Halibut Fish Stew over Polenta

I made this simple fish stew the other day, it is basically the same recipe as Halibut with basil over polenta, except I chopped the fish up added more vegetables to stretch it a bit. Baby update - as of now I haven't gone into labor naturally its a week and 1/2 late and have a c section scheduled for tuesday so I will happily introduce our little guy next week :-) 

Have a great weekend everyone


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  1. Love this easy delicious fish stew.
    Take care, Rebecca :)

  2. I hope Little Mr. Chow and Chatter comes on his own before then, Rebecca! My second baby was a week late too (and born on Labor Day!).

    I had halibut for dinner last night. I love it and what a wonderful way to serve it.

  3. you will be there soon! best of luck to you....I remember making a chocolate chile hot tea with stevia, honey, part of a fresh hot pepper and organic cacoa powder....labor began that evening...wheee! so excited for you!

  4. Rebecca I love polenta a this look specially yum! gloria

  5. I love halibut in every way, shape and form. This is perfect over polenta - so warming of the spirit. Best of luck with the little guy. He is a determined child! Jasmine must be impatient, too.

  6. I have yet to make polenta. I must give it a try. I had c sections with both of my kids. My son was 4 weeks late! Boy was that an experience.


  7. This looks excellent...I love the thought of the juices soaking into the polenta. Delicious dish :D

  8. This looks delicious and can't wait to meet the little guy!

  9. Delicious! Hope you are hanging in there...can't wait to hear all about your new addition :)

  10. Delicious stew.

    I'll be thinking of you next week - both mine were over a week late, and all the better for it!!!

  11. Rebecca,
    I hope that you will have a great labor and a speedy recovery. -Tien

  12. The fish stew looks terrific! Best wishes to you!

  13. Great looking fish stew but the news about the itty bitty soon come totally steals the show :) OH BOY!

  14. Ooh, the polenta looks tasty!

  15. whohoo for yummy polenta stew! very healthy too :). btw, did the baby come???

  16. i love polenta, and pouring this stew over it sounds lovely! congrats on your little one, we can't wait to meet him!

  17. Will be thiking of you for sure and sending wood vibes your way. Great recipe for that halibut I have in the freezer.

  18. You read my mind, I made fish stew this week too!!! Isn't it wonderful? Love the halibut and how great to serve it over polenta... peasant food at its best!

  19. This looks great! I do not eat a lot of fish but my boyfriend loves it. He would find a lot of comfort in this dish :)

  20. Rebecca, what a great recipe you shared! Love the simplicity of it! Hope you see your baby soon! Happy Cooking!
    Karriann Graf

  21. Looks delicious... I wonder if it will work with salmon? We have so much fresh caught salmon in the freezer.

  22. This is right up my alley. Ryan is not a huge polenta fan, so I could always do with rice...maybe over some red rice. Yum!

  23. I love easy to do recipe. Bookmarked! Thanks

  24. I can only imagine how tasty the polenta has tasted!
    Can't wait to see the photos of your little boy!
    Best of luck!

  25. My mum makes a mean fish stew so reading this is bringing on bouts of cravings!

  26. Looks delicious Rebecca. Can't wait to meet your soon to arrive little fellow. All the best.

  27. I adore any kind of fish stew and this recipe sounds great, I love the idea of having it witj polenta and I am going to give it a go!

  28. Your fish stew looks wonderful!
    So this little guy is holding his ground I see. Wishing you the best Rebecca and looking forward to seeing your new family addition :)

  29. Blessing to you and the whole family.
    Looking forward to meet the new member of the Chow and Chatter Family.

    Praying for you.


  30. wow this looks nice, never tried halibut so it's in my to do list;-)

  31. Thinking of you and your whole family. Enjoy the next few days with your little newborn. Jasmine is going to be so excited! Lots of love.

  32. Rebecca, nice dish with polenta...good luck...and I look forward to meet the newest member of your family :-)

  33. Take care of yourself, dear Rebecca! I cannot wait to hear the good news. :-)

  34. and you're cooking up until the very end of this pregnancy. Keep us "posted". XO

  35. Easy and tasty fish stew...looks delicious! Congrats on the safe delivery of your baby boy :)

  36. Oh wow...and you're still blogging! Can't wait til your next post ;) This fish stew looks delicious too!

  37. Good luck, Rebecca! I can't wait to meet your new baby :).Mine is 6 months old.....and the stew looks delicious.


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