Date Shake

Here's a wonderfully simple milk shake made with dates, dates are a great source of fiber, potassium, minerals and carotenoids. They are famous in the middle east and were introduced by the Persians around 550 BC Arabian warrior's brought them. I would imagine they made a wonderful easy to carry energy rich snack. Date's are grown on a palm tree in hotter climates and traditionally dates and milk are eating to break fast during Ramadan. The palm leaves from date palm are also often used to make crosses during palm Sunday. 

 Our daughter loves them and calls them big raisins, they make a great naturally sweet snack. 

from wikipedia 


  • one cup of milk
  • about 6 dates
  • a little sugar is needed, but honestly most dates are naturally sweet enough and its not needed

  1. add milk and dates to a blended and blend
  2. enjoy

In other news, voting ended yesterday for the Shorty awards (social media awards) and I am in 5th with 251 votes, the support from friends, bloggers and fellow dietitians has been amazing truly honored to know you all. So now we just wait and see what the judges decide, finger's and toes crossed :-)

Have a fun weekend everyone 


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  1. I quite fancy this and I love dates so..... Diane

  2. delicious I find dates so nice and my mom adore them, nice recipe rebecca

  3. The Date Shake...would be a cute Valentines post too :)
    What a lovely combination!

    Toes, fingers..and eyes are crossed!

  4. Ha, I love that Jasmine calls dates big raisins :) That's really cute. I'm a big fan of dates, such a great source of sweetness and a good sugar replacement too.

  5. Diane you will love it :-), Gloria thanks, Sandi thanks so much my friend, Victoria yep so true, Torview thanks Anna he he so agree

  6. Congratulations on Shorty!!

    The date shake sounds yummy.

  7. I am reminded again why I need to keep dates stocked in my pantry... And congrats on the Shorty - can't wait to hear the outcome!

  8. That's a great shake. My husband has been on a diet and has banned chocolates from the house. After dinner, instead of eating chocolates he eats fresh dates - and now he says he prefers them! Like you say, they are naturally sweet enough. Oh - and he's lost 10kg!

    1. wow impressive weight loss :-) great job to your hubs

  9. I have fingers and toes crossed for you too. What an honor just to be in the competition Rebecca. I know you'll do well.

    Never thought of dates in a shake. Great idea. I might have to start calling them big raisins too. How cute.

  10. Good luck on the award! I like dates but never had a date shake, looks delicious, I'll have to give it a try.

  11. Love dates; what an original way of enjoying them; looks real good.
    Congratulations again; you are one modern Social girl.

  12. Sounds delicious. I was going to pick up some dates yesterday, but I couldn't find any.

    1. fresh market has good ones wish they were cheaper :-)

  13. oh yum! i don't eat dates near enough, this looks delicious!

  14. what a fun idea for a shake- I would never think to try this!

  15. Big raisins..that's so cute :-)I love dates in anything. Have to try this

  16. My father loved dates, Rebecca. I've never cared much for them, but this is an interesting way to use them.
    Good luck with the results!

  17. I should try this, easy to make for one. My husband is not a fan of dates but I love them. We used to have a huge date palm in our front yard but it died.

    Good luck, my finger's are crossed.

  18. Love dates, but never thought of using them in a shake...nice idea.

  19. I love to snack on dates as they are naturally sweet and tasty. My favorite are the Medjool dates, very moist and delicious. I will have to try this shake when I get a new batch of dates.

  20. I love this - and will do it - without the sugar. Dates are plenty sweet for me.

  21. Hi Rebecca,
    I love dates, naturally sweet. So when I am craving sugar and want to be good I grab a handful of these. I love the idea of a date milkshake. Would love to try it out.

  22. What a brilliant idea! I have always loved dates, especially in sticky toffee pudding, but would never have thought to make a drink out of them. Can't wait to give this a try!

  23. I love the simplicity of the shake! It sounds delicious, and they do look like big raisins:-) Hugs, Terra

  24. we make this often in India, as we get date syrup and it is considered so healthy, now i should try making them soon :)

  25. I love dates a lot & a date shake is exactly what I need right now! :)
    Thanks for the inspiration! :)


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