Sweet Potato and Chickpea Stew

This stew is so good, inspired by a recipe I saw on pinterest with my own twist I made it again yesterday and added Spinach. I was also happy that Jasmine liked it too. Super healthy with protein from the nuts and chickpeas, and anti oxidant rich carrots and sweet potatoes. 


  • one can of chickpeas
  • 2 cloves of chopped garlic
  • 1/2 a lime's juice
  • 1/4 cup freshly chopped cilantro
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1/2 a chopped red onion
  • 1/4 teaspoon coriander powder
  • one tomato chopped
  • one can of chopped tomatoes 
  • one large carrot chopped 
  • one large sweet potato chopped
  • 1/2 a cup of roughly chopped peanuts
  • salt to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Turkish seasoning
  • one cup of vegetable stock


  1. saute the onion and garlic in olive oil, add the cumin and coriander powders for 5 minutes
  2. add the tomato and let it form a paste 3 min
  3. then add the carrot, sweet potato, chickpeas, vegetable stock, lime juice, cilantro, Turkish spice and peanuts mix
  4. simmer for 20 minutes 
  5. enjoy 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone :-) 

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  1. This sounds delicious Rebecca! I've never heard of Turkish spice before-is there a good substitute you recommend?

  2. Very delish Combo DEar. Fabulous Recipe. Luv it!

  3. Oh that looks soo good Rebecca..must look more on pinterest *haha*making tomorrow :)

  4. I love sweet potatoes and chick peas but I have never heard of Turkish seasoning. This sounds delicious. Diane

  5. Chickpeas and sweet potatoes sound like a very healthy combination. How nice that Jasmine liked it too. Developing a young food palate must be exciting for you Rebecca.

    1. so true and am enjoying introducing her little bro to new food too :-)

  6. What a great new way to serve chickpeas. Looks delicious!

  7. Such a colorful and flavorful stew. Perfect for todays cold weather.

  8. yummm!!!, have a nice week end !

  9. I too had never heard of Turkish spice, and I have to admit that I have never used sumac, zatar either. I guess I will need to make a trip to the spice store. The soup sounds/looks delicious. I'll be pinning this. Thanks.

  10. That's comforting all the time. I never tried with sweet potato though.

  11. Serve this with roti must be nice too,. Love your beautiful plate. Have a nice weekend ahead Rebecca.

  12. This is the second chickpea recipe that I bookmarked today (I guess I crave chickpeas:)
    It looks really great, and my girls love chick peas. Have to give it a try:)


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