Heirloom Tomato and Squash Risotto

I made this summery risotto recently with heirloom tomatoes and summer squash, its easy to make and bursting with the fresh taste of summer. Be sure to enjoy all of the in season fruits and vegetables in your area. I would say in North Carolina we are blessed with a great variety of local produce and stone fruits so make the most of these gifts of summer :-)

  • 2 large heirloom tomatoes, chopped
  • two cups of vegetable stock
  • 4 cloves of garlic chopped
  • 1/2 red onion chopped
  • 1/4 cup white wine
  • 2 cups of water
  • one cup of Arborio Rice
  • one small zucchini and one small yellow squash chopped 
  • one cup frozen peas


  1. saute the onion and garlic in olive oil
  2. add the vegetables and tomatoes and let it reduce down until you get a sauce 
  3. add rice and peas and the wine and stir keep stirring the rice as the water evaporates then add another cup, stir then add the final cup this takes about 30-45 min

Have you made risotto lately and what summer flavors would you like to add?

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  1. heirloom tomatoes and squash is such a nice touch to risotto! usually i only see it with mushrooms! :D

  2. North Carolina produces an amazing variety of fruits and vegetables. N.C.'s climate is almost perfect.

    Your dish looks fabulous and uses ingredients/flavors of summer.


  3. What a tasty combination of flavors! Another item for my to do list!

  4. I always use heirlooms in salads...usually not for cooking. I love risotto...yours sounds delicious.

  5. looks divine, love that combo and nice to have such a fresh tasting risotto x

  6. What a nice simple tasty recipe.

  7. Sounds great Rebecca! We love this in our house and what a nice touch with the tomatoes :)

  8. Ooh, I like the tomato and squash combo!

  9. Nothing better than using fresh local produce! It looks wonderful Rebecca!

  10. Love this risotto Rebecca, look nice! gloria

  11. This looks awesome - I can't wait to try it :)

  12. Junia thanks so much :0) you know I keep surprising myself with healthy recipes Junia would like hehe
    Velva oh I think your right :-0)
    Maris thanks so much
    Bo thanks hope you can try it
    oh thanks Dom that means alot as your a fab cook
    Janice thanks
    Chef E :-)
    yummychunklet thanks :-)
    lyndsey so agree
    Gloria thanks
    Sandy thanks and thanks for stopping by

  13. I always forget how much I love risotto until I see a post. Yours sounds great.

  14. YOu are super lady my dear .. with a todler .. and another baby on the way .. in this heat, how do you even manage to cook ?? :) Love risotto .. super comforting for me :)

  15. Love risotto. I am on a total seafood kick lately so shrimp comes to mind (or lobster- decadent) but I guess my head is going more in the paella direction, not a bad direction.

  16. What a great way to use heirloom tomatoes Rebecca.

  17. Love Heirlooms! Wonderful dish for this time of year!

  18. Love tomatoes + rice dishes!! Lookin good :)

  19. This looks gorgeous!! Think I'll make it this week!

  20. I love risotto and this recipe looks divine!

  21. Yet another bookmarked recipe from Rebecca!!! Thanks for sharing, hope your week goes well!!!

  22. Love lvoe risotto and when I discover a new way to prepare it; I get all excited; you know I printed this one out.

  23. I love that risotto is a go to recipe for you. I make it a lot too. This is a gorgeous version using wonderful summer produce.

  24. An excellent summer risotto, delicious combination with tomatoes and squash.

  25. mmm, i just bought some heirloom tomatoes, i really need to try this!

  26. I love Risotto so much yet I've never made one at home. I almsot always order Risotto at Italian restaurant. It's time for a change. Your tomato and squash risotto sounds easy enough for me to follow and looks delicious!

  27. Oh now this just looks awesome!! I agree this sounds like such a tasty combination.

  28. Looks delicious and I have everything at home, except the peas but I think I can wing it :)
    Have a relaxing week...

  29. This is a great use of heirlooms and summer squash. Risotto is such a great canvas for wonderful flavor combinations. Hope you're doing well! I bet you're ready to pop by now!!

  30. I love the color and it looks very tasty!

  31. I always struggle with making risotto summery. This is a great idea!

  32. sheril thanks
    Barbara look forward to seeing yours
    Kanana he he I am tired but love eating good food
    jose gracias
    Lauren yours sounds so good
    Sam thanks
    Care aw thanks
    Lisa :-)
    a bowl of mush oh thats cool
    kris thanks
    Roz oh thanks your sweet
    Rita oh thats cool, hope u like it
    Kim thanks
    5 star foodie thanks means alot u know good food
    Teresa oh you will lov it
    Nami u can do it girl
    Alicia thanks
    magic of spice oh your a pro chef sure u can
    Victoria yep ready to pop :-)
    peachkins thanks
    Lori oh hope u like it

  33. This looks so yummy. Normally I'm not much for squash but this risotto makes me want to eat them anyway.

  34. Love all the fresh veggies in this risotto...definitely a nice summer dish.

  35. slow roasted Italian thanks
    Janelle thanks
    Karen :))

  36. Rebecca this looks amazing! I love risotto so much. Thanks for posting!

  37. Yummmm! I adore risotto. This looks wonderful!!

  38. Yummy risotto recipe! I love risotto, but always forget to make it. Thanks for the reminder. This looks perfect as is, with maybe a little grated parmesan on top :-)

  39. EA oh so true Parmesan would make it perfect


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