Spicy Roasted Chick Peas

I recently saw a recipe on Yummy Chunklet a another great food blog for roasted chick peas and loved it in fact its quite popular in the food blogging world at present. Since I have been not cooking a lot of Indian food lately. I figured this would be an easy way to make a spicy snack for hubby. I roasted 1/2 spicy and 1/2 with just sea salt and cumin. This is a great recipe the only tricky part is taking the skins of the chick peas.

  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 1 -2 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt 
  • Generous sprinkling of cayenne pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • about 1/4 cup of freshly chopped cilantro 
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2.  Drain and rinse the chickpeas, dry chick peas with a paper towel and remove the skins.
  3. Add chick peas to a big baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil roast for 15 minutes
  4. Remove from oven and shake the chickpeas, and roast for another 15 minutes until golden brown.
  5. Finally take the chick peas out of the oven and mix in the salt, cilantro, cumin and cayenne pepper, an Indian masala powder would also work well 
  6. roast another few minutes and they are done
The day I made this hubby came home from work and eat all of them in one sitting and happily said it was great to eat something spicy, I plan to make some more for him this week :-)

Has anyone else made this before?

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  1. Like I said, chickpeas/garbazo beans are MY favorite!

  2. Agreed. These are fun treats. Supposedly, they're fun with cinnamon and sugar too. It sounds weird, but maybe it's worth a try.

  3. Love garbanzos are my favorites with lentils!! gloria

  4. I love these...they make a healthy snack.

  5. love this! i make them with all sorts of spices. curry, tumeric, oregano, italian, u name it! :D

  6. I love roasted chick peas, but have only made them once. I think they are such a fantastic side dish, and really so versatile:-) These look so wonderful, I can understand why they disappeared so quickly:-) Hugs, Terra

  7. I'm so glad you and your husband enjoyed them! They turned out really tasty looking. You reminded me that I need to make these again!

  8. I make something similar with pea nuts and hubby goes crazy on those :) Will try your version too!

  9. That looks and sounds SO good! And good for you.

  10. I def want to try this. I love chickpeas and prefer curry w/them rather than any type of meat. I've never roasted them, though. This sounds great.

  11. Love roasted chickpeas, I use 5 spice powder but love this recipe. Dare I say my favorite recipe of yours? Thanks for this.

  12. I've seen that recipe too, Rebecca, but I have a son who is allergic to chick peas! Will have to make this when he isn't around!

  13. I recently tried to make this and while they photographed pretty well, they tasted bleh. I think I used too much oil. Gonna give yours a try next :)

  14. Great idea! I think my husband would love them!

  15. haven't seen chickpeas like this before but looks great!

  16. great recipe, love yummy chunklet!!
    we love chick peas!!

  17. That is one delicious treat! They look and sound very addictive.
    US Masala

  18. I've seen roasted chick peas on so many blogs I really need to join the party! They look so good. I think I would become addicted.

  19. I always love roasted chickpeas! One of my favourite TV snacks.

  20. Oh Rebecca, these are sure a healthy snack...I will definitely give this a try as I am always looking for healthy snacks.
    Hope you have a fantastic week ahead :-)

  21. Nice, love the spicy kick!

  22. Chick peas are great in Winter. They go well in casseroles and soups but have never had them roasted. Thanks for the great recipe.

  23. Those must be delicious! I am a sucker for chickpeas.



  24. I am definitely trying this and taking it to work to my coworkers who think I am not normal because I eat chickpeas! :)

  25. I love roasted chickpeas! cool combo and addition of the cilantro :)

  26. These are definitely the perfect treat to snack on!

  27. I have been adding more beans and peas to our diet; thank you for another recipe to add ot my collection. We are in August...your Speacial month. Thinking of you and sending good vibes your way.

  28. We make a very similar version that hubby and I just can't get enough of...good thing it's healthy ;D

  29. sorry I've been MIA!!!! I just saw a Chana Masala post and now this! I am inspired to make these today b/c I just picked up a bunch of chick peas! Hope you're feeling well!

  30. OOOh....these look amazing. I can only imagine the wonderful spicy smell they give off when they cook. Thanks for sharing another stellar recipe. Have a great day!

  31. I love chick peas and this sound simple and delicious,Rebecca!

  32. i've been seeing these a lot lately, they look amazing!

  33. These are such a great snack...have not tried to make them at home yet but I am thinking I will :)

  34. Annapret hope you give this a try :-)
    The Duo dishes oh that sounds good to me
    Gloria :-)
    Bo would be good for a road trip
    Junia oh thats neat
    Terra :-) hugs back
    yummychunklet he he
    kankana :-)
    Jose thanks
    Indie.tea thanks
    Regan oh you will love them
    Lauren thanks oh and love 5 spice idea
    Barbara ;-) that would work
    parsley sage hope it works better next time
    Anna enjoy
    Claire u would like it
    Bonnie oh adore her as well
    aipi nice snack for sure
    Kris the beauty of blogging
    Angie very healthy
    Juliana oh you too
    5 star foodie thanks
    Maris thanks
    Adrian my pleasure
    Ron :-)
    Rosa :0)
    ilke he he their loss
    Lauren :-)
    Joanne :-)
    Rita aw thanks your so sweet yep big month for us
    girlichef oh must check out yours
    Care no worries I am good thanks for asking :-)
    Roz oh thanks
    Erica :-)
    Teresa :-)
    Alisha also great on salad

  35. Hi There, I love chickpeas in any form. Roasted version is looking absolutely delightful. The recipe is so nicely made and presented. Saving this recipe of urs and wud love to give ur version a try on the coming weekend. Have a great day….Love n Regards, Sonia !!!

  36. i never thought about roasting chickpeas before in yummy spices!! great idea for healthy snack throughout the day :D great idea about using canned chickpeas - one reason i dun eat it enuf is that raw chickpeas take soo long to cook!

    i checked out your video clip of the aussie lorikeets!!! SOOO cute and im surprised u guys were able to get that close to them...they seem...fearless! the ones on my balcony i had to stand a fair distance away! def brought a smile to my face today :) Thank you :)

  37. Sonia oh thanks so much hope you like them
    Viv oh thats so cool you saw the clip, wow we were lucky then to get close to them :-) maybe they are used to tourists!

  38. Oh this looks like a great recipe Rebecca..I wish I were carrying some of these chickpeas for a little nibble here...really missing spices here :(

  39. this is a wonderful recipe for as a vegie side dish. Its easy, nourishing and tasty. thanks for sharing.

  40. Tanvi enjoy you can fill up on indian food on your return my hubby makes rice and dal everytime we return from a trip he he
    tinytearoom thanks so much

  41. Love them....n chick peas my all time favorite.

  42. I adore chickpeas, especially with some sort of spice!

  43. mothers secret recipes thanks me too
    sugar plum cupcakes :-)


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