Meyer Lemon and Blood Orange Lemonade

This is a super simple drink, a lemonade made with meyer lemons and blood oranges, so don't wait grab them next time your in the store the season is short and sweet. 

From Wikipedia -  the Meyer lemon is native to China a cross between a true lemon and either a mandarin or common orange. It was introduced to the United States in 1908 by Frank Nicholas Meyer,  who collected a sample of the plant on a trip to China. Blood oranges hail from Sicily and were once only served for Royalty their rich color stems from anthocyanin a potent antioxidant and are also a great source of vitamin C and potassium.


  • juice of 3 meyer lemons
  • juice of 2 blood oranges
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  1. use a simple juicer to extract the juice of citrus fruits
  2. mix in desired sugar or sweetner and ice
  3. and enjoy :-)

 here's a cool link from the LA Times - 100 things to do with Meyer Lemons - stay tuned for lemon curd, I made that last week, so good 

and another link for great recipes for blood oranges from NPR

So who else is enjoying citrus season as much as me :-) 

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  1. I'm enjoying! You combined 2 of my favorite citrus-y foods, how lovely is that?
    Also love: that you are posting more often ;)

  2. Yum! That sounds fantastic. Looking forward to the lemon curd!

  3. That's my all time favorite drink!:)

  4. Oh that sounds fantastic! I need to track down blood oranges here, AND Meyer lemons, I am determined to find them, LOL! I love lemonade, so this sounds so refreshing to me:-) Hugs, Terra

  5. Terra oh you can find both in whole foods

  6. They look like a sunrise - the perfect way to begin a day.

  7. I would add some gin to that drink! Thanks for the links, I am trying to fit in some of the wonderful winter citrus into every dish that I can think of.

  8. Looks fantastic!
    Had to tell you I made your mini Lime Key pie. Easy and so good; thank you. I even bought those Digestives biscuits to make the crust; so much better than graham crackers; thanks.

    1. Rita wow thats so cool, love digestive biscuits and you have made my day :-)

  9. Oh, that looks beautiful and refreshing, Rebecca! The scene on your deck looks like it could be spring there. I just found some beautiful HUGE Meyer lemons at our store this past week.

    1. look forward to seeing how you use yours, yep the weather has been great the last few day played out with kids a lot :-)

  10. I love the color of the blood orange. This looks so beautiful and refreshing.

  11. Beautiful drink Rebecca. I would love to make this, but I would use my leomons since I have a tree full right now and they are my favorite lemons. This is the perfect time for citrus!

  12. Oh I'd love to make this lemonade!!! I'm in love with both Meyer lemons and blood oranges - these are more expensive but it's totally worth a buy! I can't wait for your lemon curd... oh god if I make it I know I'll be in trouble... non stop lemon curd...

  13. Rebecca this looks amazing!! I love citrus season! Hope to makes this soon!

  14. Love blood oranges and cara caras too. I haven't done much with Meyers but my boys love lemonade. Maybe their Super Bowl drink.

  15. I wish the season was longer for these two fabulous citrus treats.

  16. Sounds like a refreshing drink! We don't don't always get Meyer lemons here but they do appear once in a while. Love the color of the drink.

  17. I've been living in Florida for years now, but haven't tried Meyer lemons. Shame on me!!

    That looks so refreshing :)

  18. Looks pretty and so refreshing Rebecca!
    Have a great week!

  19. Hi Rebecca. I've bookmarked this for the summer. WE're going to resurrect "Cocktail Sunday" in our home, and this with a bit of vodka would be perfect on our deck on a sunny day. Thanks for the idea. Have a wonderful Tuesday.

  20. mmmm, this looks wonderfully refreshing!!

  21. I saw you mention this on Twitter, and it sounded incredible. But looking it your photograph of the lemonade makes it even more tempting - what a gorgeously colored drink!

  22. I used blood orange oil in a recipe this week, it must be citrus season in the blogisphere!

  23. I don't think there can be a better combination, Rebecca. That looks delicious!

  24. I love blood orange juice, I have been buying it at whole foods right now and adding a splash to my Seltzer water!

  25. dietitian drive oh nice idea and thanks for stopping by

  26. Sounds amazing! Hopefully I can track down some of those (blood oranges shouldn't be hard to find here in florida ;) ) and try it out! Did it really need much sweetener?

  27. Ooooh how pretty!!! What a great way to feature the color and flavor of blood orange.

  28. This looks so refreshing! I recently got a new juicer and made a citrus juice with meyer lemons, but did not have any blood oranges...will try this next :)

  29. oh, my husband loves meyer lemons. i need to make this for him!!! Thanks for the awesome recipes and ideas!!!
    xx, kat


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