Zucchini Biscotti

I ended up making this zucchini biscotti recently after my zucchini bread was looking more like a cookie, I tweeted and added to facebook and someone suggested biscotti.  Genius idea so I sliced it up and popped it back into the oven and voila biscotti was born. I will provide recipe below but can't guarantee my fluke will work again :-)

  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder 
  • 1/2 tsp salt 
  • 1/2 tsp all spice
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 cup canola oil or olive oil
  • 1 cups light brown sugar or white
  • 1 cup freshly grated zucchini, drained on a paper towel, I learned to use a few sheets of paper towel and drain well


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees, line a small loaf pan with baking paper. 
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine dry ingredients. 
  3. Beat together the eggs, oil and sugar and add dry ingredients (this is when I noticed the dough get very thick, the dry should have been lightly mixed in)
  4. mix in zucchini
  5. bake for one hr then allow to cool
  6. slice into 2 inch slices and bake again for 5-10 minutes 

Have you had any baking fails that have turned into success stories?

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  1. Very inventive! I've never heard of zucchini biscotti, but it's a great way to save your bread!

  2. Feeling nostalgic - I miss my zucchini patch in MN! Zucchini is not very common here (at least, I haven't seen them yet) and I didn't realize how much I missed it until now. I bet this would work great with a chocolate zuke bread!! 8-)

  3. Now that's creative! My zucchini squash are doing surprisingly well in my garden patch; I may need to try this out. How are you feeling? Not much longer now!

  4. wow! That's brilliant... I wish my disasters turn into success too...

  5. Really a genius idea the biscotti - just need to be in baking mood to try it soon :)



  6. What a great way to eat Zucchini! Zucchini doesn't have a strong taste, so I bet my kids will totally enjoy this biscotti!!

  7. I've recently discovered a love for zucchini, so I'll definitely be trying your biscotti!

  8. Great idea! Bookmarking this as I love biscotti and this sounds very enticing

  9. this must be very good and healthy with added zucchini.

  10. I really like biscotti but never thought of putting zucchini into the recipe - but why not - after all zucchini makes really good bread! Thanks for sharing your flash of inspiration!

  11. any way to add a veg to recipes, I'm in. I love zucchini, these sound great.

  12. How creative!! I love zucchini and biscotti so this is perfect :) waste not!! haha

  13. Great save! I have plenty of zucchini so I'll have to give this a try.

  14. Hi Rebecca! I love this idea. You are such a resourceful cook!! Thanks as always for the great ideas and recipes. Have a wonderful weekend!!

  15. How interesting, I will have to try this.

  16. delicious looking biscotti looks wonderful

  17. Now I would totally eat this Biscotti! I love zucchini bread:-) What a perfect idea:-)
    Hugs, Terra

  18. Great idea! It sounds delicious:)

    Usually when I have a baking fail, it is a complete disaster and have not had one yet that turned into anything good...lol

  19. this sounds fantastic!!! i used to be obsessed with almond biscottis before i became vegan. i'm sure that this is just fantastic! love the addition of zucchini to baked goods :)

  20. i swear, everywhere i look, everyone is baking with zuchinni! but i love it- and you totally blew my mind with zucchini biscotti- thats a first for me! YUM :)

  21. Andrea oh thanks
    Tracey oh now that would be awesome hope you can find some there
    Julie hope you like it feeling ok a tad tired though these days ;-)
    peackins lucky me
    Gera oh hope you get in the baking mood he he
    Nami oh my little one did
    yummychunklet cool
    jose thanks
    maris hope it works out
    Sonia :-)
    Ruth oh my pleasure
    Lauren thanks
    Lauren great expression :-)
    Mimi :-)
    Roz aw thanks made my day you too
    the slow roasted Italian hope it works
    torview thanks
    Terra aw thanks maybe i will try it for u
    Raina I was just lucky i think
    Junia can u not eat nuts?
    kelsey thanks

  22. What a genius idea! Never thought of using veggies in biscotti...

  23. You made to look so simple and easy to bake! Love to have my Zucchini in a Biscotti avatar.

  24. That's very smart!! New but healthy and delicious....mmmm. I have learned the trick. Any time my bake fails, I will slice it up to dry in the oven...hehe

  25. Genius idea! I would have thought zucchini was too wet for biscotti but I guess not!

  26. I love the idea of coming up with a new recipe out of something that didn't quite work. Those are the most fun kind of success sometimes.

  27. innovtive and yumm recipe of biscitte
    1st time here nice blog with useful information.i am happy to follw it
    do visit my site and follow

  28. What a great idea! I wish I would have thought of that with some breads that didn't turn out very well.

  29. Rebbeca these Zucchini biscottis look amazing!! gloria

  30. Angie oh thanks fluke really
    sanjeeta thanks
    Mary he he the test is seeing if it works again!
    Joanne it worked :-0
    angela true
    santosh thanks for stopping by will check out your blog
    susan :0)
    Gloria aw thanks

  31. I bet it was delicious! Catherine

  32. Haha nice save, if only all flukes could be this good!

  33. Oh this looks awesome! I would not have thought to do that with the bread but what a great idea!!

  34. catherine oh really good
    Rita thanks hugs
    xinmei oh so true
    alicia he he thank god for twitter

  35. I love biscotti, have never thought of making savory ones...what a good way to use up some zucchini too!

  36. got zukes coming up like shrooms in my garden, thanks for giving me another wonderful recipe to make with them! cheers, priya

  37. chef Dennis thanks :-)
    now serving he he love that comment


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