Baba Ganoush Linguini

Don't judge this dish by looks :-) it tastes so good and its super simple to make. One of my favorite dips is baba ganoush, so I figured why not combine with pasta. Its basically baba ganoush but I didn't add tahini. 


  • one large eggplant
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • one tablespoon olive oil
  • linguini
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • a dash of lemon juice 
  • 1/2 a teaspoon cumin powder
  • handful freshly chopped parsley
  1. thinly slice the eggplant and put on a baking tray with garlic drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and bake at 400 for 15- 20 minutes until soft
  2. add a little cumin, dash of lemon, parsley and blend 
  3. mix with linguini and serve 

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  1. What a great recipe to combine two types of cuisine!

  2. I love mashed eggplant anytime so this linguini would be comfort for me, off course with loads of garlic :)

  3. Love how you converted to to make a new dish.

  4. Eggplant is one of my favorite vegetables [tho its actually a fruit :)], I eat it at least 3 times a week! Linguini and baba ganoush sounds heavenly.

  5. Perhaps this is the way I could get my husband to eat eggplant! I does sound delicious and, even if not beautiful, the plate certainly is :)

  6. yumm !! never tried this...looks interesting :-)

  7. Dear Rebecca, I totally agree! Sometimes the dish does not appear as colorful or eye appealing as you would like, but you say to yourself, "oh, if only everyone could taste this!". I just love baba ganoush. I know I would very much enjoy this dish. Blessings for a beautiful Sunday, Catherine ox

  8. A great way to enjoy eggplant. I love your serving plate too.

  9. mmmm, this looks and sounds wonderful!

  10. What a unique idea! I love baba ganoush, I'm sure it tastes great with a pasta!

  11. This sounds marvelous, eggplant is a a favorite here in our house & especially when it is in season.

  12. Oh, this is a great sounds delicious!

  13. delicious looking flavours in the linguini

  14. That is a great mid-week family meal. I didn't think it looked too bad!

  15. For many years I lived in the Middle East, where I learned to love Baba Ganoush. But I never, ever thought to use it as a pasta sauce--what a great idea! Thanks for posting.

  16. Hovkonditorn thanks so much
    yummychunklet thanks love fusion foods
    Sangeeta :-)
    Rita thanks hugs
    Yuri oh wow three times
    Susan hope he likes it
    a spoonful of yum :-)
    Catherine so true
    angie thanks
    Teresa thanks
    melanie thanks
    dee thanks
    heather thanks so much
    toveiw thanks
    hotly spiced he he thanks and thanks for stopping by
    victoria thanks :-) and for visiting

  17. Love the flavors you have combined in this dish, Rebecca. I'm always looking for a new pasta sauce.

  18. I love eggplants and mixing it with pasta sounds really good! You are, taking care of two little ones, blogging, and active on social media! :)

  19. What a great idea! I can never get enough of Eggplant! Love this!

  20. Looks wonderful to me...beautiful flavors :)

  21. oh my goodness, my dad would LOVE this. his favorite veggie is eggplant and he loves pasta. :) thanks for the recipe :)

  22. cathy oh thanks hope you like it
    biren he he what can i say love it
    jennie thanks so much
    magic of spice thanks
    Junia my pleasure

  23. When I saw this on facebook I meant to tell you what a great fusion! Love it...and the potato post too, which I said mousse on the mousse post LOL Im fighting jet lag!

  24. I bet this is delicious! Baba ganoush is one of my favorite dips as well.


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