Turkish Delight Jellies

I made these Turkish delights recently, but I am calling them jellies, they are easy to make and taste like Turkish delight but jelly like in texture, I had a suspicion such an easy recipe was too good to be true. After all the professionals in Turkey have been making it for hundreds of years, I can still taste how good it was from the Spice Bazaar in Istanbul :-) 

Heres the link for the recipe, its worth making for the taste but for the candy making pro's out there do you know how I can get a firmer texture?

Is there a food you have had on a trip that you will never forget?

Hope your all having a good weekend, I took the kids to an Indian cultural program today it was fun. The Go Social app is going well, if you have it and wouldn't mind leaving a review on itunes, it really helps :-) thanks your friend - Rebecca

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  1. These look really good. You're braver than I because I'd probably try to buy them from someone. You've given me courage to give it a try.

    1. thanks Maureen I tried maybe you can figure out how to get a chewier texture for me!

  2. deliciously done looks wonderful, tried to comment a few times on your site. Something was wrong couldn't glad it is working now

  3. Perfectly made Rebecca !!
    Kids would love it...

  4. These are such a treat; haven't made them in ages.

  5. Yum! I introduced my students to Turkish delight this year when I taught The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was pricey to buy it for them; I am so glad to have a recipe!

    1. I love them as well:) They are fun to teach. I answered your question re: Simon on my blog.

  6. This is one 'delight' I've never had so I'm afraid I can't help with the firmer texture advise. They look wonderful to me! The food that I still remember from a trip was having paella in Spain. I've never quite been able to duplicate it at home but I certainly have tried!

    1. i haven't tried to make Paella seems hard but practice makers perfect he he maybe I will try these again

  7. I don't typically make candy - so I cannot help you. I do love that you are recreating something that gave you delight. I keep trying to recreate some really good torrone - but always fail.

  8. Turkish Delight!!! I have been looking for a recipe for it!! Looks soo good and pink!

  9. My kids always wanted Turkish delight when we read the Narnia books. This is such a simple recipe I need to give it a try.

  10. Well, it looks really good so don't sell yourself short!

  11. Fun recipe Rebecca! I think my kids would have fun making these :-)

  12. Look really delicious rebecca!! love them!

  13. These look tasty! Reminds me of the ones eaten by Edward in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe".

  14. I brought so much Turkish delight back from Israel that I wound up having to check my carry on bag because it was so heavy. So much for that gift idea! This year everyone is getting postcards! There are tons of foods I have had on trips that I will never forget. One was a full traditional Moroccan meal in Marrakech, and then the sushi I had at Tsukiji was really memorable. Most of the time it is Spanish food. Even being a vegetarian I can still find good Spanish food, and paired with the wine, it is perfect. So glad I am headed there in a few months.

    1. he he it is heavy I remember bringing some back he he have fun

  15. so nice when you can recreate something from your travels.

  16. I've tried 3 or 4 versions of this recipe and never had come close to the texture of the Turkish candies. I don't care for the jelly like consistency here. I wish I had an answer for you on this Rebecca. They must use a thickener that isn't available to home cooks, plus a few family secrets as well. It's fun to try to duplicate special recipes and sometimes they turn out perfectly.

  17. They look wonderful...not sure about the consistency though, sorry.
    Hope you had a lovely weekend, hugs

  18. you always post the funnest things, these look great!

  19. Looks very cute and I bet the husband will definitely ask me to make this as soon as he sees it. He loves these jelly kinda sweet treat.

  20. Cute pink jelly. Sorry I don't make dessert often so I am not sure how to make it firmer texture. I like jelly texture so kids won't stuck sweets on their teeth..haha.

  21. They look really good,Rebecca!

  22. My parents recently got back from Turkey, and brought us some Turkish delight. It WAS delightful, and now I know I can make it for myself. Thanks Rebecca! Have a great Tuesday.

  23. Roz oh you lucky thing bet they loved it there


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