Wild Mushroom Soup

I made this lovely mushroom soup recently it was super easy and deliciously creamy, my little daughter loves mushrooms and loved the pack of wild mushrooms we got that day. She makes me smile as she really likes mushrooms and often picks enoki when we go shopping.


  • 2 cups of vegetable stock
  • a dash of white wine
  • about 2 tablespoon of butter
  • 1/2 an onion chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic chopped
  • one pack of baby bella mushrooms and one small pack (about a cup) of mixed wild mushrooms 
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup of fresh parsley chopped

  1. saute the onions and garlic in butter 
  2. add the mushrooms keeping a few for garnish and saute for about 8 minutes 
  3. add the wine, parsley and stock and simmer for an hour 
  4. blend until smooth
  5. season with salt and pepper and serve 

and remember mushrooms are super healthy rich in  Fiber, Protein, Vitamin C, Folate, Iron, Zinc and Manganese, and a very good source of Vitamin D, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Copper and Selenium.

Have a wonderful start to the week everyone :-)

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  1. Looks like my kind of soup Rebacca.

  2. Looks delicious. I have never had mushroom soup that didn't come from a packet or a can - it looks like a whole new, delicious world of flavor.

  3. I like any kind of mushroom soup. Looks delicious!

  4. rita will send you a bowl, Torview thanks, Angela oh u will love it yummychunklet thanks

  5. Lovely soup. Loved the picture too.

  6. It's amazing that Jasmine loves mushrooms at her age. She's got your genes Rebecca.

  7. I agree with Jasmine...enoki are hard to resist (they're just so cute)! This sounds like a fabulous bowl of soup.

  8. god I LOVE mushroom soup... this looks great and I love the added wine... very very nice x

  9. I see this as a lunch in my future - how grand that your daughter already loves mushrooms. It took my daughter 16 years.

  10. I made mushroom soup for dinner tonight but they were ordinary mushies that I bought for breakfast but hadn't used. I did serve it with roasted garlic and chive bread and we were both happy.

    your soup looks better than mine :)

  11. Yum, wild mushroom are good in everything. This soup sounds yummy! I am able to sneak a little mushrooms in my daughter's food. I know she will like them eventually, she's so good about trying new things. I guess that's what we do to our kids :)

  12. That looks delish, Rebecca. A lot of kids don't like mushrooms (one of mine didn't) so it's lovely that Jasmine does.
    (Hope the baby is much improved!)

  13. Lovely soup Rebecca, and looks so easy to make! My husband and I are both huge mushroom fans-just wish we could convince our kiddos too :-)

  14. Oh yum. Love mushroom soup and need to make it more often. That's great that your daughter loves mushrooms!

  15. So creamy looking - yum Rebecca! Terrific that your daughter likes mushrooms, you've done well mum ;)

    Been watching your award nomination progress, you're doing well!

  16. Hi Rebecca. OMG, this looks amazing. I love that your little daughter loves mushrooms. She has the makings of a pretty sophisticated little palate!!! have a great Monday.

  17. How wonderful that you have such a young mushroom lover! I love a good mushroom soup and this one sounds delicious

  18. Holy yummers -- I love mushroom soups! So glad the little one loves just as much, or even more ;)

  19. I hope you have a wonderful week too! You daughter has great taste, mushrooms rock!!! This looks delicious! Hugs, Terra

  20. So silky. I bet my kiddos would love this also, thanks for sharing!

  21. I love soups rebecca (every time) and this look delicious!!

  22. Rebecca, this mushroom soup looks great, I wonder if I could use dry mushrooms since I have a big container of mixed mushrooms.
    Thanks for this yummie soup and hope you are having a wonderful week :)

  23. That's one of my favorite soups!!! It looks and sounds so lovely. I don't think I enjoyed it much as a kid though!

  24. mmm...what a perfect soup for any time of year!

  25. Sophia he he Simply life yep loving soups right now

  26. This looks so delicious...mushroom soup is a favorite of mine as well :)


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