Classic Lasagna

Ok so I guess I have been having cravings :-), for Italian dishes and pasta. I have made lasagna twice in the last couple of weeks, its great you make a big dish and enjoy the leftovers with a good salad. Here is a recipe for a classic lasagna and its so good ;-) 


  • one pack of minced beef
  • one - two teaspoons of Italian herbs, also fresh chopped oregano and basil about 1/4 cup
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • one chopped onion
  • 5 chopped tomatoes
  • 5 cloves of chopped garlic
  • 1/2 a pack of pre cooked lasagna
  • about a tablespoon of butter
  • a tablespoon of corn flour or all purpose flour to make a roux 
  • 2 cups of milk
  • a sprinkle of desired grated cheese for top, I used a sharp cheddar
  • 10 chopped mushrooms (Jasmine loves them :-))

  1. saute the onion and garlic in olive oil for 3 minutes
  2. add the beef and simmer for 10 minutes
  3. now add the herbs, mushrooms, tomatoes and salt and pepper
  4. simmer for 30-40 minutes
  5. meanwhile melt the butter mix in the flour to form a roux and then slowly stir in the milk stirring all the while as not to get lumpy
  6. then layer the meat sauce then lasagna, then becharmel cheese sauce until you fill the dish
  7. top with sliced tomato and a sprinkle of grated cheese
  8. bake at 300 degrees for 30-45 minutes and serve with salad

Ladies did you crave anything when pregnant?

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  1. Love lasagna... my mother in law makes an amazing one too. Yours looks pretty great!

  2. my kids love Lasagna just remind me i have to make for them soon.

  3. my kids love lasagna but you know what I don't make them. I always buy from the store hehe... but things will change... after reading your post haha.
    thanks reb!

  4. I crave lasagna and I'm not even pregnant!

  5. It's a long time I have not eaten lasagne. You have just started my craving! :D

  6. My husband craves lasagna all the time! I like the mushroom addition here. I'm currently pregnant and my cravings so far have been mostly fruit or dairybased. Oh and it's a girl, so the old wives tales are true as far as that goes. ;-)

  7. We all need some lasagna, this place Pure Food and Wine makes a veggie stack "lasagna" I love.

  8. Holy Moly! this looks so amazing. Uhhh never been pregnant but that does not stop my lasagna cravings!

  9. I love lasagna and homemade is the best :)

  10. It looks great. I love making extra and freezing it.

  11. Love this classic lasagna recipe!! I haven't made lasagna in so long I think it's about time for me to make it. Thanks for the recipe love!!

  12. LOVE lasagne! I don't make it often, but should because a big dish of it is perfect for leftovers in the freezer!!! Have a great day Rebecca!

  13. I like you serve lasagna with lots of veggies and fruits...a well balanced meal.

  14. i craved watermelon when I was expecting, lol love lasagna a perfect sunday meal with the family. take care

  15. my family loves lasagna, the more veggies I add to it, the better. Your looks great Rebecca

  16. I have cravings all the time and I'm not even pregant. LOL! Your lasagna looks wonderful and filled with all kinds of goodies. I hope that you are feeling well and enjoying your summer.

  17. Lasagna's not such a bad craving and your recipe looks delicious!

  18. You can't go wrong with lasagna! Looks delicious :)

  19. Too funny Rebecca - I only make lasagna in the winter - but when I was pregnant I craved coffee ice cream in the dead of winter. Love the mushrooms and that Jasmine loves them. It look my daughter 16 years to finally have a mushroom!

  20. Michelle oh thats cool
    Sonia your a sweet Mum
    Skip to Malou oh you should do a Filipino take on it
    Bo he he
    Mary oh need to make it
    Marisa oh congrats so happy for you
    Lauren that sounds good
    Lauren ;-) he he
    Anncoo so agree
    Barbara bakes great idea especially when is born
    Lisa great idea
    Angie :-)
    Bonnie ;-) oh nice healthy craving
    Roxana hugs
    Kim feeling good can't belive he is coming next month
    EA thanks
    Parsley sage thanks
    Claudia he he thats funny

  21. I love the simplicity of classic pasta dishes. This lasagna looks so good!

  22. Lasagna looks superb....First time here and you got a beautiful space...Following it..

  23. I love lasagna. I think that might be on the menu for tomorrow at my house. I'll try your method. Looks fantastic!

  24. No need to be ashamed of cravings when they involve lasagna! Looks so good!

  25. You can't make a better comfort food for lasagna - even without pregnancy cravings! This looks delicious. I like mushrooms too, Jasmine ;)

  26. yummy chunklet thanks
    reshmi welcome thanks for stopping by
    Joanne :-)
    Maureen oh thats nice let me know how it goes
    Susan :-) will tell her

  27. Never made it with the bechamel sauce! We always go heavy on the tomato sauce but it got boring so we stopped the lasagna. I guess it is back on!
    Hope you are doing great, lady! xoxo...

  28. love lasagna, now im craving it!

  29. I'm not pregnant but I always crave pasta and Italian food, haha :) Lasagna is one of my favorites, and I agree, it's so great to make and enjoy the leftovers. This looks really delicious!

  30. Who doesn't love lasagna, pregnant or not. I have to say I craved this salad from a local restaurant that was loaded with mozzarella cheese. The baby must have needed the extra calcium. Enjoy!

  31. Ilke I think you will enjoy it this way :-)
    Claire he he
    Victoria oh thats neat
    mother rimmy Maybe :-0)

  32. I love a good hearty lasagna. It is comfort on a plate. Blessings, Catherine

  33. Looks good. I haven't made a lasagna with making my own bechamel sauce. I'll have to try it.

    I craved fresh grated Parmesan cheese when I was pregnant. So I did have a lot of Italian dishes too. :D

  34. Ah cravings! I had very diffident ones with each, and each craving is still a top of their list of favorite food obsessions ;)
    Lasagna is of course a top priority comfort food, always :)

  35. catherine :-)
    Lyndsey he he a little like me then
    Alisha :-) so true


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