Wholewheat Baguette Fun

This afternoon I figured why not take advantage of the heat bread will rise really well. I had also posted a question on the chow and chatter facebook page about your favorite food smells in the morning, mine was bread so I was destined to fill my kitchen with the smell of bread baking today!

 It had been a long time since I had made bread and I am always looking for fun toddler activities to avoid the afternoon heat, way too hot for this pregnant lady!

The following is a pictorial post of bread making fun with a toddler, and a link to the recipe the only change I made was to do 1/4 wholewheat flour. 

Here's a link to the recipe the first time I made it Homemade French Baguette 

kneading the bread 

after it had risen she eagerly came to look after her nap!

bread fresh out of the oven

my adorable little taste tester and bread maker!

who wants a slice!

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  1. I do! I do! Your helper is absolutely adorable!!!

  2. I see great texture in your bread. Yum! You must been getting lots of assistance from your brilliant little baker.

  3. Great job mommy and Jasmine!! What a good idea to make some bread today :)

  4. How cute is she!
    I have to agree with you, the smell of freshly baked bread in the morning is amazing!

  5. I always have fun making bread but making it with an adorable toddler seems like even more fun!

  6. How ironic. I attempted to make bagels today w/my 4 yr old. Sadly, they didn't turn out as well as your baguette. This was my 1st bagel experiment. The dough was too wet, which yield ugly, dense bagels. I won't give up, though. Like you, I love the smell of a yeast bread. Actually... I love any smell of any type of dough thing ;-)

  7. Maris and a couple of slices for you
    Zoe thanks so much your a pro
    Victoria :-)
    Kristen thanks so much and love the smell
    simply life :-) he he
    professional palate sorry about your bagels they will be perfect next time

  8. Wholewheat baguette looks awesome perfect, i love the smell of fresh bread from the oven.

  9. oh Jasmine...how cute she looks dealing with dough!! Well done, Rebecca!

  10. Your bread looks perfectly moist and crusty ...Loved the little baker:)

  11. Too cute! Baking a gluten- free baguette is on my "to cook" list this summer. Try and stay cool,

  12. Hugs and kisses to your little taste tester! I love this cute little baker and with such a help anything will taste divine!

  13. Que gran cocinera, le ha quedado un pan delicioso.


  14. That's the ticket! Get your toddler to do the kneading! :)
    And get a chemistry lesson at the same time.
    Great crumb on your bread, Rebecca.

  15. wow, that looks delicious!
    i shall try it out asap.

    your little one is sooo cute!


  16. The bread looks awesome and moist......and the best part is the little bread baker in your family:)

  17. What a great idea...the dough must have proofed beautifully! Your little helper is adorable :)

  18. Rebecca this post is so fun with your darling daughter! This whole wheat baguette looks wonderful :)

  19. I would like a slice!!!! AWWW.....what a little cuite!! Have a great day!

  20. I totally want a slice! Looks so good. That's quite a little chef you've got. You're lucky you have suck great help :)

  21. your little one looks like such a great helper! so great that she's getting oriented to the kitchen so soon. :)

  22. swathi aw thanks
    Angie thanks your sweet
    sangeeta sending you a slice
    EA looking forward to your version
    supata :-) aw thanks i am proud of her
    jose :-)
    barbara he he she loved it
    betty aw thats neat let me know how it goes
    malli thanks
    biren aw the weather helped for sure
    Marla thanks
    roz hugs
    parsley sage she is awesome Emily hope it stays with her

  23. Such a cutie! I agree, nothing beats homemade bread :) cookies and cakes smell heavenly while they bake too!

  24. the smell of bread baking is definitely one of my most favorites. Yum! Your bread looks wonderful!

  25. Your sous chef is Adorable!!! So SO cute..I can watch her pictures all day!

  26. chef pandita so true
    Kim oh and you must love your new job :-)
    Tanvi will be you one day lovie

  27. Your daughter is ADORABLE! Here I was trying to learn to make bread, and kept scrolling up and down to look at her photos.

    Thank goodness no baking quiz for me!


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