Food Bloggers Unplugged

The lovely Janice of Farmers girl kitchen a fellow Brit tagged me in this fun idea of Food Bloggers Unplugged and I thought it would be fun to answer like a live interview!, the questions are below I am to tag 5 folks but I will tag you all and its up to you if you would like to post and tag others.
 Its fun to learn more about the bloggers behind our favorite blogs :-)

Food Bloggers Unplugged is to help you to find out a bit more about the tagged Food blogger, in this case ME!  So here goes:

What or who inspired you to start your blog?

Who is your foodie inspiration?

Your greasiest most batter splattered cook book is?

These are three of the oldest books that I bought myself.

The best thing you have ever eaten in another country, where was it and what was it?

Another Food Blogger's table you would like to eat at?

What one kitchen gadget would you like Santa to bring you? (money no object)

I'm coming to you for dinner, what is your signature dish?

What is your guilty food pleasure?

Reveal something about yourself that others would be surprised to learn?  

Have a great weekend everyone

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  1. Thanks so much for doing this Rebecca. I managed to watch the video (even though I have a terrible internet connection) and it was lovely to hear and see you. Hope Food Bloggers Unplugged takes off in US!

  2. Oh my! I love your answers and the way you have answered the challenge too. Thanks for taking part in the challenge and to Janice who has now introduced me to your lovely blog.x

  3. Fun post Rebecca!!! I'll share my guilty food pleasure-carne asada fries! And, if you ever get to California, I'll take you out to eat some :-)

  4. Love the interview, great idea to video it. Enjoyed your post!

  5. You always have something fun and good to share with us! Thanks, Rebecca!

  6. Janice pleasure its a great idea
    Susan great to meet you too
    EA aw thanks and i want some fries
    carol thanks
    Angie aw so kind
    Sanjeeta this comment made me smile

  7. Love the video,its a great way to answer these questions as we get to 'meet' you in person! Thanks for stopping by my blogging. Will be spending many hours on here I'm sure :)

  8. Oooh, I'm definitely taking part in this on my next post :)

  9. baking addict pleasure and great to meet you
    cathy look forward to it

  10. Fun way to respond to the tag, Rebecca! I've got some splattered cookbook that I can barely open!

  11. As always, very cool. Love when you do the video blogs.


    P.S. I love 3 Hungry Tummies too.

  12. Jay thanks so much
    Barbara :0)
    Velva aw thanks

  13. Good to get to know you better....3 hungry tummies would be my dinner pick too.


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