Mini Key Lime Pie

One of my all time favorite desserts is Key lime pie, I always have one every time I go to Florida :-), I recently made peppermint creams with Jasmine mainly as she loves using cookie cutters and coloring them, they were hardly eaten but had fun making them. I looked on the side of the condensed milk and saw a recipe for key lime pie, so easy. I just had to make a couple of mini ones, I used digestive biscuits (British cookies) for the base and garnished with some peel.


  • 4 digestive biscuits crushed
  • 2 tablespoon of butter
  • about 2/3 of a can of condensed milk
  • juice of one lime and some peel for garnish 
  1. crush the biscuits mix with melted butter, line a couple of ramekins 
  2. and bake for 5 minutes at 350
  3. meanwhile mix lime juice with condensed milk 
  4. add lime mixture to ramekins and put in fridge over night 
  5. enjoy the next day
This would be fun to make ahead for a dinner party :-)

Is there a food you have to have when you visit a particular place?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone 

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  1. Lovely. I have a recipe for no bake ones on my site :-)

  2. Such easy desserts sometimes save a day :-) I sometimes slather lemon curd over digestive biscuits or cookies as it is for a quick desserts for the two of us :-)

    1. oo like that idea will add lemon curd to a digestive

  3. Key Lime Pie is so delicious! When I go to Finland I have to have cottage cheese, rye bread, and licorice :)

    1. oh hope to visit Finland one day :-) bet its pretty

  4. It's pity that I've never tried the famous key lime pie yet. This sounds easy and delicious!

  5. That really sounds yummy, I have not seen limes in the shops for a while I must have a look around. Diane

  6. Key lime was my dad's favorite. I bet you can do these crustless for a GF tweak. Love mini idea.

  7. I pinned this one; can't wait to try it for my son's next visit. I have to get me some limes.

  8. Absolutely! Anything Filipino when I visit my mom, especially egg rolls!

  9. This sounds delicious and I love key lime and your daughter in pattuvadai is looking super cute. I love to see "kutti" girls in pattuvadai and I miss those sights here. And yes your son looks so cute too!!! God bless them.

  10. key lime pie really is wonderful! yours looks so creamy, YUM!

  11. Oh that looks super easy! Will have to try it; we are big Key Lime fans!

  12. What a lovely way to enjoy Key Lime Pie in mini form :) They look delicious and citrusy.

  13. Love this mini-version. It insists I have portion control!

  14. Cute key lime must have tasted heavenly.

    1. was so good, but because hubby doesn't like it I had two not so good

  15. My favorite flavor of pie :) My mother-in-law makes one for me every year for my birthday. Your recipe looks scrumptious, & is that an apple spoon? How cute!

    1. sweet of your mum in law :-) and got that little spoon in the Asian store :-)

  16. I love key lime and adore minis :) They sound wonderful!

  17. My parents next door neighbors still remember the Key Lime Pie I made for them when I was a kid. Funny thing, I don't think I've made it since (but have happily eaten it many times since then :-). Love how easy this is-Will have to whip up a batch of minis soon!

  18. EA oh thats a sweet memory love good neighbors

  19. Hello Sweet Rebecca,

    That is my husband favorite dessert. Thanks for posting it. It is a good reminder to make them this week for him.

    Your daughter is growing so fast and so adorable.



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