Craft - Peek a boo house

Here's another simple craft idea for little one's 

Hope your all having a super weekend, we are going to a christmas party this evening brave folks are having 66 people over, pleased its not me I would freak out :-)


  1. Fun! Have a great weekend!

  2. easy fun craft to do this is good for cards too we make holiday cards like this

  3. Your clever craft projects take me back, Rebecca! I remember doing things like this with mine, many years ago. :)
    You're a great mom!

  4. 5 star foodie thanks you too
    torview good idea
    gloria thanks
    barbara very kind of you

  5. Another darling project! Hope you had a wonderful time at that party. That is a lot of people!

  6. What a nice project! Small kids love peeking in the peek-a-boo windows!

  7. Yuri :0)
    Susan lots of ideas for you for your grand baby's smiles
    Melanie thanks

  8. Yuri :0)
    Susan lots of ideas for you for your grand baby's smiles
    Melanie thanks


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