Maple Shortbread Cookies

We made these simple shortbread cookies recently and had fun making different shapes and letters, what a fun way to learn baking and letters!

  • 5 oz butter diced and a little extra for greasing
  • 8 oz of plain flour and some for dusting
  • 4 oz sugar
  • one tablespoon of maple syrup 
  1. grease a baking tray with butter
  2. sieve the flour and rub in the butter with fingers until it looks like bread crumbs
  3. stir in sugar and maple syrup and make a firm dough
  4. roll it out onto a floured surface to about 1 inch thickness 
  5. have fun making different shapes 
  6. bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes until lightly golden
  7. dust with confectioners sugar

While visiting the Charleston Tea Plantation  I got some cookie cutters in the shape of a tea pot, can't wait to make these again soon :-)

What cookie cutter shape would you like?

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  1. Fun cookies Rebecca :-) Love the idea to learn the alphabet while baking cookies. I'm sure Jasmine does too!

  2. Cute shapes and cute photos!

  3. Dear Rebecca, What a fun way to learn the letters and how to bake. Your little one is adorable. She will remember always these moments with you. Blessings, Catherine xo

  4. what a fun project. i love that you take time to cook with your daughter. :)

  5. Great minds think alike! Those look delicious and I'm sure your daughter had a lot of fun baking them up with you.

  6. So cute! I love that she is in the kitchen so much. She will grow up loving to cook :)

  7. Too cute! Would that be J...for Jasmine? =)

  8. Gloria thanks
    EA no one could get the J or the heart he he
    Yummchunklet "-)
    krysta :_)
    Catherine hope so :-)
    Emily thanks i enjoy it
    Julie did you do some on my way over
    nutmeg hope so
    Belinda yep

  9. I love anything with Maple syrup. This shortbread cookies looks delicious.

  10. baking & learning letters sure are a fun way to learn ! love the tea pot cookie cutter you got...cant wait to see it :)

  11. So so fun! I love shortbread cookies and the buttery goodness. Maple is an excellent addition!

  12. I love shortbread and the maple is so wonderfully seasonal right now!

  13. learning is much easier when there's fun involved! Look at J's face... it's a picture of a girl having so much fun. She will grow up loving all these memories. What a great mom you are!

  14. The cookies look delicious, Rebecca!Great idea!

  15. What a sweet shot! Children always smile when baking cookies! I think I could talk my twenty-something daughter into baking those with me!

  16. Love shortbread cookies and with the maple syrup sound even better!
    Your daughter is just too cute! Fun baking project with the kids.

  17. This "J" is so cute! I love the idea of the letter cookies!

  18. tea pot cookie cutter? cute! I wanna see the product of that soon! :-)

  19. I like the addition of maple syrup in those cookies. They are irresistible.

  20. Terrific cookies with maple syrup ...the photos are so cute:)

  21. Oh I love the idea of the maple syrup in there!

    What a delightful helper you have!!

  22. Adorable helper in the kitchen :)

    These sound like so much fun to bake and maple in shortbread must taste delicious.

  23. mothers secret recipes thanks and thanks for stopping by
    aipi thanks
    swathi :__)
    carrie love simple
    a spoonful of yum pics on facebook
    bakers st thanks so much
    Joanne :-)
    Malou thanks means alot i so look up to you
    erica thanks
    claudia he he you should
    Karen :-)
    melanie :-)
    sophia on the facebook page
    angie aw thanks
    malli :-)
    brownieville girl thaks
    Susan thanks oh so good

  24. Yummy! My all time favourite cookies.

  25. I love shortbread cookies...these look cool love the letters. Jasmine is just too cute!!!

  26. Yum! I love shortbread cookies and with maple syrup even better! The teapot cookie cutter must be very cute. Not sure if they make them, but I have been looking for a turkey cookie cutter:)

  27. umm thanks
    Lyndsey problem is no one eats them just me!
    Raina oh they would be cute

  28. They look cute in letter, kid sure enjoy this cookie.

  29. Love the cookies, they look like adorable little morsels...!!

  30. Oh my goodness, Jasmine looks so grown up! And these cookies are adorable, love shortbread and the tea pot cutouts sound just as cute :)

  31. sonia smiles
    cooking gallery thanks
    alicia smiles


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