Payasam (South Indian Milk and Vermicelli pudding))

It was Diwali a couple of weeks ago and I made this payasam for hubby its his favorite, I used this site for the recipe, don't you just love blogs. I didn't make many changes, other than using pre- roasted vermicelli I got in my local Indian store and using butter in place of ghee both work well.


  • Milk - 5 cups
  • Vermicelli - 1/2 a pack of pre roasted from the Indian store 
  • Sugar -1/2 cup or to taste
  • Cashew nuts - 8 - 10
  • Cardamom - 3-4 ( powder it- I used my coffee grinder to do this)
  • Raisins -10 -15
  • butter - 1 tbsp

  1. Lightly fry the vermicelli  in butter 
  2. Boil the milk then add the roasted vermicelli to it and cook till it becomes soft.
  3.  Add sugar and powdered cardamon
  4. In a separate pan lightly roast the cashew nuts and raisins in butter 
  5. garnish the payasam with the nuts and raisins, I sprinkles a little cardamon powder for garnish too or pistachio would be great

Just before Diwali Jasmine and I did a rangoli resign. I try my best to teach her Indian culture :), but as you know I am a Brit and Christian so Christmas is my biggie :-) but still important to learn and respect all cultures

We are headed to Florida for the weekend tomorrow got a fab deal on fights and planning to meet two of my favorite bloggers, stay tuned :-)

Have a wonderful weekend all


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  1. Enjoy your trip to Florida,Payasam looks delicious.

  2. Delicious recipe and I love the drawing! You have a little artist in the making :-). Sorry you couldn't make it to California this trip, but you have a fabulous time in Florida!

  3. Have fun in Florida!Jasmine is getting big and beautiful,Rebecca!

  4. The payasam looks good! Have a great trip! Can't wait to see your pictures :)

  5. Indian pasta! I love it! And I am already partial to Indian food - cook a lot of it in the winter. Wishing you safe travels!

  6. Have a great time, two bloggers cannot wait to read about the meeting. The payasam looks delish!!

  7. One of my favorite childhood eats! ...Still love it!

  8. This reminds me of a rice pudding that my mom used to make years ago. How nice of you to make your hubby's favorites and teach your little artist about Indian culture :)

    Have a great time in Florida!

  9. I'm very excited about this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Have fun in Florida! I love cardamom, it adds such wonderful flavor, doesn't it?

  11. I've never had an Indian dessert. Enjoy your time in Florida.

  12. Vermicelli pudding? That's new to me. Looks yummy and interesting.

  13. I am reading a fun book on the history of desserts. They started with India - so this delicious sounding recipe fits right in.

  14. Wow, I've been busy, I got here after you got here! :) I think it's wonderful that you show her both sides of her heritage. Jasmine did a good job on the rangoli resigng. Nice comfort food, I'll have to see if I can find it in our local Indian know how I like trying new regional cuisines!!

    It was great seeing you!

  15. What a wonderful idea for a dessert that's a little exotic over the holidays. As always, you inspire! Have a happy hoilidays!

  16. This pudding looks delicious! Full of sweet delicious flavor...yum! Little J did a great job helping you with chalk art. I love that you are teaching her about different cultures. I agree that it's very important.

  17. of my friends from India made a similar pudding for us at a dinner party, and it was delicious.

  18. I would never have thought of using vermicelli in a pudding! And it looks delicious! Hope you had fun in Florida!!

  19. Ahh...appreciate that you're teaching your children to respect all cultures, I agree that's important.

    Unique recipe, & looks like a top pick for something healthy to enjoy the Friday after Thanksgiving :)

  20. i love how there are cashews in this pudding!!! :D

  21. i am so impressed with the flavours! mmm cardamom cinnamon and raisins- TO DIE FOR combo. im jealous of your taste buds hehe

    xoxo <3

  22. I love this dessert, my friend's mom makes it every time she comes from India for us. Hope you are having fun in FL. Can't wait to meet you as well soon! :)

  23. Simple yet exotic, love it :)
    Have a fun vacation!

  24. Swathi thanks so much
    EA thanks hope to visit your place soon
    Erica thanks she is indeed
    Biren thanks coming up
    claudia :-)
    vianney :0)
    a bowl of mush thats neat
    susan thanks and love hubby
    val pleasure
    mother rimmy sure does but not too much he he
    hotly spiced thanks much
    angie you would love it
    oyster culture fun book
    lyndsey love ya
    doc thanks you too :-)
    nutmeg nanny bet you do in your job too
    emily thats nice :-)
    melanie thanks
    shirley thanks and you know payasam
    von :-) hope your well
    sandi not sure about healthy he he
    Junia me too love em
    kelsey oh thanks will send u some
    illke :-) me too
    aipi thanks

  25. Waw, What a festive & stylish dessert! Yummie too :)

    That's a beautiful drawing that you & your daughter made! Beautiful & Happy Flying! Have fun!!! xxx

  26. This sounds soooo good! I love blogs, because then I learn about fun dishes like this:-) Hugs, Terra

  27. thanks so much sophie
    so agree Terra hugs


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