British Scones from Short and Sweet

I recently bought Dan Lepards book Short and Sweet The Best of Home Baking. I love reading the Guardian and often link up the best food articles and recipes to the Chow and Chatter facebook page. I started to follow Dan on twitter some time back @dan_lepard and he's lovely such a warm genuine person. Not only is he an amazing baker and bread maker, he's an award winning one and author of numerous books on baking. 

I got this book for my Christmas its excellent and its as he says in the clip below. It can be purchased on amazon but at present shipped from UK hopefully it will come to the US soon. 
The best thing about People who are really talented and good people is that people will promote and share their books without being asked. No one gave me this book to review or asked me to do it and he is mentioned on blogs all the time. 
I made the scones and they turned out beautifully you can't beat scones with a cup of tea, its a British classic. 

I won't put the recipe here without permission but here's a similar one

He is so sweet can you believe he even nominated me for the shorty award 

I nominate  for a Shorty Award in because...she's a good egg. And they're the best sort 

and be sure to vote for me only have till Feb 17th :-)

go on grab one I know you want one :-)

Have a great weekend everyone

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  1. Scones are quintessential British. If you say they're good, they must be. Wish I tweeted, I would love to vote. I am so proud of you for being nominated and wish you the very best of luck Rebecca.

  2. Love, love, love scones....need to make a batch soon. Have a wonderful weekend dearie.They look great!

  3. Love scones,has came out perfect Rebecca. hav a nice weekend...

  4. Your scones look lovely. I think scones make the perfect afternoon tea especially when served with jam and whipped cream.

  5. I love these scones- they look perfect!

  6. Vanilla and almond... so perfect. And I just brought home the most exquisite jam to brush on these.

  7. good luck on your nomination. i shall vote over and over for you Reb because you deserve it.

  8. Mmm nice tall scones :) I follow Dan as well, got his book "Handmade Loaf" I really like it.

  9. Your scones turned out beautifully high. They look delicious. This sounds like a wonderful book and how wonderful that he is the one that nominated you. Good luck, Rebecca!

  10. yummy chunklet :-), thanks so much Sam, Ozoz thanks so much thanks Vrinda you to, brownieville girl thanks
    hotly spiced oh for sure, simply life thanks, claudia :-) Malou thanks love ya Yuri isn't he lovely

  11. mmm These scones look amazing Rebecca!!!

  12. You did great with these scones -- looks so yummy!

    I think Britishers makes awesome scones. For real :D

  13. I was just thinking about making British scones the other day. I remember you telling me they were different than the scones I usually see:-) These look sooooo good, and yes can I have one:-) Hugs, Terra

  14. Yum, Home-made Bristish scones! These look like real winners, Rebecca! :)

    I also love Dan's recipes a lot! They never fail me! :)

  15. thanks Gloria ha ha Kiran your showing your an Indian ways Britisher :-) its Brits Terra sure here you go Sophie :-) hes great

  16. What lovely scones these are, sounds like a delightful book :)

  17. These scones look fabulous. I'm going to have to give them a try. Thanks for posting. You may also like my delicious and healthy peanut butter and jelly muffins:

  18. Hi Rebecca,
    Glad you like Short & Sweet, and we do hope that it will go into an American edition! Thank you also for publishing a link back to one of Dan's recipes on The Guardian's website, and for not just putting the recipe on your blog. It does actually help if people have to go to The Guardian for a recipe, they will notice which of their writers generate the most page impressions and this doesn't happen if the recipes are cut and pasted. We also ask people not to cherrypick the recipes in the book and to put them onto blogs, with so many food bloggers now, it's really too easy for an entire book to end up online in no time, and we would ask people not to be part of that.
    Best wishes,
    David Whitehouse, Editor, Short & Sweet

  19. Alisa thanks Missy ok
    David I totally agree never to put recipes on blogs from books, hope I didn't do anything wrong but adding the scone recipe :-), I adore Dan and want to promote him


  20. Hi Rebecca,
    I think you did it just perfectly, I just thought that for any other food bloggers who happened along, I'd explain one or two of the reasons why I always advise giving a link to a recipe, rather than posting it. You're doing a great job here!
    Best wishes,

  21. thanks David appreciate that :-) I shared your blog by the way to make others aware


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