Cake to Celebrate :-)

I made this Victoria sandwich a couple of weeks ago for a late birthday cake for hubby and Jasmine, since the little guy hadn't arrived I decided why not. In fact it was enjoyed with my brother in law and sister in law visiting from Nebraska it must have been good as it was polished of in one day he he, as a baker this makes you very happy. 

Baby Roshan is one week old today and what a week its been it was hard being late, then a long labor and c section, but the body is amazing at healing itself and I am getting back to normal slowly. Its been such a blessing having Mum and Dad here to help I don't think I could have done it without them especially grateful to Mum for caring for Jasmine while I was in labor then in the hospital. Little Roshan is amazing feeding and growing well, content and gorgeous. Breast feeding was hard for a few days but to all new mums stick with it, gets better :-) 

My Dad built me a flower bed for a garden today very exciting and they have been doing odd jobs around the house they are so good at this unlike me and hubby :-)

Here's a slice of cake for you all, will pop and visit your lovely blogs as able but as you know I am a  little busy right now in a lovely way :-)

  • 6 oz of self raising flour
  • 6 oz of butter and another 2-3 oz to make butter icing 
  • 3 small eggs
  • 6 oz of sugar

  1. cream the butter and sugar add the eggs
  2. then mix in the flour little by little
  3. bake in the oven at 350 for 25 minutes
  4. when cool, fill with butter icing (butter mixed with confectioners sugar) and jam.
  5. enjoy with a nice cup of tea

adore this picture, of brother and sister :-)

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  1. Congrats on your new bundle of joy.The cake looks delicious. Take care of you and enjoy every day.

  2. ahhh simple cake recipe! love it! wish i weren't gluten free, then self raising flour would be so much easier on my baking. lol. that picture is priceless. i can't wait to be a mom. hope you are enjoying motherhood to the fullest! :D

  3. Congratulazioni di vero cuore e felicità a tutti voi

  4. Oooo...congratulations, Rebecca! Finally Jasmine little brother has arrived safely. Can't wait to see him in another few more weeks. You take good care of yourself honey and get more rest. Yeah, I know it was always so nice to have our parents to stay with us and helping around. ((hugs))
    Best wishes,

  5. Congrats! Baby Roshan is adorable! And lovely cake too :)

  6. Love this type of cake; thank you for sharing this one; it will be emjoyed at our place. I can just imagine how life must be at your place now; take time to enjoy.

  7. Oh, that is such a sweet photo :D Congrats again and this cake sounds just lovely.

  8. Congratulations Rebecca. I want to see more pictures of Roshan. :))

  9. Wenn thanks
    Swathi thanks so much its wonderful having another little one
    Junia oh you will be a great mum
    stefania thanks so much
    Kristy thanks hugs I will be lost when they leave
    Xinmei thanks
    Rita always love your advice :-)
    girlichef :_0
    Anncoo lots on facebook
    yummychunklet :_)
    claire thanks so much

  10. Love the brother/sister picture. Precious! I'm so glad things are going well, and you are able to focus on your little one and spend time with you parents. Enjoy! xoxoxo

  11. what a wonderful way to celebrate! it looks delicious, and your little one is just precious!

  12. The cake looks delicious but that picture of your 2 children is absolutely precious!

  13. awwww.. I love the last photo... Kiss baby Roshan for me Rebecca

  14. So happy for you to be surrounded by your family with your new little blessing. Your cake looks delicious:)

  15. It's wonderful to hear all is going well and that your parents have been able to be there for you to help. I'm sure they will hate to leave as much as you will ate to see them go.

    The picture of Roshan's hand in Jasmine's is just adorable!

    What a delicious cake. I love jam filled cakes like this. It gives me wonderful memories of all of the Danish layer cakes I ate growing up :)

  16. Congratulations on your new arrival! Baby Roshan is adorable. Take care!

  17. A lovely Victoria cake. And a really sweet photo of sister and brother.

  18. Congratulations on the little one...he is so cute :) The cake looks delicious too...yum!

  19. I'm so pleased you're doing well, Rebecca. This is such an exciting time for all of you. And busy. What an adorable photo of your children's hands.
    I loved seeing the Facebook photos so quickly.
    Much love and hugs

  20. Enjoy your darling baby. It's such a magical time. :)

  21. EA thanks your a sweet friend
    teresa thanks hugs
    janice thanks
    Maris :-)
    peachkins sure will do
    Raina its great to have them here going to miss them
    Susan oh yum those cakes sound great yep tues when they go will be hard
    Biren thanks so much hugs
    Angie :-)
    nutmeg nanny thanks so so much
    sheril :-)
    Barbara pleased to have you as a friend it s a special time for sure
    mother rimmy oh it is and love to be remembered makes me savor it more

  22. Ohhh...I love that photo! Your kids are both so beautiful! So nice that you have family around to help you. In our family they usually arrive early...I can't imagine arriving so late :) I was wondering if he was going to come on my birthday Aug 26, but no...he had another plan hehe! Wish I could visit in person. Take care Rebbeca!

  23. Congrats on Roshan, his name is beautiful, leave it to you to still be posting.

  24. lyndsey would be so much fun to meet one day ")
    Lauren thanks :-) and u know me love blogging

  25. That is a gorgeous picture!! Congrats on your baby boy. Take it easy. Hx

  26. congrats on baby Roshan! So cute! Glad he is growing well. :)

  27. Beautiful ~ apt for the special occasion!

  28. Awww, I love celebrating with delicious cake! Your cake looks lovely:-) I love enjoying all the gorgeous pics of your sweet baby:-) Congrats my friend! I can't wait to meet the little guy:-) Love and Hugs, Terra

  29. thanks Emily hugs
    Aipi :-)
    Terra can't wait to introduce you to him


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