Fiesta 2011 Winston Salem

We had a lovely day today as a family in the morning we took our daughter to ride Thomas at the NC transportation museum, she enjoyed it although wasn't happy that the whole train wasn't blue :). 

Then on the way home we called of downtown to check out the annual Fiesta complete with wonderful Mexican dancing and great food. 

the dancing looked like this (below) wish I had got a clip it was wonderful, Jasmine was impressed too, adore finding cultural events to take her to

as a dietitian loved this fresh fruit snack you could even have it with chili and lime :-) 

These tacos catered by a local church were amazing, a treat to have authentic food. We then stopped and got a cuban plate for super 

Jasmine and I (the little guy was fast asleep in his stroller :-)) with her spider man it was a fun filled day for sure :-) hope your all having a lovely weekend.

Have you been to a fiesta?

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  1. Fun! We are fortunate to have a huge Hispanic/Latino community so we get to take the kids to experience lots of events from part of their heritage. Love the fruit in cups...but I always go w/ chile & lime ;) And of course tacos...mmmm!

  2. Glad to see you and your family out and about Rebecca. What a fabulous festival.

  3. What a fun day it must have been! I really enjoyed watching the video of the Mexican dancers with the beautifully colored dresses swirling. We used to have a amazing, huge folk fair here that showcased the food and dance of many nationalities. It was sad when interest dwindled. Now we have major individual ethic festivals which are even better.

  4. boulder locavore was great
    candice smiles
    girlichef would be fun to attend one with u
    sam :-0
    susan wow your festivals sound wonderful

  5. So that's why I couldn't drive down 4th street on Saturday! Aw, I'm sad I missed the awesome Mexican food!

  6. Love that picture with you and Jasmine Rebecca. What a fun day you had and I agree with that healthy fruit treat.

  7. i loved the saambar post,learn is another learner like you.thanks

  8. Gosh Rebecca you are up and about real quick! Hugs to the baby.

  9. Looks like a great time. Hope your whole family are doing well and adjusting to your new addition Rebecca. All the best!!

  10. Melanie oh that is a shame always next yr did u go to octoberfest?
    Rita :-) was lovely
    subbiah thanks for visiting subbiah is my last name!
    shirley hard to keep me down he he
    Roz adjusting he he tiring but good

  11. Rebecca- You look great in the pictures and so does Jasmine! I'm so glad to hear that you are all doing well and getting out and about to enjoy the season.

    The tacos look incredible!

  12. Wow, what a fantastic day out! Your daughter is stunningly cute, show us her pretty pics more:-)

  13. Definitely looked like a beautiful day, especially the tacos!

  14. Kim :-) hugs now I need to make them
    jehanne she is in a few craft posts theres a link :-)
    chopinmysaucepan :-)
    teresa :_)

  15. What a wonderful afternoon :) I hope you are all well and having a great week, hugs

  16. Those tacos look so yum! Hope you had great time with family Reb!


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