5 Spice Panko Crusted Sole and Big News

Here's a super simple recipe great for busy evenings, I coated sole in panko and 5 spice and pan fried it and served with bok choy and rice, really good. This will make a regular appearance on our diner table :-) 


  • 3 fillets of sole thin fish works best 
  • about a cup panko 
  • one teaspoon 5 spice
  • one egg beaten 
  • a little salt and pepper to taste 

  1. dip the fish in the egg
  2. then roll in panko, 5 spice and salt and pepper
  3. fry in a little olive oil for about 5 minutes each side
Bok Choy 
  • 3 small bunches of bok choy chopped
  • a dash of sesame oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • one tablespoon oyster sauce
  • one tablespoon soy sauce 
  1.  Heat a little canola or olive oil in a pan, add the seame oil and ginger/garlic paste, then the bok choy, soy, oyster sauce, sugar
  2. cover with a lid and let it steam for about 5-7 minutes 
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, things are good with us, little Roshan is now 4 months and I have started to introduce tastes of food, blending carrots and freezing in little batches, pears, and zucchini next :-) 
Jasmine feeding her baby brother 
and other BIG NEWS -

 I am releasing another app for iphone with a friend and colleague Nadine Fisher - with social media tips basically an extension of the e book but now featuring tips from some amazing experts in the field such as Craig Kanalley social media editor for NBC news, Sree Sreenivasan, Professor/Dean of Journalism at Columbia University and technology and social media expert are also included. Also included are tips from Tonya Hall, host of a social media radio show, and Neal Shaffer, social media speaker and author. The app also has tips from other media savvy nutrition and health professionals including Elisa Zied, a registered dietitian, 3-time author, blogger and media spokesperson and Keri Gans a registered dietitian, author and media expert. The app will help you to learn to make meaningful connections, grow your business or personal brand and have fun with social media. 

Stay tuned we are nearly ready to submit to apple I can't tell you how excited I am and honored that such big names kindly offered tips to be included :-) 

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  1. I love the dish and will be making it - simplicity and health get my attention! Congrats on the new app - very exciting indeed!

  2. Congrats on your new app!

  3. CONGRATS!!! on your big news!!! I am sure it will be a hit!

  4. Congrats for the great work, Reb! Wishing many more of such accolades your way. Hugs.

  5. Your children are so cute!

    And the dish looks amazing, this is the second time in 24 hours have seen the ingredient -oyster sauce :)

    Congrats on the app, I know you'll do well!

    L O V E your picture at the bottom of the post, you're looking terrific!

  6. I'm a big fan of panko. Too bad I just had fish last night or it would be tonight's dinner. Soon, though, very soon. Love your help on social media -- need all the help I can get!

  7. Congrats on the app!!Yay!! :))
    You look awesome by the way, with the new hair cut. :)

  8. Congrats Rebecca! This dish is making me hungry for fish and it's not even 10 in the morning LOL

  9. Very cool news, Rebecca!

    I love fish coated in panko - what a delicious and simple recipe.

  10. Congratulations on the new App!
    I love 5spice and the sole must have tasted wonderful!

  11. Congratulations Rebecca; you work hard and getting it done. Your kids are adorable. That is one recipe I will be trying soon.

  12. Congratulations on your upcoming app! And your crusted sole looks wonderful...the entire meal in fact looks delicious!
    Happy New Year!

  13. congratulations! that's very exciting. and the sole looks awesome!

  14. Congratulations Rebecca! Keep us posted. I'd love to see your new app.

  15. Claudia thanks and hope you like it :-)
    loveforfood thanks
    yummyhchunklet thanks
    vianney here's hoping he he
    sanjeeta oh thanks your sweet
    Sandi thanks so much hugs
    rosemary :-) help is on the way
    Ilke always appreciate your support
    chef e he he
    susan thanks
    Angie I want it now ha ha
    Rita enjoy
    alisha thanks and happy new year
    teresa thanks
    Mother rimmy looking forward to seeing what you think

  16. Happy New Year Rebecca! I love Panko crusted fish, but I need to try your version with 5 spices! Congrats on the new app - you are so high tech! Keep us posted!

  17. Just mouthwatering...looks so easy to prepare & delicious!

  18. Waw, I love this well flavoured yet stylish dish!!!

    Waw, that's great news for you about this new app! Hoeray to you!

  19. Congrats on the app! It sounds like it's going to be fabulous. You're breaded fish sounds delectable as well.

  20. Nami aw thanks ;-)
    Kaylan thanks
    Sophie Happy new year
    Julie oh hope so hugs

  21. Your daughter feeding your son is adorable! Congrats on your app! I don't know how you juggle it all - you're amazing. Love the 5 spice fish too!

  22. thanks Reeni I don't know myself he he

  23. Congrats on your new app I know how much work you have to put into it. You must be super woman/mom! This sole looks great like that!

  24. thanks Lyndsey its not so hard when u love it he he


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