Greek Milk Pie -Galatopita

I had a good Greek friend at University and she introduced me to milk pie as she called it. I remember having my food service placement in a school kitchen and proudly sharing the recipe with the kitchen supervisor. Thats what good recipes are all about sharing, thats why food blogs are so well read and loved. I couldn't find the original recipe, I have been out of university 10 years wow time flies so I based it on this blog, I used polenta as I didn't have semolina and used all spice in place of cinnamon. I was also happy as hubby loved this recipe. The name is funny but honestly you won't regret giving it a try, it makes a wonderful flan, custard like dessert which is heavenly served with honey. 


  • 5 cups of milk
  • 1 cup fine polenta or semolina
  • ½ cup of butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • a pinch of all spice
  • 4 digestive biscuits made into crumbs (a British biscuit/cookie sold in world market)


1 Heat oven to 350
2. heat the milk almost to a boil in a pan add butter, sugar and polenta stir continuously over the heat until it thickens, turn of the heat and allow it to cool
3. add beaten eggs to the milk mixture with a whisk
4. add the mixture to a baking dish, with a digestive biscuit base lined with baking paper and bake for approximately 1 hour until the top has browned, allow pie to cool as it does it will thicken and set
5. serve with a drizzle of good honey and enjoy :-)

Things are fine here, in my last two weeks, just say a little prayer that I go into natural labor, really praying that I can avoid another c - section. My mum in law arrives friday which will be a great help and good for hubby so he can get his fix of Indian food as his British wife, has turned into an Italian and cooks pasta all the time he he


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  1. Thanks for the mention! Glad you liked the recipe. I'd never thought of using polenta, but I am pleased to hear it worked out well. :-)

  2. i've only seen digestive cookies in europe! polenta in dessert sounds awesome! whoohoo, only 2 weeks to go :D

  3. Super easy recipe as always.
    This I have to try.

    Today, i was thinking about you and that in 2 more weeks your baby is born.

    Glad to know your mother in law will be there.



  4. I have a weakness for flan. We have a similar Filipino dish called Leche Flan, also very addictive

  5. That looks really intriguing as a dessert, I must give it a go as I love honey and milk in that pudding kind of a combo. Good luck with the baby. I'm sure it will go really smoothly. Xx

  6. Something very new..and I love polenta in my recipes!

  7. Que rico, me encanta la comida griega.


  8. Yummy! I love this post and the recipe is so easy to follow :) I would love to try this for sure.

  9. We're praying everything will be fine for you Rebecca. With a mum on the way, you'll be fine. I chuckled that you've turned into an Italian. Better than eating pickles and ice cream.

  10. This sounds delicious and simple to make. It also sounds similar to a semolina cake that Dorie Greenspan features in her French cooking book!

  11. Glad you were able to recreate this recipe from so long ago! Good luck with your last 2 weeks!! Hope it all goes well :)

  12. I'm not a fan of semonlina but I'm sure your pie is delicious.

  13. How neat, I haven't had this kind of pie before, sounds like a must try!

  14. Looks beautiful! And I'm keeping positive thoughts for a natural labor for you!

  15. This sounds first time seeing this! mmmm

  16. Wow that looks so good!!! I love cornmealy stuff. One of my favorite cakes was a semolina cake. I would love to try this with the original semolina recipe, but polenta sounds lovely too. Just a bit grittier, I imagine?

  17. I'm a huge fan of polenta/cornmeal and milk. You got me!

  18. This looks like a really interesting dessert! Nice pics :)

  19. this looks wonderful delicious looking pie

  20. Rebecca look delicious I lov ethis type of plates! gloria

  21. Sam thanks for the recipe
    Junia oh you can get them here too thanks excited to meet our son
    Mely yep will be a good help to have her here
    Adrian oh I want to try that too
    Dom thanks for the sweet words
    Sanjeeta :-)
    Jose thanks
    anncoo can't wait to see your version
    thanks maris
    Sam he he true hugs
    yummychunklet oh thats cool
    victoria thanks so much
    Janice oh but like this so good
    Natasha u would love it
    Caitlin aw thanks
    girlichef hope u can try it
    Sophia actually the texture was the same
    claudia come on over
    Lauren thanks
    torview thanks
    Gloria :-)

  22. Ah, that looks super delicious! I may have had this 2 years ago in Greece or something like it, before I became a food blogger - now I would love to go back there and see how many new dishes I can pick to try in my kitchen and blog :))

  23. Lovely Milk Pie - tried and true recipes are tops on my list to try. I'll think good thoughts for natural labor. I had two c-sections myself - those babies are now 29 and 26 years old. It's a wonderful life. :)

  24. I am such a fan of Greek food, especially desserts like baklava, but have never come across a galatopita before!! Thanks so much for sharing... and good luck with the birth.

    Alex x

  25. I haw a new jar of honey from the farmer market that is sceaming to be used. Thanks!

  26. What a lovely looking recipe!!! All the best in this last stretch of pregnancy!

  27. I so agree with you said about recipes and blogs, meant to be shared. Can I comment on that beautiful black and white photo of you? Is it new or did I fail to notice it. Fantastic.

  28. I've never tried Milk Pie and I'm curious to taste it!

    You have 2 more weeks! My first one was C-section, so my doctor strongly recommended me to have another c-section for my 2nd one. Good luck with your delivery! I can't wait to hear newborn cry and see your family's happy face!

    I laughed when I read you turning into Italian. Your family should be happy at least you are cooking, not like me who took out food! LOL. My best wishes to you!

  29. This reminds me of what my friend made for our book club. She's from South Africa and called it a milk tart. I'll have to ask her for the recipe and see if it's similar. I am so lucky to have a health food store right around the corner that I can pick up a cup of semolina or corn meal or spelt or organic red lentil, or a table spoon of a certain spice...sorry not meaning to rub it in or anything :D But you handled it right with your substitutes!

    My thoughts are with it's getting close!

  30. That is really beautiful. Plus, I would have to eat the leftover digestives;)

  31. Food makes people happy.I don't have much of a sweet tooth but any thing that is like a custard or flan or cheese cake makes me happy all the time. This goes to my wish list and I have all the ingredients.

  32. now serving I think back of so many places I have been and wish I had got the recipes :-)
    Mother Rimmy wow two big kids bet they miss your cooking your right thats whats important
    Alex thanks for the kind wishes and for visiting I love your blog
    Allison thanks for stopping by and look forward to seeing it on your blog
    Roz thanks
    Lauren oh that was for a photo in skirt magazine
    Nami thanks so much hugs
    Lyndsey oh thats neat and I am happy for you
    angela oh cool u like them too
    Kanana enjoy

  33. This is new to me. Looks yummy. Glad to have found your space.

    Check out my 100th post giveaway

  34. This really looks and sounds delicious!


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