Bison Sausages with Vegetables and Pasta

This is a deliciously simple and tasty pasta dish. I got some bison sausages from whole foods, love bison its leaner than beef and sweet in taste. 


  • 4 sausages of your choice
  • 1/2 a red onion chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 cup of frozen peas
  • one bunch of fresh spinach 
  • 4 chopped tomatoes 
  • 1/4 cup of freshly chopped basil
  • one teaspoon of Italian herbs

  1. cook the sausage for about 5 - 7 minutes then slice and set aside
  2. saute the onions and garlic in olive oil for 5 minutes 
  3. then add the tomatoes and spinach let it reduce down, add sausages 
  4.  add the herbs and basil and let it simmer for 15 -20 minutes 
  5. serve with pasta of choice
  6. enjoy 

Have you ever eaten bison?

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  1. Never heard of bison, let alone eaten! But suspect that's because I've never been anywhere where it's available. Similar meaty taste, or more gamey like venison?

  2. I make spaghetti and meat sauce with bison and the kids love it. I'd love to try the sausages too-sounds delicious!

  3. Pasta are my all time favorite and your looks delicious but may be I have to substitute bison with chicken and I am sure it will taste awesome!

  4. Un plato de pasta delicioso, que fácil y rico.


  5. a great combination of ingredients makes for a very tempting dish!
    my mouth's watering...
    now i am hungry!

    have a great day!
    betty xx

  6. Never have had bison, Rebecca. Will check with Whole Foods next time I go...

  7. We are hearing more and more about bison; the leaner meat. Love yout pasta shape.

  8. I don't think I had bison sausages before..the pasta looks so colourful and delectable.

  9. Bison! I'll have to look at my Whole Foods for that. Great post!

  10. Bison sounds interesting! I hear it is delicious and healthier.

  11. This is very colorful and looks so delicious. I'm sure Jasmine enjoyed this meal very much :)

  12. great pasata, we also love bison!!

  13. Haven't tried bison sausages. Must try it one day if I see it. Your dish looks colourful & delicious...mmm

  14. Hello Rebecca,
    Long time. How have you been?
    Haven't tried Bison before. The dish looks good and must have tasted delicious.

  15. Mademoiselle delicieuse oh it pretty much tastes like beef
    Torview thanks
    EA oh sounds awesome
    sutapa sure that would work
    jose thanks
    Betty come on over
    Barbara I think you will enjoy it
    Rita I think Canada produces a lot]
    thanks Angie
    yummychunklet thanks
    the slow roasted Italian :-)
    Anncoo :-) yep
    sweetlife oh thats cool
    mary thanks
    VS sorry I just can't keep up with everyone

  16. We used bison in burgers too . I haven't had it for a long time though and never had it on a pasta before too. I don't see it around much but will definitely kep this in mind. Thanks Reb

  17. Hi Rebecca. We LOVE bison, and often have bison burgers, tenderloins (if they are on sale) and sausages. We have to go way out of our way to buy it, as not all our markets carry it, but its worth it. Have a wonderful week.

  18. I have never used bison sausage, how interesting. I love "alternative" meats.

  19. I have never had bison but you have piqued my interest!

  20. I think I need to make a trip to Whole Foods to look for bison sausage! This sounds great!

  21. Hi Rebecca,
    I have heard that there are other meat that is much leaner than the beef but still considered red! They told me about buffalo when I was in Denver and it was quite tasty. I need to try these Bison sausage but no Whole Foods here... I need to make a trip up there!

  22. wow bison! wonders what that tastes like?

  23. I love simple recipes like this especially in the summer time when my boys are home. They are always hungry.

  24. Malou my pleasure great idea for burgers
    Roz I think they keep them in Canada
    Lauren u would love it
    Maris oh you would like it nice meat
    Susan :-)
    Ilke he he you have trader joes though
    thats ron sweet beef
    Gloria thanks

  25. Wow, Bison! I don't think I have tried Bison before...unless I ate it without knowing it. Hehee. Next time I see Bison sausages, I will remember about this recipe. I love pasta and I would like to try all kinds of ingredients. Thanks for posting! BTW, I haven't visited your blog for a while, but I always enjoy your Facebook posts. Please keep it up!

  26. love those tricolor pasta shells!

  27. I love pasta in any form and this looks so yummy!

  28. I've never had bison sausage before but I love that you made this pasta healthier with it!

  29. We frequently have bison - it's available at our Farmer's Markets as well as the grocery store. I've never mixed it with pasta though so this is a grand (and simple) idea.

  30. Nami oh you would like it and no worries you can't visit everyone I don't we are busy :-) hugs
    peachins thanks
    suman thanks
    Joanne oh thanks your the queen of healthy recipes
    Claudia oh thats neat


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