll be she can't wait to have a piece of your Grandma's cake :) It sounds easy and delicious!

  11. That seems really easy. I just love recipes that come from Grandmothers.

  12. Simple and looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  13. That is a great tip from your Grandma. I will try for the next cake! Your daughter looks lovely, it seems like you have such a great helper :)

  14. Oh my, last picture of your daughter licking the cake is so adorable!! HUGS! Love this simple & quick recipe.

  15. Yum, love your grandma's version, looks superb n decadent !!!
    US Masala

  16. this looks delicious little one seems to like too

  17. junia thanks we think so :-)
    chef pandita he he maybe whatever she wants
    a spoonful of yumm so true
    Rita oh its fun to have her help
    Lauren oh no worries due to August
    Maris oh thats a thought
    Belinda :-)
    kristy thanks she is isn't she :-)
    betty have a good weekend as well
    Susan you must have fun in the kitchen with your little Grandson :-)
    Kyrsta so true
    yummy chunklet :-)
    Ilke oh enjoy
    tanvi oh thanks
    aipi :-)
    torview yep she enjoyed it

  18. Looks so delicious, your princess is enjoying cake every much.

  19. oh that looks like the perfect cake at any age!

  20. I love how your daughter gets in there and helps. And that you are using recipes passed down from your Grandma. Have a wonderful weekend.

  21. I love the simplicity of Grandma's recipes! Grandma knows best :)

  22. Id love to join you and your Grandma for some tea and cake :-).

  23. Delicious Tart and delicious swet girl ahe is adorable! LOL gloria

  24. your daughter is so so so cute! Lovely chocolate cake and i will remember the tip she shared.

  25. Great post! Your daughter is adorable! Great recipe!

  26. How wonderful that the ingredients are matched in weight to the eggs... it's the recipe for the perfect ratios! I'm in love w/my new set of kitchen scales & now wishing all baked recipes used weights. I think I would be a much better baker that way!

  27. What a sweet picture of both the cake and your little girl. Can't wait for the new addition!

  28. how cute is she, love that snap! soon to be a family of four, how fun!! thanks for sahring


  29. swathi oh she enjoys making it more than anything
    simply life so true
    Roz :-) oh hope it stays with her
    Lisa :-)
    EA oh that would be fun
    Gloria thanks
    kankana :-)
    Christine thanks so much
    Regan oh the scales will help for sure
    Lisa oh will be fun he he
    thanks Bonnie

  30. I love simple recipes too! This is so wonderfully easy to remember and looks delicious! Jasmine is so cute!

  31. Thanks for your lovely comment :) I wouldn't mind a bit of this to celebrate with, it's so sparkly and pretty!

  32. thanks so much Christine so is your little guy
    Xinmei my pleasure

  33. How cute is Jasmine with the cake! She's adorable. The cake looks so good.

  34. Such a cute picture, and I love this idea. Such a simple cake, I need to try it!


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