Mahane Yehuda Market שוק מחנה יהודה

I met David on Twitter @LoneTreeBeer he is fun guy from Scotland now in Israel who loves his Mrs. and has 2 grown daughters and 2 sons. He enjoys good food and often tweets pictures when he visits his local market like he did the other day. I saved them on my phone and asked him for a guest post. As us food lovers love a good tour of the fruit and vegetable market!

I came to Israel, from Scotland, in 1983 - to discover what the country was all about....
I had graduated from Glasgow and London Universities, and so I now wanted to take some time off and do something a wee bit different.

During this year in Israel, I first learnt some basic Hebrew and then managed to get a job in Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem, as a research assistant.
And I had a great time.
So when I was offered to start a PhD program in Infectious Diseases, I jumped at the opportunity - largely, as an excuse to stay here.

After about three years of research - and becoming totally frustrated with my progress - I decided to take a Sabbatical year.
I learnt Landscape Gardening....and never returned to my doctorate!

!n 1989, I formed my own design and landscaping company "White Flower Gardening" 

which keeps me busy - even today.

About 3 years ago, together with another couple, we started developing the idea of setting up a craft brewery.
Like the wine market of ten years ago, the idea of craft breweries was just starting to take off in Israel.

We had all been home brewers before - and we all enjoyed great beer - so we developed a proper business plan for the Lone Tree Brewery ("The Lone Tree" is the symbol of Gush Etzion - the area of Israel, just south of Jerusalem, where we live).

Like most new businesses, the beginning is very hard;
we decided to build a 50 meter building - a nano brewery - as a 'proof of concept' - to develop our own beer styles, to prove that we could work together and to verify that there was a real market for our beer.
After two years, I can now definitely  say, that we have now completed this testing stage - we make and sell great beer, albeit in small quantities.

We are now planning our "real" brewery - including a visitors center and pub/restaurant - looking for a great location and working with investors to raise the necessary funds.

This is a work in progress - but we are confident that we'll succeed! 


big cabbages


mini watermelons 


fresh lemons 

fresh dates, oh wow these look so good

and amazing breads

lunch wish it was mine!

fresh herbs 


So if your ever visiting Israel this would be a fun tour and a great beer to enjoy ;-)

David promoting this beer!


  1. You do meet the most interesting people; love this post full of new foodie stuff. I would love a tour and a taste his beer. Love that Market!

  2. Yay!! What nice pictures, I love to see these pictures around yhe markest in the world!!! amazing!! love this!

  3. Thanks for the article - Twitter's great - it's an outstanding opportunity to meet some amazing people Rebecca.
    I love to show people around Israel and especially around Jerusalem...its really so vastly different from what most people expect and from how we are portrayed in the media. It's really a fun, peaceful and beautiful wee country.
    I am very optimistic that our beer project will succeed - although I'm always happy to accept help - from any direction.
    Glad you liked the market pictures - it's a great place to just wander around ...watching, smelling .
    Regarding the camel picture - never again...hated ever second of that. Starting a new business is never easy - but it should also never include having to sit on the back of a camel!!

  4. Beautiful market pictures!!!! I met David on Twitter as @lonetreebeer.I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about him in this piece. Well done!

  5. What great photos, I love all of them, and I too would love to try his beer. Wish I could be on twitter fun to meet people from all walks of life and places all over the planet!

  6. I was honored to try Lone Tree beer when David was kind enough to send me 3 bottles of beer all the way to Los Angeles via kindly travellers! Excellent! (I wrote about it here: I wish him every success!

  7. I envy you: all this fresh vegetables and fruits! I wish I was there...

  8. Rita oh love twitter for that
    Gloria ;-)
    David thanks again
    Pam :-) great to have him
    lyndey -)
    Jean oh thats very cool
    Marina :-)

  9. Beautiful photos. Love all the color!

    1. thanks for stopping by Mark, would love to visit one day :0)

  10. So glad I introduced you both over virtual chantilly cream hot cocoa! Twitter can be amazing for connecting. How sweet of you Rebecca to share a spotlight on one of the wonderful year-round markets or shuks in Israel. David, Lovely guest-post and what an interesting background. Would love to try the Lone Tree on my next visit! Maybe at World Market soon? L'chaim cheers to you both!

    1. thanks Orly your a star always learn cool things tweeting with you

  11. That's a very delicious looking market!

  12. Love Lone Tree Beers and eagerly drink them whenever I get the chance! Lovely post, David.

  13. What a fun posting! Adore the photos - itching for the markets. Have a ways to go until they open!

  14. Wonderful!! Persimmons, and olives, and herbs, oh my!
    Would love to see Israel in person :)

  15. lovely pictures of fresh food looks wonderful

  16. Very nice. Brings back Israel to me. Miss home after seeing this! :)

  17. this was such a great post! so interesting :)

  18. Hey Rebecca, Happy Valentine's Day to you & your loved ones. OK! First thing first, David is such an interesting person. Thanks for sharing such wonderful post. My goodness, just look at those dates & olive. Salivating!
    Hope you're going to have the most romantic evening, dear.
    Kristy ((hugs))

  19. What a fun guest post...the produce looks amazing! I am sure this business will do amazingly well :)

  20. Kristy thanks so much hope your well hugs Alisha :-)


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