Red Snapper with Mango Salsa

I got a lovely piece of red snapper on sale in whole foods recently I got to craving it after Michael on the  chow and chatter facebook page said it was his favorite fish. I also wanted something really nice to cook on our new cast iron grill pan ;-) red snapper can be endangered depending on where it is fished so be sure to ask.  I am also very keen on buying sustainable fish and was impressed with @WholeFoodsPR on twitter for sending me useful links on their polices another great resource is The Monterey Bay aquarium seafood watch guide they also have an iphone and android app. I simply pan fried the fish and served it with a mango salsa and cous cous it was delicious. 


  • 2 small pieces of red snapper - lightly marinated in olive oil, salt and pepper
  • a box of cous cous 
  • 1 mango, peeled and diced
  • 1-2 small green chili's finely chopped depending on level of spiciness required
  • 1/2 red onion chopped 
  • one small tomato chopped
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 1/3 cup roughly chopped cilantro leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • a pinch of cumin

  1. grill the fish
  2. for the salsa chop and simply mix all the ingredients together
  3. serve the fish with the salsa and cous cous 
What resources do you use when buying seafood?

we had a lovely late birthday party for Jasmine last weekend to make her feel special and I thought it would be fun for mum and dad heres a lovely butterfly cake my mum made :-)

Mum and Dad leave today it will be lonely for sure and a big adjustment for us to adapt to managing two little ones, they will be missed :(

our little guy

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  1. Lovely cake; used to make some just like this for my boys. Happy Birthday to Jasmine!
    Here is Canada we have SeaChoice to try and make people aware of how to make the right choices. Love that salsa and would be wonderful withh my pickerel I am serving tomorrow.

  2. Delicious fish recipe Rebecca! I have the Montreey Bay seafood app on my phone and use it when I'm shopping. Love your butterfly cake too. Happy B-day to Jasmine :-). I remember when my parents left to go back home after my second child was born. It was definitely an adjustment, but I know you and your husband will do a great job on your own!

  3. Looks delicious! I have a seafood store here where I live and I usually shop for fish on the day's they get shipments. that's the only way to ensure it's fresh since I live in CO.

  4. I can so rarely buy fresh fish. I always order it out. Wish I could duplicate this dish . . . and happy birthday to Jasmine!

  5. Looks yum!!!
    Happy Birthday to Jasmine!

  6. A lovely way to prepare the snapper. Yum! Around here we have many places to get good fresh seafood.

    Happy Birthday Jasmine! Look at the little one's much expression already! :)

  7. dear rebecca! it's always a pleasure to visit your blog :) sending you hugs from milan,

  8. Congratulation on your new baby boy. He is adorable. Such a cute cake for Jasmine I can't believe how big she is getting. I love the fish recipe. I have a web site marked on my phone so I can check on my fish choices. Enjoy your little ones.

  9. I love red snapper. The mango salsa would go perfectly with this fish, great recipe, Rebecca.

  10. Happy Birthday to Jasmine! so cute your little guy. Your dish look tempting!

  11. This fish dish looks great. What a cute cake too! I hope you are adjusting well after your parents left.

  12. AAAAH!!! Look at the precious new kid in the family!!! How sweet! Congrats, Rebecca~

  13. Thank you so much for the visit to my blog. I love this recipe of yours but then we love all fish. We generally buy our fish at the bi-weekly market where it is fresh in and much cheaper than the supermarkets. Oysters and mussels are very cheap. Hope to see you back. Take care Diane

  14. Love red snapper too! The dish looks so tasty with mango salsa.

    Happy Birthday to Jasmine! And your little boy looks so CUTE!

  15. Happy Birthday, Jasmine! And I see she had a baby brother as a party guest! No cake for him though! :(
    Lovely fish dish, Rebecca. I do love mango with fish!

