Craft - Leaf Prints

Here's a fun fall craft idea, collect some lefts the skeleton ones are the best with an adorable little helper. Place between two pieces of paper and gently rub over with a crayon, it will leave a print. As a child we would do this with coins as well. We then cut them out and stuck on colored paper.

 Right now our home is filled with leaves, pine cones and acorns he he :-) 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, happy friday :-) 


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  1. How cute is she! We used to make these all the time when I was raising my kids. Thanks for the happy memory. :)

  2. Fun craft! Can't wait to try that with my nieces.

  3. Ur Daughter luks so cute dear.Leaf prints r wonderful.Luv it.

  4. This brought my memories of childhood! I used to do this... we had much more "proper" autumn in Japan and now trees are either green or bald!

  5. I used to make these all teh time when I was little! Def a fun idea!

  6. Have agreet weekend yo uou too, Rebecca! Your daughter is a cuty & what fun this creafty work is to do even for grown-ups!

  7. Very cute, Rebecca. Jasmine looks like she is thoroughly enjoying this project.

    I remember how hard it is to keep an older child occupied with a baby to tend. Juggling balls ;)

  8. Mother Rimmy oh my pleasure
    yummychunklet :-)
    my kitchen flavors thanks hope you can try
    Nami I think East coast here is better than west coast
    Joanne thats cool
    sophie ;-) very true
    Susan thats exactly right and she is so used to doing so much :-)

  9. We still do this in british nursery classes, great fun isn't it? Thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comment. I'm sure a good old fashioned English Christmas Cake would be perfect. Jude x

  10. Hi Rebecca. What a fun craft project. Thanks for sharing!!! Hope you are doing well.

  11. Cute !! and its always a good memories ..

  12. It seems cute angel is busy making leaves.....thanks for sharing this idea and bringing back those lovely childhood memories!

  13. Great fall craft! She is so cute:)

  14. Jude thanks will enjoy your blog
    Roz :-) great thanks
    Sheril :-)
    Angie :-) new to you?
    supata my pleasure

  15. Thanks for the parenting help!!! Lovely to see J. Hope you're well. Lots of love XXX

  16. I really like this post. Keep posting.

  17. I loved doing this as a kid. Ok still do. haha


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