  16. Love the focus on sustainability! I have a mango, I could do this.

  17. Hi Rebecca, my BIG CONGRATS on your new born baby boy!! Oh, he is so beautiful and adorable!! What joy! I'm sure Jasmine is so proud of her baby brother! That's a pretty birthday cake for Jasmine. I hope you are eating well and resting well. Take care.

  18. aww congrats! i can't believe you have time to blog when you have a little girl and a little baby at home! you are so strong!

  19. Looks yummy! The salsa looks pretty and tasty! Loved your post about Versailles. I took my grandson there...such a wonderful icon of French history! are right...only a short distance from Paris! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  20. I love mango Salsa! It's perfect with fish!

  21. Rebecca thanks for passing from my blog and look forward to reading more of your recipes. First of all Happy Birthday to your precious little one. She is so cute.
    We eat a lot of fish which I usually get at the farmers' market where there is a section for fish mongers. I am not sure if we have red snapper but the salsa sounds delicious for me to try soon.

  22. oh this looks so wonderful! i love that salsa!

  23. I love to know the fish that I'm buying is not endangered and is actually good for me too. There are so many fish choices out there that aren't even worth buying. Your red snapper looks delicious!

    Lovely family photos and little Roshan looks so alert. What a wonderful party you were able to give her before your parents left. I'm sure you will all miss them.

  24. I love red snapper; but, it has been years since I've eaten it. This looks delicious. Love that you've paired it with mango salsa!

  25. Rita oh i bet your cakes were wonderful :-)
    EA thanks so much love your support'
    Krysta oh thats nice to have a good local store like that
    rosemary frozen would work
    Saji will tell her
    lyndsey i know love his expressions priceless
    jose gracias
    Justyna oh thanks your sweet love yours as well
    Anna :-)
    Mimi great advice
    Judy thanks
    Sonia thanks will tell her
    melinda thanks
    Sophia thanks so much :-)
    Diane I will be back thanks for stopping by :-)
    Angie aw thanks hes amazing
    Barbara he he great to have them both
    Lauren :-)
    Mary oh thanks so much for the kind congrats
    Junia he he short posts and recipes I made before
    Debbie thanks so much for stopping by and love Versaille love your blog
    peachkins :-)
    ivy my pleasure :-) hope your get to try it soon
    teresa :-)
    Susan yep hard without them but thats life
    candace :-) thanks

  26. Oh, Rebecca, Red snapper is one of our favorites as well at home. You always coming out with easy ways to cook. I love that about you.

    Happy Belated Birthday to Jasmine and a big hug and kisses your gorgeous boy.



  27. Aww Rebecca .. such sweet pictures and Happy Birthday to your lil girl :)

  28. Love it!Fresh fish and sometropical fruits and veggies are our mainstay down here! Keep feeding that baby brain food!

  29. Hi Rebecca, delicious recipe I love fish and mangos, look awesome!xxxgloria

  30. kanana aw thanks will tell me
    doc well said he he
    thanks Gloria hugs

  31. Oh this looks awesome!! I absolutely love Mango Salsa and it just looks so delicious with this Red Snapper!!

  32. Thanks for the The Monterey Bay aquarium seafood watch guide tip. I'll check it out for my iPhone. What darling pictures of the children. So cute!

  33. Looks delicious--I am a big fan of mango salsa. Such a cute cake for Jasmine and your new little guy is adorable. ;-)

  34. Your little guy is adorable... Jasmine must have had an exciting time with the gorgeous Butterfly cake.. Happy B'day!!

  35. That red snapper looks absolutely delicious. Thanks for sharing this recipe :)

  36. Happy Belated Birthday to Jasmine, my she has grown so much...a beauty! And your new little guy is just adorable and so alert :)
    Lovely snapper and adore the fruit salsa :)

  37. mother rimmy my pleasure
    deb thanks so much
    malli smiles
    jerry pleasure
    alisha hugs

  38. Oh Rebecca...I had to search for the post of your baby boy after reading your response...he is precious. Happy Belated Birthday Jasmine :-)


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